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2024 Simons Math Summer Workshop - Gavril Farkas
Name: Gavril Farkas
Event: 2024 Simons Math Summer Workshop
Title: The geometry of moduli of curves: new approaches via non-abelian Brill-Noether theory and tropical geometry
Date: 2024-07-05 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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2024 Simons Math Summer Workshop - John Pardon
Name: John Pardon
Event: 2024 Simons Math Summer Workshop
Title: Derived moduli spaces of pseudo-holomorphic curves
Date: 2024-07-05 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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2024 Simons Math Summer Workshop - Chenyang Xu
Name: Chenyang Xu
Event: 2024 Simons Math Summer Workshop
Title: K-moduli space of Fano varieties
Date: 2024-07-05 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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2024 Simons Math Summer Workshop - Eleny Ionel
Name: Eleny Ionel
Event: 2024 Simons Math Summer Workshop
Title: Moduli spaces of pseudo-holomorphic curves: a glimpse into their structure
Date: 2024-07-03 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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2024 Simons Math Summer Workshop - John Pardon
Name: John Pardon
Event: 2024 Simons Math Summer Workshop
Title: Derived moduli spaces of pseudo-holomorphic curves
Date: 2024-07-03 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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2024 Simons Math Summer Workshop - Chenyang Xu
Name: Chenyang Xu
Event: 2024 Simons Math Summer Workshop
Title: K-moduli space of Fano varieties
Date: 2024-07-03 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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2024 Simons Math Summer Workshop - Dusa McDuff
Name: Dusa McDuff
Event: 2024 Simons Math Summer Workshop
Title: Cuspidal curves, scattering diagrams and the stabilized ellipsoidal embedding conjecture
Date: 2024-07-02 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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2024 Simons Math Summer Workshop - Eleny Ionel
Name: Eleny Ionel
Event: 2024 Simons Math Summer Workshop
Title: Moduli spaces of pseudo-holomorphic curves: a glimpse into their structure
Date: 2024-07-02 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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2024 Simons Math Summer Workshop - Chenyang Xu
Name: Chenyang Xu
Event: 2024 Simons Math Summer Workshop
Title: K-moduli space of Fano varieties
Date: 2024-07-02 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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2024 Simons Math Summer Workshop - John Pardon
Name: John Pardon
Event: 2024 Simons Math Summer Workshop
Title: Derived moduli spaces of pseudo-holomorphic curves
Date: 2024-07-01 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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2024 Simons Math Summer Workshop - Eleny Ionel
Name: Eleny Ionel
Event: 2024 Simons Math Summer Workshop
Title: Moduli spaces of pseudo-holomorphic curves: a glimpse into their structure
Date: 2024-07-01 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Nicholas Williams
Name: Nicholas Williams
Event: Program: Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Donaldson–Thomas invariants for the Bridgeland–Smith correspondence
Date: 2024-06-18 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Dmitry Korotkin
Name: Dmitry Korotkin
Event: Program: Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: WKB expansion of Yang-Yang generating function for second order equation and monodromy dependence of the Jimbo-Miwa tau-function
Date: 2024-06-17 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Lotte Hollands
Name: Lotte Hollands
Event: Program: Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Spectral networks and spectral determinants
Date: 2024-06-14 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Andrew Neitzke
Name: Andrew Neitzke
Event: Program: Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Introduction to spectral networks
Date: 2024-06-13 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - François Labourie
Name: François Labourie
Event: Program: Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Poisson algebra, combinatorics and representations of surface groups
Date: 2024-06-12 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Andrew Neitzke
Name: Andrew Neitzke
Event: Program: Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Introduction to spectral networks
Date: 2024-06-11 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Michael Wolf
Name: Michael Wolf
Event: Program: Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Rays of Holomorphic Differentials
Date: 2024-06-10 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Pietro Longhi
Name: Pietro Longhi
Event: Workshop Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Exponential networks
Date: 2024-06-07 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Qianyu Hao
Name: Qianyu Hao
Event: Workshop Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Abelianization of Virasoro conformal blocks at $c=1$
Date: 2024-06-07 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Kohei Iwaki
Name: Kohei Iwaki
Event: Workshop Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Conjectures on Resurgent Structure of Topological Recursion and BPS Invariants
Date: 2024-06-06 @4:10 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Yan Zhou
Name: Yan Zhou
Event: Workshop Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: WKB Analysis and Stokes Geometry
Date: 2024-06-06 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Ian Le
Name: Ian Le
Event: Workshop Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Spectral networks from Legendrian weaves
Date: 2024-06-06 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Yu Qiu
Name: Yu Qiu
Event: Workshop Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Moduli spaces of quadratic differentials: Abel-Jacobi map and deformation
Date: 2024-06-06 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Physics Seminar - Francesco Sannino
Name: Francesco Sannino
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Living on the Edge: Quantum Black Hole Physics From the Event Horizon
Date: 2024-06-05 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Sergey Cherkis
Name: Sergey Cherkis
Event: Workshop Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: The Landscape of Tesserons
Date: 2024-06-05 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Eric Zaslow
Name: Eric Zaslow
Event: Workshop Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Skeins, Clusters and Wavefunctions
Date: 2024-06-05 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Marco Bertola
Name: Marco Bertola
Event: Workshop Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Quadratic differential in approximation theory on Riemann surfaces
Date: 2024-06-04 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Scott Mullane
Name: Scott Mullane
Event: Workshop Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Weil-Petersson volumes and wall crossing for moduli spaces of cone surfaces
Date: 2024-06-04 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Anna Barbieri
Name: Anna Barbieri
Event: Workshop Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Multi-scale stability conditions for An-Ginzburg categories
Date: 2024-06-04 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Tony Licata
Name: Tony Licata
Event: Workshop Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Spherical objects and expansive frameworks in 2 CY categories
Date: 2024-06-04 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Andrea Tamburelli
Name: Andrea Tamburelli
Event: Workshop Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Cubic differentials and harmonic maps into real buildings
Date: 2024-06-03 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Charlie Reid
Name: Charlie Reid
Event: Workshop Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Boundaries of Hitchin components
Date: 2024-06-03 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Paul Apisa
Name: Paul Apisa
Event: Workshop Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Affine surfaces, monodromy, and the moduli space of meromorphic connections on Riemann surfaces
Date: 2024-06-03 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Dawei Chen
Name: Dawei Chen
Event: Workshop Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Differentials, Contractions, and Singularities
Date: 2024-06-03 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Andrew Neitzke
Name: Andrew Neitzke
Event: Program: Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Introduction to spectral networks
Date: 2024-05-31 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Simion Filip
Name: Simion Filip
Event: Program: Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Finiteness of totally geodesic hypersurfaces in variable negative curvature
Date: 2024-05-30 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Pierrick Bousseau
Name: Pierrick Bousseau
Event: Program: Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Scattering Diagrams With a View Toward Spectral Networks
Date: 2024-05-30 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Physics Seminar - Zohar Nussinov
Name: Zohar Nussinov
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Generalized Symmetries, Dualities, Topological Orders, and Topological Quantum Field Theories
Date: 2024-05-29 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Pierrick Bousseau
Name: Pierrick Bousseau
Event: Program: Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Scattering Diagrams With a View Toward Spectral Networks
Date: 2024-05-29 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Pierrick Bousseau
Name: Pierrick Bousseau
Event: Program: Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Scattering Diagrams With a View Toward Spectral Networks
Date: 2024-05-28 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Hulya Arguz
Name: Hulya Arguz
Event: Program: Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: The KSBA Moduli Space of Log Calabi-Yau Surfaces
Date: 2024-05-24 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Tom Bridgeland
Name: Tom Bridgeland
Event: Program: Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Mini Course: Geometric Structures on Spaces of Stability Conditions Induced by Donaldson-Thomas Invariants
Date: 2024-05-24 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories - Emilie Huffman
Name: Emilie Huffman
Event: Workshop Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories
Title: Conformally Symmetric Views from a Fuzzy Sphere
Date: 2024-05-23 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories - Hersh Singh
Name: Hersh Singh
Event: Workshop Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories
Title: Fermionic anomalies on the lattice: the Ginsparg-Wilson relation and its generalizations
Date: 2024-05-23 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories - Aleksey Cherman
Name: Aleksey Cherman
Event: Workshop Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories
Title: Exact lattice chiral symmetry in 2d gauge theory
Date: 2024-05-23 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Tom Bridgeland
Name: Tom Bridgeland
Event: Program: Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Geometric structures on spaces of stability conditions induced by Donaldson-Thomas invariants
Date: 2024-05-23 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories - Theo Jacobson
Name: Theo Jacobson
Event: Workshop Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories
Title: Modified Villain Hamiltonians and Lattice Chern-Simons Theory
Date: 2024-05-23 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories - Yoshio Kikukawa
Name: Yoshio Kikukawa
Event: Workshop Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories
Title: The integrability of chiral determinant in anomaly-free chiral lattice gauge theories
Date: 2024-05-22 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories - Philip Boyle Smith
Name: Philip Boyle Smith
Event: Workshop Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories
Title: SMG=MG
Date: 2024-05-22 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Alexander Goncharov
Name: Alexander Goncharov
Event: Program: Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Exponential volumes of moduli spaces of hyperbolic surfaces
Date: 2024-05-22 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories - Juven Wang
Name: Juven Wang
Event: Workshop Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories
Title: Generation Puzzle (3= 48/16 = 45/15 = 24/8) and Strong CP Puzzle
Date: 2024-05-22 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories - Anna Hasenfratz
Name: Anna Hasenfratz
Event: Workshop Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories
Title: Phase structure of 8 flavor SU(3) gauge theory
Date: 2024-05-22 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Tom Bridgeland
Name: Tom Bridgeland
Event: Program: Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Geometric structures on spaces of stability conditions induced by Donaldson-Thomas invariants
Date: 2024-05-22 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories - Simon Catterall
Name: Simon Catterall
Event: Workshop Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories
Title: Exact lattice anomalies and SMG for Kaehler-Dirac fermions
Date: 2024-05-22 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories - Xiao-Gang Wen
Name: Xiao-Gang Wen
Event: Workshop Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories
Title: Three approaches to chiral fermion problem via mirror fermions: composite fermion, anomaly, and non-linear sigma model
Date: 2024-05-21 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories - Yi-Zhuang You
Name: Yi-Zhuang You
Event: Workshop Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories
Title: Gauge response of Green's function zeros
Date: 2024-05-21 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories - Dachuan Lu
Name: Dachuan Lu
Event: Workshop Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories
Title: Generalized lattice gauging
Date: 2024-05-21 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories - Laurens Lootens
Name: Laurens Lootens
Event: Workshop Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories
Title: Tensor networks for generalized symmetries, duality and chiral fermions
Date: 2024-05-21 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories - Gertian Roose
Name: Gertian Roose
Event: Workshop Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories
Title: Tensor networks for lattice field theory
Date: 2024-05-21 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Fabian Haiden
Name: Fabian Haiden
Event: Program: Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Introduction of stability conditions
Date: 2024-05-21 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories - Cenke Xu
Name: Cenke Xu
Event: Workshop Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories
Title: Various aspects of symmetric mass generation
Date: 2024-05-21 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories - Diego Delmastro
Name: Diego Delmastro
Event: Workshop Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories
Title: Boundaries, Anomalies, Scattering
Date: 2024-05-20 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories - Srimoyee Sen
Name: Srimoyee Sen
Event: Workshop Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories
Title: Weyl fermions on a finite lattice
Date: 2024-05-20 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories - Shu-Heng Shao
Name: Shu-Heng Shao
Event: Workshop Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories
Title: Non-invertible and chiral symmetries
Date: 2024-05-20 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories - Maarten Golterman
Name: Maarten Golterman
Event: Workshop Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories
Title: Propagator zeros and lattice chiral gauge theories
Date: 2024-05-20 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories - Yigal Shamir
Name: Yigal Shamir
Event: Workshop Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories
Title: Conserved currents in five-dimensional proposals for lattice chiral gauge theories
Date: 2024-05-20 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Fabian Haiden
Name: Fabian Haiden
Event: Program: Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Introduction of stability conditions
Date: 2024-05-20 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories - David B. Kaplan
Name: David B. Kaplan
Event: Workshop Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories
Title: Chiral Gauge Theory at the Boundary between Topological Phases
Date: 2024-05-20 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Fabian Haiden
Name: Fabian Haiden
Event: Program: Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Introduction of stability conditions
Date: 2024-05-17 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Anton Zorich
Name: Anton Zorich
Event: Program: Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Some basic facts about geometry and dynamics of moduli space of quadratic differentials
Date: 2024-05-16 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Physics Seminar - Tarun Grover
Name: Tarun Grover
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Separability as a window into many-body mixed-state phases
Date: 2024-05-15 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Anton Zorich
Name: Anton Zorich
Event: Program: Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Some basic facts about geometry and dynamics of moduli space of quadratic differentials
Date: 2024-05-15 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials - Anton Zorich
Name: Anton Zorich
Event: Program: Geometric, Algebraic, and Physical structures around the moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials
Title: Some basic facts about geometry and dynamics of moduli space of quadratic differentials
Date: 2024-05-14 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Sriram Ganeshan
Name: Sriram Ganeshan
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Weakly nonlinear dynamics of fractional quantum Hall edge: A hydro perspective
Date: 2024-05-10 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Colin Rylands
Name: Colin Rylands
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Nonequilibrium full counting statistics in integrable models
Date: 2024-05-10 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Osamu Fujino
Name: Osamu Fujino
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Some Remarks on Weakly Positive Sheaves
Date: 2024-05-10 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Sho Tanimoto
Name: Sho Tanimoto
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Campana Rationally Connectedness and Weak Approximation
Date: 2024-05-09 @4:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Andreas Horing
Name: Andreas Horing
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: KLT Degenerations of Projective Spaces
Date: 2024-05-09 @2:45 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Yuri Tschinkel
Name: Yuri Tschinkel
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Equivariant Birational Geometry
Date: 2024-05-09 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Elham Izadi
Name: Elham Izadi
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Szego Kernels and the Scorza Map on Moduli Spaces of Spin Curves
Date: 2024-05-09 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Lectures in Mathematics: Assaf Naor
Name: Assaf Naor
Event: Math Colloquium
Title: Unplanned consequences of the Ribe program, part III: Introduction
Date: 2024-05-09 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Frederic Campana
Name: Frederic Campana
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: On a conjecture of Mihnea Popa
Date: 2024-05-09 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Science Playwriting Competition Staged Readings
Name: Musical Performance
Event: Art Program Talks
Date: 2024-05-08 @5:00 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Radu M. Laza
Name: Radu M. Laza
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Remarks on Calabi-Yau Degenerations
Date: 2024-05-08 @4:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Enrica Floris
Name: Enrica Floris
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: On Algebraic Subgroups of The Cremona Group
Date: 2024-05-08 @2:45 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Lectures in Mathematics: Assaf Naor
Name: Assaf Naor
Event: Math Colloquium
Title: Unplanned consequences of the Ribe program, part II: Introduction
Date: 2024-05-08 @2:15 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Adrian Langer
Name: Adrian Langer
