Geometric Flows Program Seminar: Wu Peng, Cornell Univ

Title: Recent development on four-dimensional gradient shrinking Ricci solitons
Speaker: Wu Peng, Cornell Univ
Date: Friday, October 17, 2014
Time: 01:30pm – 02:30pm
Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center


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Abstract: Ricci solitons were introduced by Richard Hamilton in mid 1980s to study singularity formations in the Ricci flow. Ricci solitons can be considered as natural extensions of Einstein metrics. In particular, shrinking Ricci solitons are self-similar solutions to the Ricci flow and model Type-I singularities. In this talk, I will discuss some recent results on the classification of four-dimensional gradient shrinking Ricci solitons. This is joint work with Jiayong Wu and William Wylie.