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Projective Contact Log Varieties
Date: 2024-05-08 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Physics Seminar - Vladimir Rosenhaus
Name: Vladimir Rosenhaus
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Wave turbulence and quantum field theory
Date: 2024-05-08 @1:00 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Adrien Dubouloz
Name: Adrien Dubouloz
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Additive Group Actions, Polar Cylinders and Rigidity of Briekson-Pham Hypersurfaces
Date: 2024-05-08 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Shigeru Mukai
Name: Shigeru Mukai
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Vinberg Surface of Discriminant 3 and Cubic 4-Folds with Many Cusps
Date: 2024-05-08 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Olivier Wittenberg
Name: Olivier Wittenberg
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Levels of Function Fields of Real Varieties
Date: 2024-05-07 @4:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Stefan Schreieder
Name: Stefan Schreieder
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Curves on Powers of Hyperelliptic Jacobians
Date: 2024-05-07 @2:45 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Lectures in Mathematics: Assaf Naor
Name: Assaf Naor
Event: Math Colloquium
Title: Unplanned consequences of the Ribe program, part I: Introduction
Date: 2024-05-07 @2:15 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Konstantin Loginov
Name: Konstantin Loginov
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Finite Abelian Subgroups in the Space Cremona Group
Date: 2024-05-07 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Hiroshi Iritani
Name: Hiroshi Iritani
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Decomposition of Quantum Cohomology Under Blowups
Date: 2024-05-07 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Helene Esnault
Name: Helene Esnault
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Survey on Properties of Rigid Local Systems
Date: 2024-05-07 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Paul Hacking
Name: Paul Hacking
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: On The Morrison Cone Conjecture for Calabi--Yau 3-Folds
Date: 2024-05-06 @4:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Lena Ji
Name: Lena Ji
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Rationality Criteria for Conic Bundle Threefolds Over Non-Closed Fields
Date: 2024-05-06 @2:45 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Brian Lehmann
Name: Brian Lehmann
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Restriction Theorems for Curves
Date: 2024-05-06 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Christian Schnell
Name: Christian Schnell
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: A Hodge-Theoretic Proof of Hwang's Theorem
Date: 2024-05-06 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Rafael Nepomechie
Name: Rafael Nepomechie
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Bethe state preparation
Date: 2024-05-06 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Janos Kollar
Name: Janos Kollar
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Smoothing Algebraic Cycles Below the Middle Dimension
Date: 2024-05-06 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond - Victor Gurarie
Name: Victor Gurarie
Event: Workshop New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond
Title: Spectral Form Factors of attractively interacting fermions
Date: 2024-05-03 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond - Alex Levchenko
Name: Alex Levchenko
Event: Workshop New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond
Title: Hydrodynamic transport of Dirac plasma in graphene
Date: 2024-05-03 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond - Vincenzo Alba
Name: Vincenzo Alba
Event: Workshop New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond
Title: Negative tripartite information after quantum quenches in integrable systems
Date: 2024-05-03 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond - Shinsei Ryu
Name: Shinsei Ryu
Event: Workshop New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond
Title: Quantum anomalies in driven and dissipative quantum many-body systems
Date: 2024-05-03 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond - Max Metlitski
Name: Max Metlitski
Event: Workshop New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond
Title: The Kondo model at large spin
Date: 2024-05-03 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond - Pasquale Calabrese
Name: Pasquale Calabrese
Event: Workshop New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond
Title: Quantum Mpemba effect
Date: 2024-05-02 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond - Boris Svistunov
Name: Boris Svistunov
Event: Workshop New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond
Title: Counterflow superfluids and transverse quantum fluids: When Mottness cooperates with supertransport
Date: 2024-05-02 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond - Gesualdo Delfino
Name: Gesualdo Delfino
Event: Workshop New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond
Title: Time evolution in isolated quantum systems out of equilibrium
Date: 2024-05-02 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond - Klaus Richter
Name: Klaus Richter
Event: Workshop New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond
Title: Steering far from equilibrium many-body quantum dynamics through chaos control
Date: 2024-05-01 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond - Angela Foerster
Name: Angela Foerster
Event: Workshop New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond
Title: Integrability in the design and control of quantum devices
Date: 2024-05-01 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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Physics Seminar - Oscar Varela
Name: Oscar Varela
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: An Exceptional Approach to Kaluza-Klein Spectroscopy
Date: 2024-05-01 @2:15 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond - Jacobus Verbaarschot
Name: Jacobus Verbaarschot
Event: Workshop New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond
Title: Emergent Topology in Many-Body Dissipative Quantum Chaos
Date: 2024-05-01 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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Special Seminar by David Ben Zvi
Name: David Ben-Zvi
Event: talk
Title: Fixed points, traces and characters
Date: 2024-05-01 @1:00 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond - William Witczak-Krempa
Name: William Witczak-Krempa
Event: Workshop New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond
Title: The Fate of Entanglement
Date: 2024-05-01 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond - Ana Maria Rey
Name: Ana Maria Rey
Event: Workshop New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond
Title: Quantum Simulation of Dynamical Phases of BCS Superconductors
Date: 2024-05-01 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond - Rozario Fazio
Name: Rozario Fazio
Event: Workshop New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond
Title: Measurement induced transition in long-range systems
Date: 2024-04-30 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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SCGP Weekly Talk - David Ben-Zvi
Name: David Ben-Zvi
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Arithmetic Electric-Magnetic Duality
Date: 2024-04-30 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond - Jedediah Pixley
Name: Jedediah Pixley
Event: Workshop New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond
Title: Controlling Chaos with Measurements and Feedback
Date: 2024-04-30 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond - Aditi Mitra
Name: Aditi Mitra
Event: Workshop New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond
Title: A Universal Model of Floquet Operator Krylov Space
Date: 2024-04-30 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond - Alexander Altland
Name: Alexander Altland
Event: Workshop New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond
Title: Tensor product random matrix theory
Date: 2024-04-30 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond - Charlotte Fløe Kristjansen
Name: Charlotte Fløe Kristjansen
Event: Workshop New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond
Title: Integrable and non-integrable quenches from AdS/CFT
Date: 2024-04-29 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond - Francisco Alcaraz
Name: Francisco Alcaraz
Event: Workshop New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond
Title: General Free Fermionic and Parafermionic Quantum Chains
Date: 2024-04-29 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond - Balázs Sandor Pozsgai
Name: Balázs Sandor Pozsgai
Event: Workshop New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond
Title: Quantum circuits and real time dynamics with free fermions in disguise
Date: 2024-04-29 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond - Andre Leclair
Name: Andre Leclair
Event: Workshop New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond
Title: The sinh-Gordon model beyond the self-dual point and freezing transitions in disordered systems
Date: 2024-04-29 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond - Paul Fendley
Name: Paul Fendley
Event: Workshop New directions in far from equilibrium integrability and beyond
Title: Free fermions in disguise
Date: 2024-04-29 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Ilya Gruzberg
Name: Ilya Gruzberg
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Multifractals and conformal invariance at Anderson transitions.
Date: 2024-04-26 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Vladimir Kravtsov
Name: Vladimir Kravtsov
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Two-parameter renormalization group for Anderson localization on Random Regular Graph
Date: 2024-04-25 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Sergej Flach
Name: Sergej Flach
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: hermalization Universality Classes for Weakly Nonintegrable Many-Body Dynamics
Date: 2024-04-24 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Ignacio Garcia-Mata
Name: Ignacio Garcia-Mata
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Out-of-time-order correlators: chaos, integrability and classical approach to equilibrium
Date: 2024-04-23 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Alexei Tsvelik
Name: Alexei Tsvelik
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Chiral Kondo lattices as platforms for anyons
Date: 2024-04-22 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Marcos Rigol
Name: Marcos Rigol
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Quantum chaos versus integrability
Date: 2024-04-19 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Marcos Rigol
Name: Marcos Rigol
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Quantum chaos versus integrability
Date: 2024-04-18 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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History of Music Concert Series
Name: Musical Performance
Event: Art Program Talks
Title: Medley: A Historical Sampling of Baroque to Modern Music
Date: 2024-04-17 @5:00 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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Physics Seminar - Edward Mazenc
Name: Edward Mazenc
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Strings From Feynman Diagrams
Date: 2024-04-17 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Felix Izrailev
Name: Felix Izrailev
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Quantum-classical approach to the problem of thermalization in one-dimensional spin systems
Date: 2024-04-17 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Anatoli polkovnikov
Name: Anatoli polkovnikov
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Defining quantum and classical chaos through adiabatic complexity
Date: 2024-04-17 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Anatoli polkovnikov
Name: Anatoli polkovnikov
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Defining quantum and classical chaos through adiabatic complexity
Date: 2024-04-15 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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Entanglement, thermalization, and holography - Oliver Keith Baker
Name: Oliver Keith Baker
Event: Workshop Entanglement, thermalization, and holography
Title: Discussion - Entanglement and Experiment
Date: 2024-04-12 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Entanglement, thermalization, and holography - Dmitri Kharzeev and Wilke van der Schee
Name: Dmitri Kharzeev
Event: Workshop Entanglement, thermalization, and holography
Title: Discussion - Initial Conditions: CGC vs. Holography
Date: 2024-04-12 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Entanglement, thermalization, and holography - Matthew Headrick
Name: Matthew Headrick
Event: Workshop Entanglement, thermalization, and holography
Title: Discussion - Dynamics of Entanglement in QFT and Holography
Date: 2024-04-11 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Entanglement, thermalization, and holography - David Berenstein
Name: David Berenstein
Event: Workshop Entanglement, thermalization, and holography
Title: Large-N QCD on a Quantum Computer
Date: 2024-04-11 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Entanglement, thermalization, and holography - Brian Swingle
Name: Brian Swingle
Event: Workshop Entanglement, thermalization, and holography
Title: Discussion - Entanglement Renormalization
Date: 2024-04-11 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Entanglement, thermalization, and holography - Martin Savage
Name: Martin Savage
Event: Workshop Entanglement, thermalization, and holography
Title: Discussion - Quantum Simulation of Gauge Theories
Date: 2024-04-11 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Entanglement, thermalization, and holography - Christoph Uhlemann
Name: Christoph Uhlemann
Event: Workshop Entanglement, thermalization, and holography
Title: Discussion - Black Holes and Information Beyond 2 Dimensions
Date: 2024-04-10 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Entanglement, thermalization, and holography - Thomas Barthel
Name: Thomas Barthel
Event: Workshop Entanglement, thermalization, and holography
Title: Tensor Network State Simulations and Entanglement
Date: 2024-04-10 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Physics Seminar - Deog-ki Hong
Name: Deog-ki Hong
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Revisiting Chiral Magnetic Effects and Axions
Date: 2024-04-10 @1:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Entanglement, thermalization, and holography - Sebastian Waeber
Name: Sebastian Waeber
Event: Workshop Entanglement, thermalization, and holography
Title: Holography for Nuclear Collisions
Date: 2024-04-10 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Entanglement, thermalization, and holography - Hong Liu
Name: Hong Liu
Event: Workshop Entanglement, thermalization, and holography
Title: Entanglement and Chaos
Date: 2024-04-10 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Entanglement, thermalization, and holography - Herman Verlinde
Name: Herman Verlinde
Event: Workshop Entanglement, thermalization, and holography
Title: Discussion - ER = EPR
Date: 2024-04-09 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Entanglement, thermalization, and holography - Jacobus Verbaarschot
Name: Jacobus Verbaarschot
Event: Workshop Entanglement, thermalization, and holography
Title: Random Matrix Theory, Chaos, and Many-Body Quantum Systems
Date: 2024-04-09 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Entanglement, thermalization, and holography - Johanna Erdmenger
Name: Johanna Erdmenger
Event: Workshop Entanglement, thermalization, and holography
Title: Geometric phases and von Neumann algebras in AdS/CFT and in simple quantum systems
Date: 2024-04-09 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Thierry Giamarchi
Name: Thierry Giamarchi
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Quantum transport and out-of-equilibrium phenomena in quantum devices
Date: 2024-04-09 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Entanglement, thermalization, and holography - Anatoly Dymarsky
Name: Anatoly Dymarsky
Event: Workshop Entanglement, thermalization, and holography
Title: Time Scales of Thermalization
Date: 2024-04-09 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Entanglement, thermalization, and holography - Vijay Balasubramanian
Name: Vijay Balasubramanian
Event: Workshop Entanglement, thermalization, and holography
Title: Quantum Chaos and Complexity
Date: 2024-04-08 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Entanglement, thermalization, and holography - David Mateos
Name: David Mateos
Event: Workshop Entanglement, thermalization, and holography
Title: Holography in the Gravitational Wave Era
Date: 2024-04-08 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Entanglement, thermalization, and holography - Ahmed Almheiri
Name: Ahmed Almheiri
Event: Workshop Entanglement, thermalization, and holography
Title: The Central Dogma of Black Hole Physics
Date: 2024-04-08 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Entanglement, thermalization, and holography - Nicole Yunger Halpern
Name: Nicole Yunger Halpern
Event: Workshop Entanglement, thermalization, and holography
Title: Nonabelian Eigenstate Thermalization
Date: 2024-04-08 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Fabian Essler
Name: Fabian Essler
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Integrable Lindblad Equations
Date: 2024-04-05 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Fabian Essler
Name: Fabian Essler
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Integrable Lindblad Equations
Date: 2024-04-04 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Physics Seminar - Surya Raghavendran
Name: Surya Raghavendran
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Twisted eleven-dimensional supergravity and exceptional simple infinite dimensional super-Lie algebras
Date: 2024-04-03 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Fabian Essler
Name: Fabian Essler
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Integrable Lindblad Equations
Date: 2024-04-03 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Vladimir Korepin
Name: Vladimir Korepin
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Optimal realization of Yang-Baxter gate on quantum computers
Date: 2024-04-01 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Dimitri Gangardt
Name: Dimitri Gangardt
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Limit Shape Transition in Full Counting Statistics
Date: 2024-04-01 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Smitha Vishveshwara
Name: Smitha Vishveshwara
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Probing anyon correlations and blackhole-like dynamics in the quantum Hall bulk
Date: 2024-03-29 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Pieter Claeys
Name: Pieter Claeys
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Integrable circuit dynamics
Date: 2024-03-28 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Art Program Talks - Robert Crease
Name: Robert Crease
Event: Art Program Talks
Title: The Leak: Politics, Activism, and Loss of Trust in Science
Date: 2024-03-27 @5:00 PM
Location: SCGP Auditorium 103
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Physics Seminar - Nathan Haouzi
Name: Nathan Haouzi
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Massive deformations of superconformal field theories from quantum groups
Date: 2024-03-27 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Pieter Claeys
Name: Pieter Claeys
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Integrable circuit dynamics
Date: 2024-03-27 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Pieter Claeys
Name: Pieter Claeys
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Integrable circuit dynamics
Date: 2024-03-26 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Carlos Bolech
Name: Carlos Bolech
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Bosonization and Regularization at the Boundaries of Equilibrium
Date: 2024-03-25 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Andreas Kluemper
Name: Andreas Kluemper
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Thermodynamics based on neural networks
Date: 2024-03-25 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Mark Rudner
Name: Mark Rudner
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: The "Universal Lindblad Equation:" what is it, why do we need it, and how accurate are its steady states?
Date: 2024-03-22 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Alex Kamenev
Name: Alex Kamenev
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Field Theory of Many-Body Lindbladian Dynamics
Date: 2024-03-21 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Physics Seminar - Yegor Zenkevich
Name: Yegor Zenkevich
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: An R-matrix construction of qq-characters
Date: 2024-03-20 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Alex Kamenev
Name: Alex Kamenev
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Field Theory of Many-Body Lindbladian Dynamics
Date: 2024-03-20 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Alex Kamenev
Name: Alex Kamenev
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Field Theory of Many-Body Lindbladian Dynamics
Date: 2024-03-18 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Romain Vasseur
Name: Romain Vasseur
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Physics in Integrable Heisenberg Models
Date: 2024-03-15 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry - Vladimir Korepin
Name: Vladimir Korepin
Event: Workshop: Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry
Title: Projector spin chains
Date: 2024-03-15 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry - Zohar Komargodski
Name: Zohar Komargodski
Event: Workshop: Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry
Title: Semi-Classical Physics at Large Quantum Numbers
Date: 2024-03-15 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry - Giuseppe Mussardo
Name: Giuseppe Mussardo
Event: Workshop: Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry
Title: Breaking of integrability
Date: 2024-03-14 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry - Vladimir Bazhanov
Name: Vladimir Bazhanov
Event: Workshop: Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry
Title: A brief history of the Yang-Baxter equation
Date: 2024-03-14 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry - Nikita Nekrasov
Name: Nikita Nekrasov
Event: Workshop: Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry
Title: BPZ equations in four dimensional physics
Date: 2024-03-13 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry - Alexander Migdal
Name: Alexander Migdal
Event: Workshop: Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry
Title: Dual Theory of Decaying Turbulence
Date: 2024-03-13 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry - Leonardo Rastelli
Name: Leonardo Rastelli
Event: Workshop: Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry
Title: Infinite Chiral Symmetry in Four Dimensional QFT
Date: 2024-03-13 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry - Rubik Poghossian
Name: Rubik Poghossian
Event: Workshop: Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry
Title: On Liouville Irregular States and Argyres-Douglas Theories
Date: 2024-03-12 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Alexander Abanov
Name: Alexander Abanov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Limit Shape Phase Transitions Hydrodynamic Approach.
Date: 2024-03-12 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry - Leon A. Takhtajan
Name: Leon A. Takhtajan
Event: Workshop: Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry
Title: BPZ Ward Identities and Kähler Metrics on the Moduli Spaces
Date: 2024-03-12 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry - Stefano Negro
Name: Stefano Negro
Event: Workshop: Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry
Title: A new representation of minimal form factors in Integrable QFTs
Date: 2024-03-11 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry - Mykola Dedushenko
Name: Mykola Dedushenko
Event: Workshop: Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry
Title: Integrability and vertex algebra in SUSY QFT
Date: 2024-03-11 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry - Alexander Polyakov
Name: Alexander Polyakov
Event: Workshop: Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry
Title: Tubulence in one dimension
Date: 2024-03-11 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Romain Vasseur
Name: Romain Vasseur
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Kardar-Parisi-Zhang physics in integrable Heisenberg models
Date: 2024-03-11 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry - Gregory Falkovich
Name: Gregory Falkovich
Event: Workshop: Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry
Title: Broken and emerging symmetries of turbulence
Date: 2024-03-11 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Tomasz Lukowski
Name: Tomasz Lukowski
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Solving (strikethrough N=4 SYM) ABJM theory via scattering amplitudes
Date: 2024-03-07 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Matthias Staudacher
Name: Matthias Staudacher
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Brick wall diagrams as a completely integrable system
Date: 2024-03-07 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Physics Seminar - Indranil Halder
Name: Indranil Halder
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Stretched horizon, replica trick, and off-shell winding condensate, and all that
Date: 2024-03-06 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Fernando Luis Alday
Name: Fernando Luis Alday
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Tree level string amplitudes on AdS
Date: 2024-03-06 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Fernando Luis Alday
Name: Fernando Luis Alday
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Tree level string amplitudes on AdS
Date: 2024-03-05 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Fernando Luis Alday
Name: Fernando Luis Alday
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Special Mini-Course Day 1/3: Tree level string amplitudes on AdS
Date: 2024-03-04 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Shruti Paranjape
Name: Shruti Paranjape
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: Loops in a loop expansion
Date: 2024-03-01 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Jacob Bourjaily
Name: Jacob Bourjaily
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: The Geometric, Algebraic, and Transcendental Structure of Perturbative QFT
Date: 2024-03-01 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Anne Spiering
Name: Anne Spiering
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: Towards Solving Two-Loop Scattering in Planar N=4 SYM Theory
Date: 2024-03-01 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Stefan Weinzierl
Name: Stefan Weinzierl
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: Trading a Calabi-Yau three-fold for a curve of genus two
Date: 2024-02-29 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Steven Charlton
Name: Steven Charlton
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: Symmetries of weight 6 multiple polylogarithms, and Goncharov's depth conjecture
Date: 2024-02-29 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Omer Gurdogan
Name: Omer Gurdogan
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: Antipodal Dualities: Reading form Factors Backwards
Date: 2024-02-29 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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talk - Maissam Barkeshli
Name: Maissam Barkeshli
Event: talk
Title: New Topological Invariants and Quantized Response of Crystalline Topological Phases of Matter
Date: 2024-02-29 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Lorenzo Tancredi
Name: Lorenzo Tancredi
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: Feynman Integrals and Feynman Amplitudes Beyond Polylogarithms
Date: 2024-02-29 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Jianrong Li
Name: Jianrong Li
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: Quantum Affine Algebras and their Applications to Scattering Amplitudes
Date: 2024-02-28 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Gregory Korchemsky
Name: Gregory Korchemsky
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: Tracy-Widom Distribution in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
Date: 2024-02-28 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Physics Seminar - Ofer Aharony
Name: Ofer Aharony
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Two Dimensional QCD as a String Theory
Date: 2024-02-28 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Lara Bossinger
Name: Lara Bossinger
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: The Gröbner theory of Scattering Amplitudes
Date: 2024-02-28 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Michael Green
Name: Michael Green
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: Novel features of modular forms arising in correlators of N=4 SYM
Date: 2024-02-28 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Livia Ferro
Name: Livia Ferro
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: Null-cone geometry for N=4 scattering amplitudes
Date: 2024-02-27 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - David Kosower
Name: David Kosower
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: Finite Feynman Integrals
Date: 2024-02-27 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Johannes Henn
Name: Johannes Henn
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: Coulomb Branch Amplitudes from a Deformed Amplituhedron Geometry
Date: 2024-02-27 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Melissa Sherman-Bennett
Name: Melissa Sherman-Bennett
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: Cluster adjacency and tilings for the m=4 amplituhedron
Date: 2024-02-27 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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General Lecture - Maissam Barkeshli
Name: Maissam Barkeshli
Event: talk
Title: Symmetry-enriched topological phases of matter and higher categories
Date: 2024-02-27 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Hugh Thomas
Name: Hugh Thomas
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: String-like amplitudes for surfaces beyond the disk
Date: 2024-02-26 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Frank Coronado
Name: Frank Coronado
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: Determinant operators and massive amplitudes in N=4 SYM
Date: 2024-02-26 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Johannes Broedel
Name: Johannes Broedel
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Towards a Kronecker function at genus two
Date: 2024-02-26 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Christian Zickert
Name: Christian Zickert
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: Holomorphic polylogarithms, motivic complexes, and differential forms
Date: 2024-02-26 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Gang Yang
Name: Gang Yang
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: Form Factor of the stress-tensor supermultiplet in N=4 SYM
Date: 2024-02-26 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - James Drummond
Name: James Drummond
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Solving N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory via Wilson Loops Day 3 of 3
Date: 2024-02-23 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - James Drummond
Name: James Drummond
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Solving N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory via Wilson Loops Day 1 of 3
Date: 2024-02-21 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Lance Dixon
Name: Lance Dixon
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Scattering Amplitudes from LHC to LIGO and Beyond
Date: 2024-02-20 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Chi Zhang
Name: Chi Zhang
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Elliptic bootstrap program through Schubert analysis
Date: 2024-02-20 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Zhenjie Li
Name: Zhenjie Li
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Kinematics, cluster algebras and Feynman integrals
Date: 2024-02-16 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Lance Dixon
Name: Lance Dixon
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Amplitude Bootstrap
Date: 2024-02-16 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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YITP Seminar Speaker - Frederica Surace
Name: Frederica Surace
Event: Physics Colloquium
Title: Exploring quantum many-body dynamics with quantum simulation
Date: 2024-02-15 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Lance Dixon
Name: Lance Dixon
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Amplitude Bootstrap
Date: 2024-02-15 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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Della Pietra High School Lecture - Jocelyn Bell Burnell
Name: Jocelyn Bell Burnell
Event: Della Pietra 2023-2024
Title: You are made of star stuff!
Date: 2024-02-15 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 103
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Della Pietra Public Lecture - Jocelyn Bell Burnell
Name: Jocelyn Bell Burnell
Event: Della Pietra 2023-2024
Title: Tick, tick, tick pulsating star, how we wonder what you are!
Date: 2024-02-14 @5:00 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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Physics Seminar - Pietro Benetti Genolini
Name: Pietro Benetti Genolini
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Equivariant localization for AdS/CFT
Date: 2024-02-14 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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Della Pietra Technical Talk - Jocelyn Bell Burnell
Name: Jocelyn Bell Burnell
Event: Della Pietra 2023-2024
Title: Women in Astrophysics
Date: 2024-02-14 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Lance Dixon
Name: Lance Dixon
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Amplitude Bootstrap
Date: 2024-02-12 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Matteo Licheri
Name: Matteo Licheri
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: Higher Derivative Corrections to String Inflation
Date: 2024-02-09 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Enrico Olivucci
Name: Enrico Olivucci
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Multipoint Feynman Diagrams via Integrability
Date: 2024-02-09 @11:15 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Calin Lazaroiu
Name: Calin Lazaroiu
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: Slow-roll rapid-turn metrics in two-field cosmology and contact Hamilton-Jacobi theory
Date: 2024-02-09 @11:15 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Diederik Roest
Name: Diederik Roest
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: Black hole binaries in more general relativity: perihelion precession and hidden symmetries
Date: 2024-02-09 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Krzysztof Turzynski
Name: Krzysztof Turzynski
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: Preheating and gravitational waves from geometrical destabilization
Date: 2024-02-09 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Katy Clough
Name: Katy Clough
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: The impact of modifications to gravity on inhomogeneous cosmologies
Date: 2024-02-08 @3:00 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Nemanja Kaloper
Name: Nemanja Kaloper
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: Falsifying Anthropics
Date: 2024-02-08 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Robert Rosati
Name: Robert Rosati
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: Searching for Early-Universe Multifield Dynamics with LISA
Date: 2024-02-08 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Xingang Chen
Name: Xingang Chen
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: Primordial features as probes of the primordial universe and high energy physics
Date: 2024-02-08 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Tianji Cai
Name: Tianji Cai
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Transformers to transform Scattering Amplitudes Calculation
Date: 2024-02-08 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Oksana Iarygina
Name: Oksana Iarygina
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: Non-Gaussianity in rapid-turn multi-field inflation
Date: 2024-02-08 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Cliff Burgess
Name: Cliff Burgess
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: The Gravity of Light Scalars (Naturally)
Date: 2024-02-08 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Rouzbeh Allahverdi
Name: Rouzbeh Allahverdi
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: Moduli and Postinflationary Thermal History
Date: 2024-02-07 @3:00 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Kuver Sinha
Name: Kuver Sinha
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: The String Landscape, SUSY Breaking, and Axions
Date: 2024-02-07 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Dominic Else
Name: Dominic Else
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: On Fermi surfaces: emergent symmetries and anomalies
Date: 2024-02-07 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Evangelos Sfakianakis
Name: Evangelos Sfakianakis
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: Probing the Axiverse with CMB Birefringence
Date: 2024-02-07 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Alexander Westphal
Name: Alexander Westphal
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: Gravitational Axiverse Spectroscopy: Seeing the Forest for the Axions
Date: 2024-02-07 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Amit Sever
Name: Amit Sever
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: The OPE approach for scattering amplitudes III
Date: 2024-02-07 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Filippo Revello
Name: Filippo Revello
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: String Theory and the First Half of the Universe
Date: 2024-02-07 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Fernando Quevedo
Name: Fernando Quevedo
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: De Sitter from Supergravity and F-theory?
Date: 2024-02-07 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Osmin Lacombe
Name: Osmin Lacombe
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: Hybrid inflation and waterfall field in string theory from D7-branes
Date: 2024-02-06 @3:00 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Ivonne Zavala
Name: Ivonne Zavala
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: Multifield inflation in supergravity and string theory: phenomenology and UV constraints
Date: 2024-02-06 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Ana Achucarro
Name: Ana Achucarro
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Cosmic inflation, reloaded
Date: 2024-02-06 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Marco Scalisi
Name: Marco Scalisi
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: Towers of species and cosmic acceleration
Date: 2024-02-06 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Timm Wrase
Name: Timm Wrase
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: Asymptotic accelerated expansion from spatial curvature
Date: 2024-02-06 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Amit Sever
Name: Amit Sever
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: The OPE approach for scattering amplitudes II
Date: 2024-02-06 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Flavio Tonioni
Name: Flavio Tonioni
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: Analytic bounds on asymptotic cosmologies, part 2
Date: 2024-02-06 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Gary Shiu
Name: Gary Shiu
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: Analytic bounds on asymptotic cosmologies, part 1
Date: 2024-02-06 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Jacopo Fumagalli
Name: Jacopo Fumagalli
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: PBHs, gravitational waves & loops in multifield inflation
Date: 2024-02-05 @3:00 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Perseas Christodoulidis
Name: Perseas Christodoulidis
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: Enhanced power spectra from multi-field inflation
Date: 2024-02-05 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Sebastien Renaux-Petel
Name: Sebastien Renaux-Petel
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: New particles in the sky
Date: 2024-02-05 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Lucas Pinol
Name: Lucas Pinol
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: Multifield inflation (with or) without models
Date: 2024-02-05 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Amit Sever
Name: Amit Sever
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: The OPE approach for scattering amplitudes
Date: 2024-02-05 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Spyros Sypsas
Name: Spyros Sypsas
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: Non-Gaussian statistics of de Sitter spectators: A perturbative derivation of stochastic dynamics
Date: 2024-02-05 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More - Gonzalo Palma
Name: Gonzalo Palma
Event: Workshop: Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More
Title: Revisiting stochastic inflation with perturbation theory
Date: 2024-02-05 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Kai Yan
Name: Kai Yan
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Novel Aspects of Energy Correlators
Date: 2024-02-02 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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YITP Seminar - Alireza Seif
Name: Alireza Seif
Event: talk
Title: Measurements, conditional operations, and entanglement dynamics in open quantum system
Date: 2024-02-01 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Andrew Mcleod
Name: Andrew Mcleod
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Bootstrapping Feynman Integrals via Landau Analysis
Date: 2024-02-01 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Hep-th journal club - Siwei Zhong
Name: Siwei Zhong
Event: talk
Title: Giant Vortex and Universalities in Spinning Superfluids
Date: 2024-01-31 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Henrik Johansson
Name: Henrik Johansson
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Constructing Non-Planar Integrands for N=4 SYM
Date: 2024-01-31 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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SCGP Weekly Talk - David Nadler
Name: David Nadler
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Dequantizing symplectic geometry
Date: 2024-01-30 @1:15 PM
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Program: Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Aidan Herderschee
Name: Aidan Herderschee
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Three Point Amplitudes in Matrix Theory
Date: 2024-01-30 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Robert Friedman
Name: Robert Friedman
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Higher rational singularities and deformation theory V
Date: 2024-01-26 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Carolina Figueiredo
Name: Carolina Figueiredo
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Gluons from Surfaces
Date: 2024-01-26 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Qianyu Chen
Name: Qianyu Chen
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Minimal exponent and singularities V
Date: 2024-01-26 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Ben Davison
Name: Ben Davison
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Purity and positivity in Donaldson-Thomas theory IV
Date: 2024-01-26 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Radu M. Laza
Name: Radu M. Laza
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Higher rational singularities and deformation theory IV
Date: 2024-01-25 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Song He
Name: Song He
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: The unity of colored scalars, pions and gluons
Date: 2024-01-25 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Ben Davison
Name: Ben Davison
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Purity and positivity in Donaldson-Thomas theory IV
Date: 2024-01-25 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Qianyu Chen
Name: Qianyu Chen
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Minimal exponent and singularities IV
Date: 2024-01-25 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Ruijie Yang
Name: Ruijie Yang
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Hodge modules and singular hermitian metrics
Date: 2024-01-24 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Ben Davison
Name: Ben Davison
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Purity and positivity in Donaldson-Thomas theory III
Date: 2024-01-24 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Marcus Spradlin
Name: Marcus Spradlin
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Cluster Algebras and Symbol Alphabets
Date: 2024-01-24 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Qianyu Chen
Name: Qianyu Chen
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Minimal exponent and singularities III
Date: 2024-01-24 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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QIS Faculty Job Talk - Dr. Nathanan Tantivasadakarn
Name: Nathanan Tantivasadakarn
Event: talk
Title: Sculpting quantum many-body states and quantum error correcting codes with measurements
Date: 2024-01-23 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Ben Davison
Name: Ben Davison
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Purity and positivity in Donaldson-Thomas theory II
Date: 2024-01-23 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Mircea Mustata
Name: Mircea Mustata
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Minimal exponent and singularities II
Date: 2024-01-23 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Radu M. Laza
Name: Radu M. Laza
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Higher rational singularities and deformation theory III
Date: 2024-01-23 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Marcus Spradlin
Name: Marcus Spradlin
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Cluster Algebras and Symbol Alphabets
Date: 2024-01-23 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Sung Gi Park
Name: Sung Gi Park
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Log canonical singularities are Du Bois
Date: 2024-01-22 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Mircea Mustata
Name: Mircea Mustata
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Minimal exponent and singularities I
Date: 2024-01-22 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Marcus Spradlin
Name: Marcus Spradlin
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Cluster Algebras and Symbol Alphabets
Date: 2024-01-22 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Ben Davison
Name: Ben Davison
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Purity and positivity in Donaldson-Thomas theory I
Date: 2024-01-22 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Hyunsuk Kim
Name: Hyunsuk Kim
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: L2 methods and Saito's vanishing theorem
Date: 2024-01-19 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Christian Schnell
Name: Christian Schnell
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Hodge theory and Lagrangian fibrations V
Date: 2024-01-19 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Dougal Davis
Name: Dougal Davis
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Mixed Hodge modules and representation theory V
Date: 2024-01-19 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Mihnea Popa
Name: Mihnea Popa
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: The Du Bois complex II
Date: 2024-01-18 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Robert Friedman
Name: Robert Friedman
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Higher rational singularities and deformation theory II
Date: 2024-01-18 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Dougal Davis
Name: Dougal Davis
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Mixed Hodge modules and representation theory IV
Date: 2024-01-18 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Christian Schnell
Name: Christian Schnell
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Hodge theory and Lagrangian fibrations IV
Date: 2024-01-18 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Lionel Mason
Name: Lionel Mason
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Strong coupling and the integrable geometry of kinematic space
Date: 2024-01-18 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Dougal Davis
Name: Dougal Davis
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Mixed Hodge modules and representation theory III
Date: 2024-01-17 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Mihnea Popa
Name: Mihnea Popa
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: The Du Bois complex I
Date: 2024-01-17 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Congkao Wen
Name: Congkao Wen
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Exact integrated correlators in N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory
Date: 2024-01-17 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Christian Schnell
Name: Christian Schnell
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Hodge theory and Lagrangian fibrations III
Date: 2024-01-17 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Lionel Mason
Name: Lionel Mason
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Strong coupling and the integrable geometry of kinematic space
Date: 2024-01-17 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Bradley Dirks
Name: Bradley Dirks
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: V-filtration and Hodge filtration in higher codimension
Date: 2024-01-16 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Dougal Davis
Name: Dougal Davis
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Mixed Hodge modules and representation theory II
Date: 2024-01-16 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Technical Lecture - Yin-Chen He
Name: Yin-Chen He
Event: talk
Title: Fuzzy Sphere regularization of 3D CFTs: Ising, defects, and gauge theories
Date: 2024-01-16 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Robert Friedman
Name: Robert Friedman
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Higher rational singularities and deformation theory I
Date: 2024-01-16 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Lionel Mason
Name: Lionel Mason
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Strong coupling and the integrable geometry of kinematic space
Date: 2024-01-16 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules - Christian Schnell
Name: Christian Schnell
Event: Workshop: Winter School on New Applications of Mixed Hodge Modules
Title: Hodge theory and Lagrangian fibrations II
Date: 2024-01-16 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Technical Lecture - Yin-Chen He
Name: Yin-Chen He
Event: talk
Title: Fuzzy Sphere regularization of 3D CFTs: Ising, defects, and gauge theories
Date: 2024-01-12 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Clement Dupont
Name: Clement Dupont
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Motivic coaction for periods and amplitudes
Date: 2024-01-12 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Clement Dupont
Name: Clement Dupont
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Motivic coaction for periods and amplitudes
Date: 2024-01-11 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Clement Dupont
Name: Clement Dupont
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Motivic coaction for periods and amplitudes
Date: 2024-01-10 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Lauren Williams
Name: Lauren Williams
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: The positive (tropical) Grassmannian, the amplituhedron, and cluster algebras.
Date: 2024-01-09 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Lauren Williams
Name: Lauren Williams
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: The positive (tropical) Grassmannian, the amplituhedron, and cluster algebras.
Date: 2024-01-09 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Lauren Williams
Name: Lauren Williams
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: The positive (tropical) Grassmannian, the amplituhedron, and cluster algebras.
Date: 2024-01-08 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Max Weinreich
Name: Max Weinreich
Event: Program: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Algebraic billiards and dynamical degrees
Date: 2023-12-08 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Alexey Glutsyuk
Name: Alexey Glutsyuk
Event: Program: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: On algebraically integrable planar, dual and projective billiards
Date: 2023-12-07 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Physics Seminar - Hao Zhang
Name: Hao Zhang
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Non-invertible duality defects in even spacetime dimensions via polarization pairs
Date: 2023-12-06 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Tarek Elgindi
Name: Tarek Elgindi
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: On the Formation of Coherent Structures in Ideal Fluids
Date: 2023-12-05 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Alexey Glutsyuk
Name: Alexey Glutsyuk
Event: Program: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: On algebraically integrable planar, dual and projective billiards
Date: 2023-12-05 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Marco Lenci
Name: Marco Lenci
Event: Program: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Exactness and K-mixing for extensions of dynamical systems, with application to periodic Lorentz gases
Date: 2023-12-01 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Pau Martin
Name: Pau Martin
Event: Program: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Exponentially small phenomena in analytic convex billiards
Date: 2023-11-30 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Physics Seminar - Sergei Lukyanov
Name: Sergei Lukyanov
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: On the scaling behaviour of an integrable spin chain with $Z_r$ symmetry
Date: 2023-11-29 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Rafael Ramirez-Ros
Name: Rafael Ramirez-Ros
Event: Program: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Exponentially small phenomena in analytic convex billiards
Date: 2023-11-29 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Mini-Course - Gregory Falkovich
Name: Gregory Falkovich
Event: talk
Title: Stand-alone lecture "What gravitational and Planck constants tell us about the nature of information", independent of the rest of the course.
Date: 2023-11-28 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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YITP Seminar - Upamanyu Moitra
Name: Upamanyu Moitra
Event: talk
Title: Entanglement Entropy in String Compactifications
Date: 2023-11-28 @1:00 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mini-Course - Gregory Falkovich
Name: Gregory Falkovich
Event: talk
Title: Stand-alone lecture "New Second Law of Thermodynamics", independent of the rest of the course.
Date: 2023-11-21 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Giovanni Forni
Name: Giovanni Forni
Event: Workshop: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Weakly mixing billiards in polygons
Date: 2023-11-17 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Otto Osterman
Name: Otto Osterman
Event: Workshop: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Length Spectrum Rigidity in Dispersing Billiard Systems
Date: 2023-11-17 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Pazit Haim-Kislev
Name: Pazit Haim-Kislev
Event: Workshop: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: On the existence of symplectic barriers
Date: 2023-11-16 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Anastasiia Sharipova
Name: Anastasiia Sharipova
Event: Workshop: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Convex bodies with all characteristics planar
Date: 2023-11-16 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Alberto Abbondandolo
Name: Alberto Abbondandolo
Event: Workshop: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: On symplectic capacities and volume
Date: 2023-11-16 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Maria Saprykina
Name: Maria Saprykina
Event: Workshop: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Nonconmutative coboundary equations over integrable dynamics
Date: 2023-11-16 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Maxim Arnold
Name: Maxim Arnold
Event: Workshop: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Optimal property of the Symmedian point
Date: 2023-11-15 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Lael Costa
Name: Lael Costa
Event: Workshop: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Experiments in outer length billiards
Date: 2023-11-15 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Physics Seminar - Nikita Sopenko
Name: Nikita Sopenko
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Equivariant Higher Berry classes for quantum many-body systems
Date: 2023-11-15 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Mark Demers
Name: Mark Demers
Event: Workshop: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Projective Cones for Dispersing Billiards
Date: 2023-11-15 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Dmitry Dolgopyat
Name: Dmitry Dolgopyat
Event: Workshop: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Infinite volume mixing for billiards
Date: 2023-11-15 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Yaofeng Su
Name: Yaofeng Su
Event: Workshop: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Some new results for open dynamical systems.
Date: 2023-11-14 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mini-course - Gregory Falkovich
Name: Gregory Falkovich
Event: talk
Title: Stand-alone lecture “Information is life and money”, largely independent of the rest of the course
Date: 2023-11-14 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Mark Levi
Name: Mark Levi
Event: Workshop: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Adiabatic invariants in billiards.
Date: 2023-11-14 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Vivek Shende
Name: Vivek Shende
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Skein relations from holomorphic curves
Date: 2023-11-14 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Susanna Terracini
Name: Susanna Terracini
Event: Workshop: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: On the variational approach to expanding and oscillating solutions to the N-body problem
Date: 2023-11-14 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Sergey Bolotin
Name: Sergey Bolotin
Event: Workshop: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Two degenerate billiard-like problems
Date: 2023-11-14 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Carlangelo Liverani
Name: Carlangelo Liverani
Event: Program: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Statistical Properties of Hyperbolic Billiards
Date: 2023-11-10 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Carlangelo Liverani
Name: Carlangelo Liverani
Event: Program: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Statistical Properties of Hyperbolic Billiards
Date: 2023-11-09 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Math Colloquium: Inaugural Stony Brook Lectures in Algebraic Geometry - Jacob Tsimerman
Name: Jacob Tsimerman
Event: Math Colloquium
Title: Transcendence of Period Integrals Over Function Fields
Date: 2023-11-07 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Fuzzy Sphere meets Bootstrap - Nicolas Regnault
Name: Nicolas Regnault
Event: Workshop- Fuzzy Sphere Meets Bootstrap
Title: Zlatko Papic and Nicolas Regnault: Transitions on the fuzzy sphere: A perspective from fractional people
Date: 2023-11-07 @3:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Fuzzy Sphere meets Bootstrap - Zlatko Papic
Name: Zlatko Papic
Event: Workshop- Fuzzy Sphere Meets Bootstrap
Title: Zlatko Papic and Nicolas Regnault: Transitions on the fuzzy sphere: A perspective from fractional people
Date: 2023-11-07 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Mikhail Khovanov
Name: Mikhail Khovanov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Introduction to link homology and categorification.
Date: 2023-11-07 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Fuzzy Sphere meets Bootstrap - Duncan Haldane
Name: Duncan Haldane
Event: Workshop- Fuzzy Sphere Meets Bootstrap
Title: Hall Viscosity and Quantum Hall Effect on the Sphere
Date: 2023-11-07 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Carlangelo Liverani
Name: Carlangelo Liverani
Event: Program: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Statistical Properties of Hyperbolic Billiards
Date: 2023-11-07 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Fuzzy Sphere meets Bootstrap - Andreas Läuchli
Name: Andreas Läuchli
Event: Workshop- Fuzzy Sphere Meets Bootstrap
Title: Fuzzy Sphere Study of the 3D O(2) CFT: Spectrum, Finite Size Corrections and some OPE coefficients
Date: 2023-11-07 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Vladimir Dragovic
Name: Vladimir Dragovic
Event: Program: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Integrable Billiards, Extremal Polynomials, and Isoharmonic Deformations
Date: 2023-11-03 @10:00 AM
Location: 313
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Vladimir Dragovic
Name: Vladimir Dragovic
Event: Program: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Integrable Billiards, Extremal Polynomials, and Isoharmonic Deformations
Date: 2023-11-02 @10:00 AM
Location: 313
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Birational Geometry and Quantum Invariants - Hsian-Hua Tseng
Name: Hsian-Hua Tseng
Event: Workshop Birational Geometry and Quantum Invariants
Title: Crepant resolutions and Gromov-Witten invariants
Date: 2023-10-31 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Mini Course - Gregory Falkovich
Name: Gregory Falkovich
Event: talk
Title: Introduction to Information Theory
Date: 2023-10-31 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Birational Geometry and Quantum Invariants - Daniel Halpern-Leistner
Name: Daniel Halpern-Leistner
Event: Workshop Birational Geometry and Quantum Invariants
Title: Quantum cohomology and derived categories
Date: 2023-10-31 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Vladimir Dragovic
Name: Vladimir Dragovic
Event: Program: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Integrable Billiards, Extremal Polynomials, and Isoharmonic Deformations
Date: 2023-10-31 @10:00 AM
Location: 313
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Birational Geometry and Quantum Invariants - Y.-P. Lee
Name: Y.-P. Lee
Event: Workshop Birational Geometry and Quantum Invariants
Title: A blowup formula in quantum cohomology
Date: 2023-10-30 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Birational Geometry and Quantum Invariants - Rachel Webb
Name: Rachel Webb
Event: Workshop Birational Geometry and Quantum Invariants
Title: Hasset moduli stacks of twisted curves
Date: 2023-10-30 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Sean Gasiorek
Name: Sean Gasiorek
Event: Program: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Dynamics and Periodicity Conditions for the Integrable Boltzmann System
Date: 2023-10-30 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process - Fabian Essler
Name: Fabian Essler
Event: Workshop:The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process
Title: Exact Solution of a Lifted Asymmetric Exclusion Process
Date: 2023-10-04 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process - Kirone Mallick
Name: Kirone Mallick
Event: Workshop:The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process
Title: Exact solutions of the macroscopic fluctuation theory for the symmetric exclusion process
Date: 2023-10-04 @3:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process - Alessandra Occelli
Name: Alessandra Occelli
Event: Workshop:The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process
Title: Universality for multicomponent stochastic systems
Date: 2023-10-04 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process - Jacek Wesolowski
Name: Jacek Wesolowski
Event: Workshop:The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process
Title: Infinitesimal generators of quadratic harnesses - an algebraic approach
Date: 2023-10-04 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Physics Seminar - Matthew Heydeman
Name: Matthew Heydeman
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Probing Supersymmetric Black Holes with Surface Defects
Date: 2023-10-04 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process - Ofer Busani
Name: Ofer Busani
Event: Workshop:The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process
Title: Decorrelation of the KPZ fixed point from the flat initial condition
Date: 2023-10-04 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process - Tomohiro Sasamoto
Name: Tomohiro Sasamoto
Event: Workshop:The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process
Title: Current fluctuations for symmetric processes
Date: 2023-10-04 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process - Wlodek Bryc
Name: Wlodek Bryc
Event: Workshop:The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process
Title: Weighted random Motzkin paths and the stationary distribution for an open Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process
Date: 2023-10-04 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process - Lauren Williams
Name: Lauren Williams
Event: Workshop:The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process
Title: Rhombic staircase tableaux and Koornwinder polynomials
Date: 2023-10-04 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Amol Aggarwal
Name: Amol Aggarwal
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: A Characterization for the Airy Line Ensemble
Date: 2023-10-03 @1:15 PM
Location: 102
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Fluctuations, Entanglements, and Chaos: Exact Results - Austen Lamacraft
Name: Austen Lamacraft
Event: Program: Fluctuations, Entanglements, and Chaos: Exact Results
Title: Space-time dual cat and clock models
Date: 2023-09-25 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Mass, the Einstein Constraint Equations, and the Penrose Inequality Conjecture - Caterina Valcu
Name: Caterina Valcu
Event: Workshop: Mass, the Einstein Constraint Equations, and the Penrose Inequality Conjecture
Title: Solving initial data for Kaluza-Klein spacetimes.
Date: 2023-09-22 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Gerhard Huisken
Name: Gerhard Huisken
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Inverse mean curvature flow and 3-manifolds
Date: 2023-09-19 @1:15 PM
Location: 102
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Physics Seminar - Alexander Frenkel
Name: Alexander Frenkel
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Boundary Microstates of the 2d Non-supersymmetric Black Hole
Date: 2023-09-13 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Fluctuations, Entanglements, and Chaos: Exact Results - Sara Murciano
Name: Sara Murciano
Event: Program: Fluctuations, Entanglements, and Chaos: Exact Results
Title: Rise and fall of critical correlations after measurements
Date: 2023-09-05 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Fluctuations, Entanglements, and Chaos: Exact Results - Sarang Gopalakrishnan
Name: Sarang Gopalakrishnan
Event: Workshop: Fluctuations, Entanglements, and Chaos: Exact Results
Title: Defining stable phases of Markovian open systems
Date: 2023-08-30 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Fluctuations, Entanglements, and Chaos: Exact Results - Wojciech de Roeck
Name: Wojciech de Roeck
Event: Workshop: Fluctuations, Entanglements, and Chaos: Exact Results
Title: Status of many-body localization and related issues
Date: 2023-08-30 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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2023 Simons Math Summer Workshop - Yang Li
Name: Yang Li
Event: 2023 Simons Math Summer Workshop
Title: Metric SYZ conjecture
Date: 2023-08-11 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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2023 Simons Physics Summer Workshop - Sergei Gukov
Name: Sergei Gukov
Event: 2023 Simons Physics Summer Workshop
Title: Two q's
Date: 2023-07-07 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics - Omar Kidwai
Name: Omar Kidwai
Event: Program: The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics
Title: PART II - Topological recursion, WKB analysis, and (uncoupled) BPS structures
Date: 2023-06-13 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP Auditorium 103
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The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics - Omar Kidwai
Name: Omar Kidwai
Event: Program: The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics
Title: PART I - Topological recursion, WKB analysis, and (uncoupled) BPS structures
Date: 2023-06-13 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Auditorium 103
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The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics - David Treumann
Name: David Treumann
Event: Program: The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics
Title: PART II - Deligne-Lusztig varieties as moduli spaces of sheaves
Date: 2023-06-12 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP Auditorium 103
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The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics - David Treumann
Name: David Treumann
Event: Program: The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics
Title: PART I - Deligne-Lusztig varieties as moduli spaces of sheaves
Date: 2023-06-12 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Auditorium 103
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The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics - Andrea D'Agnolo
Name: Andrea D'Agnolo
Event: Program: The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics
Title: A functorial Riemann-Hilbert correspondence PART II
Date: 2023-06-02 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics - Andrea D'Agnolo
Name: Andrea D'Agnolo
Event: Program: The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics
Title: A functorial Riemann-Hilbert correspondence PART I
Date: 2023-06-02 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Physics Seminar - Stefano Baiguera
Name: Stefano Baiguera
Event: Physics Seminar
Date: 2023-05-30 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics - Tony Pantev
Name: Tony Pantev
Event: Program: The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics
Title: PART II: Symplectic structures on moduli of Stokes data
Date: 2023-05-30 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics - Tony Pantev
Name: Tony Pantev
Event: Program: The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics
Title: PART I: Symplectic structures on moduli of Stokes data
Date: 2023-05-30 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Gauged Linear Sigma Models @30 - Thorsten Schimannek
Name: Thorsten Schimannek
Event: Workshop: Gauged Linear Sigma Models @30
Title: Counting curves on non-Kaehler Calabi-Yau 3-folds with hybrid GLSM
Date: 2023-05-26 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Gauged Linear Sigma Models @30 - Mauricio Romo
Name: Mauricio Romo
Event: Workshop: Gauged Linear Sigma Models @30
Title: Hybrid models as mirrors of singular double covers
Date: 2023-05-26 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Gauged Linear Sigma Models @30 - Konstantin Aleshkin
Name: Konstantin Aleshkin
Event: Workshop: Gauged Linear Sigma Models @30
Title: Higgs-Coulomb correspondence and wall-crossing in abelian GLSM
Date: 2023-05-25 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Gauged Linear Sigma Models @30 - Mikhail Litvinov
Name: Mikhail Litvinov
Event: Workshop: Gauged Linear Sigma Models @30
Title: Boundary Conditions and Chiral Algebra Extensions in 3D N=2 Supersymmetric QFTs on an Interval
Date: 2023-05-25 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Gauged Linear Sigma Models @30 - Nana Geraldine Cabo Bizet
Name: Nana Geraldine Cabo Bizet
Event: Workshop: Gauged Linear Sigma Models @30
Title: Non-Abelian T-dualities in gauged linear sigma models
Date: 2023-05-25 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Gauged Linear Sigma Models @30 - Jirui Guo
Name: Jirui Guo
Event: Workshop: Gauged Linear Sigma Models @30
Title: Derived equivalence and homological projective duality in GLSM
Date: 2023-05-25 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Gauged Linear Sigma Models @30 - Sebastian Franco
Name: Sebastian Franco
Event: Workshop: Gauged Linear Sigma Models @30
Title: 2d (0,2) Gauge Theories from Branes: Recent Progress in Brane Brick Models
Date: 2023-05-25 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Gauged Linear Sigma Models @30 - Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu
Name: Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu
Event: Workshop: Gauged Linear Sigma Models @30
Title: I-functions and central charges of abelian GLSMs
Date: 2023-05-24 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Physics Seminar - Murat Kologlu
Name: Murat Kologlu
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Quantum Detectorology
Date: 2023-05-17 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Michele Levi
Name: Michele Levi
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Modern QFT for Real-World Gravity
Date: 2023-05-02 @1:15 PM
Location: 102
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SuperGeometry and SuperModuli - Theodore Voronov
Name: Theodore Voronov
Event: Program: SuperGeometry and SuperModuli
Title: Microformal Morphisms of Supermanifolds and Homotopy Algebras
Date: 2023-05-01 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Jeff Streets
Name: Jeff Streets
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: All roads lead to generalized geometry
Date: 2023-04-18 @1:30 PM
Location: 102
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SuperGeometry and SuperModuli - Nezhla Aghaei
Name: Nezhla Aghaei
Event: Program: SuperGeometry and SuperModuli
Title: Towards super Teichmuller spin Osp(1|2) TQFT
Date: 2023-04-06 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Physics Seminar - Brian Swingle
Name: Brian Swingle
Event: Physics Seminar
Date: 2023-04-05 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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SuperGeometry and SuperModuli - Alexander Polishchuk
Name: Alexander Polishchuk
Event: Program: SuperGeometry and SuperModuli
Title: Mini-course on moduli of SUSY curves II
Date: 2023-04-05 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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SuperGeometry and SuperModuli - Sergio Cacciatori
Name: Sergio Cacciatori
Event: Program: SuperGeometry and SuperModuli
Title: Universal de Rham/Spencer double complex on a supermanifold
Date: 2023-04-04 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Eric D'Hoker
Name: Eric D'Hoker
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Supermoduli and superstring amplitudes
Date: 2023-03-28 @1:15 PM
Location: Zoom
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Combinatorics and Geometry of Convex Polyhedra - Joshua Hinman
Name: Joshua Hinman
Event: Workshop: Combinatorics and Geometry of Convex Polyhedra
Title: A Positive Answer to Barany's Question on Face Numbers of Polytopes
Date: 2023-03-24 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Lighting new Lampposts for Dark Matter and Beyond the Standard Model - Itay Bloch
Name: Itay Bloch
Event: Program: Lighting new Lampposts for Dark Matter and Beyond the Standard Model
Date: 2023-03-24 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Combinatorics and Geometry of Convex Polyhedra - Lei Xue
Name: Lei Xue
Event: Workshop: Combinatorics and Geometry of Convex Polyhedra
Title: A Proof of Grunbaum's Lower Bound Conjecture for polytopes, lattices, and strongly regular pseudomanifolds.
Date: 2023-03-24 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Lighting new Lampposts for Dark Matter and Beyond the Standard Model - Rashmish Mishra
Name: Rashmish Mishra
Event: Program: Lighting new Lampposts for Dark Matter and Beyond the Standard Model
Date: 2023-03-24 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Combinatorics and Geometry of Convex Polyhedra - Zuzana Patakova
Name: Zuzana Patakova
Event: Workshop: Combinatorics and Geometry of Convex Polyhedra
Title: Radon and fractional Helly type theorems
Date: 2023-03-24 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Combinatorics and Geometry of Convex Polyhedra - Raman Sanyal
Name: Raman Sanyal
Event: Workshop: Combinatorics and Geometry of Convex Polyhedra
Title: Pivots, polytopes, and combinatorics
Date: 2023-03-23 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Combinatorics and Geometry of Convex Polyhedra - Daria Poliakova
Name: Daria Poliakova
Event: Workshop: Combinatorics and Geometry of Convex Polyhedra
Title: Polyhedral diagonals and beyond
Date: 2023-03-23 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Combinatorics and Geometry of Convex Polyhedra - Eran Nevo
Name: Eran Nevo
Event: Workshop: Combinatorics and Geometry of Convex Polyhedra
Title: Rigidity expanders
Date: 2023-03-23 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Lighting new Lampposts for Dark Matter and Beyond the Standard Model - Robert McGehee
Name: Robert McGehee
Event: Program: Lighting new Lampposts for Dark Matter and Beyond the Standard Model
Title: Directly Detecting Light Dark Matter
Date: 2023-03-23 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Combinatorics and Geometry of Convex Polyhedra - Theo Douvropoulos
Name: Theo Douvropoulos
Event: Workshop: Combinatorics and Geometry of Convex Polyhedra
Title: Almost colored f-vectors for generalized Associahedra
Date: 2023-03-23 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Lighting new Lampposts for Dark Matter and Beyond the Standard Model - Tanvi Karwal
Name: Tanvi Karwal
Event: Program: Lighting new Lampposts for Dark Matter and Beyond the Standard Model
Title: Cosmic Tensions
Date: 2023-03-23 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Combinatorics and Geometry of Convex Polyhedra - Alejandro H. Morales
Name: Alejandro H. Morales
Event: Workshop: Combinatorics and Geometry of Convex Polyhedra
Title: Combinatorial and metric properties of flow polytopes
Date: 2023-03-23 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Jesus De Loera
Name: Jesus De Loera
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: A path through mathematics the polyhedral way
Date: 2023-03-21 @1:15 PM
Location: 102
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Special Physics Seminar - Kaifeng Bu
Name: Kaifeng Bu
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Magic From a Quantum Fourier Approach
Date: 2023-02-23 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Physics Seminar - Erez Urbach
Name: Erez Urbach
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: The String/Black Hole Transition in Anti-de Sitter Space
Date: 2023-02-22 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Special Physics Seminar - David Stephen
Name: David Stephen
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Computational Phases of Quantum Matter
Date: 2023-02-21 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties - Claire Voisin
Name: Claire Voisin
Event: Workshop: Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties
Title: Title: Geometry of the Abel-Jacobi map and stable birational invariants
Date: 2022-12-16 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties - Susanna Zimmermann
Name: Susanna Zimmermann
Event: Workshop: Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties
Title: Open problems on Cremona groups
Date: 2022-12-16 @9:40 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties - David Stapleton
Name: David Stapleton
Event: Workshop: Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties
Title: Minimal degree fibrations and the asymptotic degree of irrationality of divisors
Date: 2022-12-15 @3:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties - Kuan-Wen Lai
Name: Kuan-Wen Lai
Event: Workshop: Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties
Title: Estimates on the growth of irrationality for moduli spaces of K3 surfaces
Date: 2022-12-15 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Ara Sedrakyan
Name: Ara Sedrakyan
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Matrix models: Link to QHE, geometry of disorder and non-critical strings
Date: 2022-12-13 @1:15 PM
Location: 313
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RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties - John Christian Ottem
Name: John Christian Ottem
Event: Workshop: RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties
Title: Curves and Varieties 3
Date: 2022-12-09 @3:30 PM
Location: 102
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RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties - Julia Schneider
Name: Julia Schneider
Event: Workshop: RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties
Title: Curves and Varieties 7
Date: 2022-12-09 @2:00 PM
Location: 102
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RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties - John Christian Ottem
Name: John Christian Ottem
Event: Workshop: RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties
Title: Curves and Varieties 3
Date: 2022-12-08 @3:30 PM
Location: 102
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RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties - Ruijie Yang
Name: Ruijie Yang
Event: Workshop: RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties
Title: Measure of Irrationality 4
Date: 2022-12-08 @11:00 AM
Location: 102
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RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties - Olivier Debarre
Name: Olivier Debarre
Event: Workshop: RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties
Title: Rationality Problems 4
Date: 2022-12-08 @9:30 AM
Location: 102
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RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties - Julia Schneider
Name: Julia Schneider
Event: Workshop: RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties
Title: Curves and Varieties 7
Date: 2022-12-07 @2:00 PM
Location: 102
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RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties - Ruijie Yang
Name: Ruijie Yang
Event: Workshop: RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties
Title: Measure of Irrationality 3
Date: 2022-12-07 @11:00 AM
Location: 102
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RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties - Olivier Debarre
Name: Olivier Debarre
Event: Workshop: RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties
Title: Rationality Problems 3
Date: 2022-12-07 @9:30 AM
Location: 102
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RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties - John Christian Ottem
Name: John Christian Ottem
Event: Workshop: RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties
Title: Curves and Varieties 2
Date: 2022-12-06 @3:30 PM
Location: 102
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RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties - Julia Schneider
Name: Julia Schneider
Event: Workshop: RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties
Title: Curves and Varieties 2
Date: 2022-12-06 @2:00 PM
Location: 102
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RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties - Ruijie Yang
Name: Ruijie Yang
Event: Workshop: RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties
Title: Measure of Irrationality 2
Date: 2022-12-06 @11:00 AM
Location: 102
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RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties - Olivier Debarre
Name: Olivier Debarre
Event: Workshop: RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties
Title: Rationality Problems 2
Date: 2022-12-06 @9:30 AM
Location: 102
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RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties - John Christian Ottem
Name: John Christian Ottem
Event: Workshop: RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties
Title: Curves and Varieties 1
Date: 2022-12-05 @3:30 PM
Location: 102
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RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties - Julia Schneider
Name: Julia Schneider
Event: Workshop: RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties
Title: Curves and Varieties 1
Date: 2022-12-05 @2:00 PM
Location: 102
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RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties - Ruijie Yang
Name: Ruijie Yang
Event: Workshop: RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties
Title: Measure of Irrationality 1
Date: 2022-12-05 @11:00 AM
Location: 102
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RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties - Olivier Debarre
Name: Olivier Debarre
Event: Workshop: RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties
Title: Rationality Problems 1
Date: 2022-12-05 @9:30 AM
Location: 102
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Mini-course by Gregory Falkovich
Name: Gregory Falkovich
Event: talk
Title: Two ways to turbulence: through space and time
Date: 2022-11-22 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Auditorium 103
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Computational Differential Geometry and it's Applications in Physics - Daniel Platt
Name: Daniel Platt
Event: Workshop: Computational Differential Geometry and it's Applications in Physics
Title: An application of numerical techniques to rigorous proof in special holonomy
Date: 2022-11-15 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Computational Differential Geometry and it's Applications in Physics - Daniel Platt
Name: Daniel Platt
Event: Workshop: Computational Differential Geometry and it's Applications in Physics
Title: An application of numerical techniques to rigorous proof in special holonomy
Date: 2022-11-15 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Computational Differential Geometry and it's Applications in Physics - Dieter Luest
Name: Dieter Luest
Event: Workshop: Computational Differential Geometry and it's Applications in Physics
Title: Distances Conjectures and Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter
Date: 2022-11-15 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Computational Differential Geometry and it's Applications in Physics - Dalimil Mazac
Name: Dalimil Mazac
Event: Workshop: Computational Differential Geometry and it's Applications in Physics
Title: New upper bounds on the spectral gap of hyperbolic manifolds
Date: 2022-11-15 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Number Theory And Physics - Ayla Gafni
Name: Ayla Gafni
Event: Program: Number Theory And Physics
Title: Uniform distribution and geometric incidence theory
Date: 2022-11-15 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Computational Differential Geometry and it's Applications in Physics - James Halverson
Name: James Halverson
Event: Workshop: Computational Differential Geometry and it's Applications in Physics
Title: Ricci Flow and Neural Network Gradient Descent
Date: 2022-11-15 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Number Theory And Physics - Jeff Lagarias
Name: Jeff Lagarias
Event: Program: Number Theory And Physics
Title: The Lerch zeta function and the Heisenberg group
Date: 2022-11-10 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Number Theory And Physics - German Sierra
Name: German Sierra
Event: Program: Number Theory And Physics
Title: H = xp, the Landau model and the Dirac equation
Date: 2022-11-08 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Sameer Murthy
Name: Sameer Murthy
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Quantum black holes: a macroscopic window into quantum gravity
Date: 2022-11-01 @1:15 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Gregory Falkovich
Name: Gregory Falkovich
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Electronic fluidics and vortices
Date: 2022-10-11 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Physics Seminar - Tin Sulejmanpasic
Name: Tin Sulejmanpasic
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Phases of self-dual abelian lattice gauge theories
Date: 2022-10-05 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Geometric and Representation-Theoretic Aspects of Quantum Integrability - Nafiz Ishtiaque
Name: Nafiz Ishtiaque
Event: Program:Geometric and Representation-Theoretic Aspects of Quantum Integrability
Title: Line operators and Cherkis Bows
Date: 2022-10-05 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Opening Reception: Ways of Making - Moira Chas, Johnathan Hopp, LoVid
Name: Moira Chas
Event: Art Program Talks
Title: Ways of Making: A Dialogue about Processes with Moira Chas, Johnathan Hopp, and LoVid
Date: 2022-09-30 @5:30 PM
Location: 103
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Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories: - Alexei Oblomkov
Name: Alexei Oblomkov
Event: Workshop: Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
Title: EGL formula for PT theory of local curves.
Date: 2022-09-30 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories: - Dmytro Volin
Name: Dmytro Volin
Event: Workshop: Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
Title: Fused geometry of Bethe Algebra
Date: 2022-09-30 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories: - Michael Shapiro
Name: Michael Shapiro
Event: Workshop: Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
Title: Symplectic grouped and log-canonical parameters for closed genus 2 surfaces.
Date: 2022-09-30 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories: - Mykola Dedushenko
Name: Mykola Dedushenko
Event: Workshop: Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
Title: Gauge-Theoretic Realization of a Geometric Approach to Quantum Integrability
Date: 2022-09-28 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories: - Alexander Braverman
Name: Alexander Braverman
Event: Workshop: Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
Title: S-duality for boundary conditions coming from Lie super-algebras.
Date: 2022-09-28 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories: - Nathan Haouzi
Name: Nathan Haouzi
Event: Workshop: Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
Title: Developing the Quantum q-Langlands Program
Date: 2022-09-27 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories: - Evgeny Mukhin
Name: Evgeny Mukhin
Event: Workshop: Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
Title: Integrable Systems Related to Quantum Toroidal Algebras
Date: 2022-09-27 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories: - Azat Gainutdinov
Name: Azat Gainutdinov
Event: Workshop: Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
Title: New U_q sl(2)-invariant boundary conditions for the XXZ spin chain
Date: 2022-09-27 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories: - Elli Pomoni
Name: Elli Pomoni
Event: Workshop: Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
Title: Spin Chains for 4D N=2 SCFTs
Date: 2022-09-27 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories: - Mikhail Khovanov
Name: Mikhail Khovanov
Event: Workshop: Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
Title: Foam Evaluation and its Uses in Categorification and Representation Theory
Date: 2022-09-26 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories: - Nadav Drukker
Name: Nadav Drukker
Event: Workshop: Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
Title: Global Symmetry Breaking and Defect Conformal Manifolds
Date: 2022-09-26 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories: - Gurbir Dhillon
Name: Gurbir Dhillon
Event: Workshop: Geometric Representation Theory, Integrability, and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
Title: On the log Kazhdan--Lusztig Correspondence
Date: 2022-09-26 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Ibrahima Bah
Name: Ibrahima Bah
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Symmetry structure from the bulk and holography
Date: 2022-09-20 @1:15 PM
Location: 103
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Gregory Parker
Name: Gregory Parker
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Gluing Z2 Harmonic Spinors
Date: 2022-09-13 @1:15 PM
Location: 102
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Inaugural C.N. Yang Colloquium - Barry Barish
Name: Barry Barish
Event: Physics Colloquium
Title: Probing the Universe with Gravitational Waves
Date: 2022-09-06 @4:30 PM
Location: 103
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Integrability, enumerative geometry and quantization - Henry Liu
Name: Henry Liu
Event: Program: Integrability, enumerative geometry and quantization
Title: Multiplicative Vertex Algebras and Wall-Crossing in Equivariant K-theory
Date: 2022-09-01 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Integrability, enumerative geometry and quantization - Konstantin Aleshkin
Name: Konstantin Aleshkin
Event: Program: Integrability, enumerative geometry and quantization
Title: Central Charges and Higgs-Coulomb Correspondence in Abelian GLSMs
Date: 2022-09-01 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Pavel Exner
Name: Pavel Exner
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Quantum mechanics on graphs: why is it interesting?
Date: 2022-06-07 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Alistair Savage
Name: Alistair Savage
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Diagratification
Date: 2022-05-31 @1:00 PM
Location: 103
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Geometrical aspects of topological phases of matter: spatial symmetries, fractons and beyond - Ken Shiozaki
Name: Ken Shiozaki
Event: Program: Geometrical aspects of topological phases of matter: spatial symmetries, fractons and beyond
Title: Adiabatic Cycles in Quantum Spin Systems
Date: 2022-05-27 @12:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Geometrical aspects of topological phases of matter: spatial symmetries, fractons and beyond - Andrea Cappelli
Name: Andrea Cappelli
Event: Program: Geometrical aspects of topological phases of matter: spatial symmetries, fractons and beyond
Title: Surface Excitations of 3d Topological Insulators: Conformal Invariance, Self-Duality and Bosonization
Date: 2022-05-26 @12:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Physics Seminar - Vladimir Narovlansky
Name: Vladimir Narovlansky
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Negativity in Random Tensor Networks and Holography
Date: 2022-05-25 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometrical aspects of topological phases of matter: spatial symmetries, fractons and beyond - Raquel Queiroz
Name: Raquel Queiroz
Event: Program: Geometrical aspects of topological phases of matter: spatial symmetries, fractons and beyond
Title: Impurity Ring States in Topological Matter
Date: 2022-05-25 @12:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Physics Seminar - Andrea Dei
Name: Andrea Dei
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: String Correlators on AdS3
Date: 2022-05-25 @11:15 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometrical aspects of topological phases of matter: spatial symmetries, fractons and beyond - Paolo Glorioso
Name: Paolo Glorioso
Event: Program: Geometrical aspects of topological phases of matter: spatial symmetries, fractons and beyond
Title: Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Strong Dynamical Fluctuations in Fracton Fluids
Date: 2022-05-24 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Fiona Burnell
Name: Fiona Burnell
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Subsystem Symmetry and Fractons: a glimpse into life beyond topological order
Date: 2022-05-19 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Randall kamien
Name: Randall kamien
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: A New Classification of Topological Defects in Ordered Material: Applied Measured Foliations
Date: 2022-05-10 @1:00 PM
Location: 103
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Leo Radzihovsky
Name: Leo Radzihovsky
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Immobility from elasticity
Date: 2022-05-03 @1:30 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Netta Engelhardt
Name: Netta Engelhardt
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Canonical Purification of Evaporating Black Holes
Date: 2022-04-27 @3:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Netta Engelhardt
Name: Netta Engelhardt
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: The Black Hole Information Problem in the Age of Holographic Entanglement Entropy
Date: 2022-04-26 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Masahito Yamazaki
Name: Masahito Yamazaki
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Elliptic Hypergeometric Integrals in Mathematics and Physics
Date: 2022-04-19 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Yaron Oz
Name: Yaron Oz
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Turbulence and Random Geometry
Date: 2022-04-05 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Sam Punshon-Smith
Name: Sam Punshon-Smith
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Chaotic mixing of scalars and Batchelor spectrum in stochastically forced fluid mechanics
Date: 2022-03-29 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - George Sterman
Name: George Sterman
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Imaging fundamental processes: the story and stories of particle jets at accelerators
Date: 2022-03-22 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Andrey Gogolev
Name: Andrey Gogolev
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Smooth rigidity for codimension one Anosov flows
Date: 2022-03-08 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Physics Seminar - Csaba Csaki
Name: Csaba Csaki
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Exploring the phases of gauge theories via Anomaly Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking (AMSB)
Date: 2021-11-19 @1:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Physics Seminar - Ira Rothstein
Name: Ira Rothstein
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: A Generic Class of Field Theories Which Appear to be Finely Tuned
Date: 2021-11-03 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - John Pardon
Name: John Pardon
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Enough vector bundles on orbispaces
Date: 2021-10-19 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP-Physics Colloquium by Gregory Falkovich
Name: Gregory Falkovich
Event: talk
Title: Title: “Physical Nature of Information”
Date: 2021-09-14 @4:45 PM
Location: 103
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Talk by Amos Yarom
Name: Amos Yarom
Event: talk
Title: Title: Black hole enstrophy
Date: 2021-08-16 @1:00 PM
Location: 103
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Talk by Valerie Gonzalez
Name: Valerie Gonzalez
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: ‘Mosque Architecture and the Experience of the Islamic Sacred’
Date: 2021-07-26 @2:00 PM
Location: 103
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Summer Seminar Series: Applications of gauge topology, holography and string models to QCD - Jacob Sonnenschein and Matti Jarvinen
Name: Cobi Sonnenschein
Event: Virtual Summer Seminar Series: Applications of gauge topology, holography and string models to QCD
Title: Many phases of generalized 3D instanton crystals
Date: 2021-07-08 @12:00 PM
Location: Zoom
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Alexander Polyakov
Name: Alexander Polyakov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: In praise of quantum field theory
Date: 2021-03-09 @1:00 PM
Location: Zoom
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Simons Center 10th Anniversary Lectures - Simon Donaldson
Name: Simon Donaldson
Event: Simons Center 10th Anniversary Lectures
Title: Talk for the 10th Year Anniversary of SCGP
Date: 2020-11-09 @2:45 PM
Location: Zoom
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Simons Center 10th Anniversary Lectures - Nathan Seiberg
Name: Nathan Seiberg
Event: Simons Center 10th Anniversary Lectures
Title: Highlights of theoretical physics research at SCGP: an outside perspective
Date: 2020-11-09 @11:00 AM
Location: Zoom
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Simons Center 10th Anniversary Lectures - John Morgan
Name: John Morgan
Event: Simons Center 10th Anniversary Lectures
Title: Highlights of mathematics research at SCGP: an overview
Date: 2020-11-09 @10:20 AM
Location: Zoom
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Simons Center 10th Anniversary Lectures - Welcome session
Name: Group Discussion
Event: Simons Center 10th Anniversary Lectures
Title: Welcome session
Date: 2020-11-09 @10:00 AM
Location: 103
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The 2019/2020 Science Playwriting Competition – Virtual Staged Readings
Name: Science Plays
Event: Art Program Talks
Date: 2020-05-11 @7:00 PM
Location: Zoom
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Ilia Binder
Name: Ilia Binder
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Critical lattice interfaces: polynomial rate of convergence to SLE curves
Date: 2020-03-10 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Alexander Teplyaev
Name: Alexander Teplyaev
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Diffusions on singular spaces
Date: 2020-02-25 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Michael Yampolsky
Name: Michael Yampolsky
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Renormalization of analytic maps of the circle and of the annulus
Date: 2020-02-11 @1:00 PM
Location: 313
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Physics of neural circuits and network dynamics - Anitha Pasupathy
Name: Anitha Pasupathy
Event: Workshop: Physics of neural circuits and network dynamics
Date: 2020-01-29 @4:45 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Physics of neural circuits and network dynamics - Luca Mazzucato
Name: Luca Mazzucato
Event: Workshop: Physics of neural circuits and network dynamics
Title: Metastable attractors explain the variable timing of stable behavioral action sequences
Date: 2020-01-29 @2:45 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Physics Seminar - Lorenz Eberhardt
Name: Lorenz Eberhardt
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Correlation functions in AdS3/CFT2
Date: 2020-01-29 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Misha Tsodyks
Name: Misha Tsodyks
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Mathematical models of human memory
Date: 2020-01-28 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Physics of neural circuits and network dynamics - Ari Pakman
Name: Ari Pakman
Event: Workshop: Physics of neural circuits and network dynamics
Title: Neural Clustering Processes
Date: 2020-01-27 @4:45 PM
Location: SCGPLecture Hall 102
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Physics of neural circuits and network dynamics - Jin Wang
Name: Jin Wang
Event: Workshop: Physics of neural circuits and network dynamics
Title: Nonequilibrium neural network dynamics and thermodynamics revealed by the global landscape and flux quantifications
Date: 2020-01-27 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Jeffrey Pennington
Name: Jeffrey Pennington
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: The Surprising Simplicity of Overparameterized Deep Neural Networks
Date: 2020-01-14 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Paul Wiegmann
Name: Paul Wiegmann
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Quantization of 2D hydrodynamics and gravitational anomaly
Date: 2019-12-04 @12:45 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Oscar Garcia-Prada
Name: Oscar Garcia-Prada
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Older Vistas on Vortices
Date: 2019-11-12 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Jason Miller
Name: Jason Miller
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Liouville Quantum Gravity As a Metric Space and a Scaling Limit
Date: 2019-10-22 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Universality and ergodicity in quantum many-body systems - Dario Rosa
Name: Dario Rosa
Event: Program: Universality and ergodicity in quantum many-body systems
Title: Non local interactions enhance the performances of quantum batteries : the case of SYK
Date: 2019-10-17 @2:30 PM
Location: Seminar Room 313
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Gautam Mandal
Name: Gautam Mandal
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Thermalization, entanglement and black hole information paradoxes
Date: 2019-10-15 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Uri Kol
Name: Uri Kol
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: On the Infrared Structure of General Relativity
Date: 2019-09-24 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Lea Santos
Name: Lea Santos
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Time Scales and Manifestations of Chaos in Many-Body Quantum Dynamics
Date: 2019-09-17 @2:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Dave Morrison
Name: Dave Morrison
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Nonabelian gauge symmetry and charged chiral matter in G2 compactifications
Date: 2019-09-10 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Susanne Reffert
Name: Susanne Reffert
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: CFTs at Large Charge
Date: 2019-09-03 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Joerg Teschner
Name: Joerg Teschner
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Coordinates for Hitchin's moduli spaces, integrability, and topological strings
Date: 2019-05-28 @1:00 PM
Location: 103
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Owen Gwilliam
Name: Owen Gwilliam
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Weaving higher algebra through strings and fields
Date: 2019-05-21 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Charlie Kane
Name: Charlie Kane
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Symmetry, topology and electronic phases of matter
Date: 2019-05-07 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Philippe LeFloch
Name: Philippe LeFloch
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: A geometric analysis view on spacetimes: stability and singularities
Date: 2019-04-30 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Cesar Gomez
Name: Cesar Gomez
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Wilsonian Renormalization Group and Quantum Error Correction
Date: 2019-04-16 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Dam Thanh Son
Name: Dam T Son
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: From factional quantum Hall effect to field-theoretic dualities
Date: 2019-04-05 @10:30 AM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Nikita Nekrasov
Name: Nikita Nekrasov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Fermi-curves and Lefschetz thimbles in the complexified O (N) model
Date: 2019-03-26 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Tony Pantev
Name: Tony Pantev
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Mirror symmetry, intersection of quadrics, and Hodge theory
Date: 2019-03-19 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Douglas Stanford
Name: Douglas Stanford
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: JT gravity as a matrix integral
Date: 2019-03-12 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Laura Schaposnik and Lara Anderson
Name: Laura Schaposnik
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: The Geometry and Physics of Hitchin Systems
Date: 2019-02-12 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Holomorphic Differentials in Mathematics and Physics - Andrew Neitzke
Name: Andrew Neitzke
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: BPS states and the Hitchin equations
Date: 2019-02-05 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Vertex Algebras and Gauge Theory - Du Pei
Name: Du Pei
Event: Workshop: Vertex Algebras and Gauge Theory
Title: Modular tensor categories from the Coulomb branch
Date: 2018-12-19 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Vertex Algebras and Gauge Theory - Ilarion Melnikov
Name: Ilarion Melnikov
Event: Workshop: Vertex Algebras and Gauge Theory
Title: The chiral algebra of (0,2) theories in two dimensions
Date: 2018-12-19 @2:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Vertex Algebras and Gauge Theory - Fedor Malikov
Name: Fedor Malikov
Event: Workshop: Vertex Algebras and Gauge Theory
Title: On one example of a chiral Lie group.
Date: 2018-12-19 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Vertex Algebras and Gauge Theory - Yongbin Ruan
Name: Yongbin Ruan
Event: Workshop: Vertex Algebras and Gauge Theory
Title: Verlinde/Grassmanian Correspondence and quantum K-theory
Date: 2018-12-19 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Vertex Algebras and Gauge Theory - Hiraku Nakajima
Name: Hiraku Nakajima
Event: Workshop: Vertex Algebras and Gauge Theory
Title: Vertex algebras in 4 dimensional theories
Date: 2018-12-18 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Nonequilibrium Physics in Biology - Steve Presse
Name: Steve Presse
Event: Workshop: Nonequilibrium Physics in Biology
Title: Understanding Life One Photon at a Time
Date: 2018-12-03 @4:45 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Nonequilibrium Physics in Biology - Pieter Rein ten Wolde
Name: Pieter Rein ten Wolde
Event: Workshop: Nonequilibrium Physics in Biology
Title: Optimal Cellular Information Transmission
Date: 2018-12-03 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Nonequilibrium Physics in Biology - Christopher Jarzynski
Name: Christopher Jarzynski
Event: Workshop: Nonequilibrium Physics in Biology
Title: Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of nanoscale systems
Date: 2018-12-03 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Nonequilibrium Physics in Biology - Shaul Mukamel
Name: Shaul Mukamel
Event: Workshop: Nonequilibrium Physics in Biology
Title: Novel spectroscopic probes of conical intersections, chirality and photosynthetic charge and energy transfer with quantum and x-ray light
Date: 2018-12-03 @11:45 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Nonequilibrium Physics in Biology - Marlan Scully
Name: Marlan Scully
Event: Workshop: Nonequilibrium Physics in Biology
Title: QUANTUM THERMODYNAMICS: From black mold to black holes
Date: 2018-12-03 @9:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Harold Metcalf and Thomas Weinacht
Name: Harold Metcalf
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Groundbreaking inventions in the field of laser physics: 2018 Nobel prize in physics
Date: 2018-11-27 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Alba Grassi
Name: Alba Grassi
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: A Solvable Deformation of Quantum Mechanics
Date: 2018-11-13 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics - Paola Verrucchi
Name: Paola Verrucchi
Event: Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics: September 4 - November 30, 2018
Title: Entanglement protection by critical environment
Date: 2018-11-08 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Developments in Quantum Field Theory and Condensed Matter Physics - David Poland
Name: David Poland
Event: Workshop: Developments in Quantum Field Theory and Condensed Matter Physics
Title: Bootstrapping the Minimal 3D SCF
Date: 2018-11-07 @4:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Developments in Quantum Field Theory and Condensed Matter Physics - Nikhil Karthik
Name: Nikhil Karthik
Event: Workshop: Developments in Quantum Field Theory and Condensed Matter Physics
Title: Numerical approach to three-dimensional IR conformality and associated dualities
Date: 2018-11-07 @3:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Developments in Quantum Field Theory and Condensed Matter Physics - Lorenzo Di Pietro
Name: Lorenzo Di Pietro
Event: Workshop: Developments in Quantum Field Theory and Condensed Matter Physics
Title: 3d abelian gauge theories at the boundary
Date: 2018-11-07 @2:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Developments in Quantum Field Theory and Condensed Matter Physics - Michael Scherer
Name: Michael Scherer
Event: Workshop: Developments in Quantum Field Theory and Condensed Matter Physics
Title: Dirac fermions and critical phenomena: critical exponents and emergent symmetries
Date: 2018-11-07 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Developments in Quantum Field Theory and Condensed Matter Physics - Ashvin Vishwanath
Name: Ashvin Vishwanath
Event: Workshop: Developments in Quantum Field Theory and Condensed Matter Physics
Title: Topology and Entanglement in Quantum Matter: Past, Present and Future
Date: 2018-11-06 @4:15 PM
Location: 103
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Alexander Gorsky
Name: Alexander Gorsky
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Walks in the Hilbert space
Date: 2018-10-30 @1:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry - Arkady Tseytlin
Name: Arkady Tseytlin
Event: Workshop: Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry
Title: On Wilson loops in N=4 SYM
Date: 2018-10-26 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics - Jacques H.H. Perk
Name: Jacques H.H. Perk
Event: Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics: September 4 - November 30, 2018
Title: Integrable chiral Potts and tau2 model: Yang-Baxter and Onsager integrability, cyclic representations and parafermions, Ising correlations
Date: 2018-10-26 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry - Simone Giombi
Name: Simone Giombi
Event: Workshop: Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry
Title: Half-BPS Wilson line and defect 1d CFT
Date: 2018-10-26 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry - Nigel Hitchin
Name: Nigel Hitchin
Event: Workshop: Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry
Title: Semiflat hyperkaehler manifolds and their submanifolds.
Date: 2018-10-25 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry - Marco Gualtieri
Name: Marco Gualtieri
Event: Workshop: Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry
Title: Holomorphic Poisson structures and generalized Kähler metrics
Date: 2018-10-25 @2:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Physics Seminar - Masataka Watanabe
Name: Masataka Watanabe
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Recent developments in the large charge expansion
Date: 2018-10-25 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Physics Seminar - David Vegh
Name: David Vegh
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: The goldfish and the string
Date: 2018-10-25 @11:15 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry - Christopher Hull
Name: Christopher Hull
Event: Workshop: Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry
Title: Non-Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry
Date: 2018-10-25 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry - Bernard de Wit
Name: Bernard de Wit
Event: Workshop: Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry
Title: The c-map beyond the classical level
Date: 2018-10-25 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry - Ulf Lindstrom
Name: Ulf Lindstrom
Event: Workshop: Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry
Title: Martin Rocek in and out of Superspace
Date: 2018-10-24 @5:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry - Edward Witten
Name: Edward Witten
Event: Workshop: Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry
Title: Anomalies And Nonsupersymmetric D-Branes'
Date: 2018-10-24 @2:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry - Cumrun Vafa
Name: Cumrun Vafa
Event: Workshop: Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry
Title: Supersymmetric Landscape and the Swampland
Date: 2018-10-24 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry - Nathan Seiberg
Name: Nathan Seiberg
Event: Workshop: Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry
Title: Confinement, De-confinement, and 3d Chern-Simons Theory
Date: 2018-10-24 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry - Jose Miguel Figueroa-O'Farrill
Name: Jose Miguel Figueroa-O'Farrill
Event: Workshop: Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry
Title: Killingsuperalgebras: their uses and algebraic structure
Date: 2018-10-23 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry - Erik Verlinde
Name: Erik Verlinde
Event: Workshop: Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry
Title: The symplectic geometry of AdS/CFT.
Date: 2018-10-23 @2:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry - Rikard von Unge
Name: Rikard von Unge
Event: Workshop: Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry
Title: Yang-Mills theory in Projective Superspace
Date: 2018-10-23 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry - Sergei Kuzenko
Name: Sergei Kuzenko
Event: Workshop: Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry
Title: Nonlinear sigma models with anti-de Sitter supersymmetry in diverse dimensions
Date: 2018-10-23 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Physics Seminar - Alessandro Sfondrini
Name: Alessandro Sfondrini
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Stringy WZW models as integrable deformations
Date: 2018-10-22 @4:15 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry - Stefan Vandoren
Name: Stefan Vandoren
Event: Workshop: Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry
Title: Four dimensional black hole entropy from F-theory.
Date: 2018-10-22 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry - Radu Roiban
Name: Radu Roiban
Event: Workshop: Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry
Title: Purbative Supergravity at Higher Orders
Date: 2018-10-22 @12:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics - Helen Au-Yang Perk
Name: Helen Au-Yang Perk
Event: Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics: September 4 - November 30, 2018
Title: Ising Models with Holes: Crossover and Proximity Effects
Date: 2018-10-22 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry - Warren Siegel
Name: Warren Siegel
Event: Workshop: Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry
Title: Is F-theory a theory?
Date: 2018-10-22 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry - Jim Gates
Name: Jim Gates
Event: Workshop: Geometrical Aspects of Supersymmetry
Title: Uncovering SUSY Freudenthal Type Formulae Without Eigenvalues, Eigenvalues, or the Jordan-Chevalley Decomposition
Date: 2018-10-22 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics - Jacopo Viti
Name: Jacopo Viti
Event: Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics: September 4 - November 30, 2018
Title: Exact logarithmic boundary connectivities in 2d critical percolation
Date: 2018-10-19 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics - Fabio Franchini
Name: Fabio Franchini
Event: Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics: September 4 - November 30, 2018
Title: The Frustration in being Odd: area law violation in local systems
Date: 2018-10-18 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Physics Seminar - Avner Karasik
Name: Avner Karasik
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: On the phase diagram of SU(N)XSU(N) gauge theory with bifundamental Fermion.
Date: 2018-10-17 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Michael Anderson
Name: Michael Anderson
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Boundaries in Euclidean and Lorentzian Gravity
Date: 2018-10-16 @1:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics - Jean-Marie Stephan
Name: Jean-Marie Stephan
Event: Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics: September 4 - November 30, 2018
Title: Effective descriptions of inhomogeneous systems in condensed matter and statistical mechanics
Date: 2018-10-15 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics - Giuseppe Mussardo
Name: Giuseppe Mussardo
Event: Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics: September 4 - November 30, 2018
Title: Non Relativistic Limit of Integrable QFT and Lieb-Liniger Models
Date: 2018-10-12 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Physics Seminar - Miroslav Rapcak
Name: Miroslav Rapcak
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: The Vertex Operator Algebra Vertex
Date: 2018-10-10 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Giuseppe Mussardo
Name: Giuseppe Mussardo
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Generalised Riemann Hypothesis, Random Time Series and Normal Distributions
Date: 2018-10-10 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics - Stefano Negro
Name: Stefano Negro
Event: Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics: September 4 - November 30, 2018
Title: $\mathrm{T}\bar\mathrm{T}$ deformations, integrability and geometry
Date: 2018-10-08 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Physics Seminar - Marco Fazzi
Name: Marco Fazzi
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: All AdS7/CFT6 pairs
Date: 2018-10-05 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics - Alexei Tsvelik
Name: Alexei Tsvelik
Event: Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics: September 4 - November 30, 2018
Title: "Solving a model of (1+1)-dimensional Quantum Chromodynamics"
Date: 2018-10-05 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Art Program 2018-2019: Matter Design Computation: Projects 2012-2018 - Jenny Sabin
Name: Jenny Sabin
Event: Art Program 2018-2019: Matter Design Computation: Projects 2012-2018
Title: Matter Design Computation: Biosynthesis and New Paradigms of Making
Date: 2018-10-04 @5:30 PM
Location: Della Pietra Family Auditorium 103
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Physics Seminar - Edwin Ireson
Name: Edwin Ireson
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: "BPS Semilocal strings and the Supersymmetric Gorsky-Shifman-Yung Soliton"
Date: 2018-10-03 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Della Pietra 2018-2019ay - Luis Alvarez-Gaume
Name: Luis Alvarez-Gaume
Event: Della Pietra 2018-2019
Title: Panel Discussion
Date: 2018-10-02 @5:30 PM
Location: Della Pietra Family Auditorium 103
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Ctirad Klimcik
Name: Ctirad Klimcik
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Non-Abelian T-duality in string theory
Date: 2018-10-02 @1:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics - Sergei Lukyanov
Name: Sergei Lukyanov
Event: Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics: September 4 - November 30, 2018
Title: On the Yang-Baxter Poisson algebra in non-ultralocal integrable systems
Date: 2018-10-01 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics - Rafael Nepomechie
Name: Rafael Nepomechie
Event: Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics: September 4 - November 30, 2018
Title: Symmetries and degeneracies of quantum spin chains
Date: 2018-09-28 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Physics Seminar - Jacob Sonnenschein
Name: Cobi Sonnenschein
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Symmetries and degeneracies of quantum spin chains
Date: 2018-09-26 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics - Andreas Kluemper
Name: Andreas Kluemper
Event: Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics: September 4 - November 30, 2018
Title: Mazur bounds for the spin Drude weight of the Heisenberg chain at finite temperature
Date: 2018-09-24 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics - Ctirad Klimcik
Name: Ctirad Klimcik
Event: Exactly Solvable Models of Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics: September 4 - November 30, 2018
Title: Yang-Baxter deformations of integrable sigma-models
Date: 2018-09-21 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Ari Laptev
Name: Ari Laptev
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Spectral properties of some functional-difference operators
Date: 2018-09-18 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Special Holonomy: Progress and Open Problems 2018 - Mark Haskins
Name: Mark Haskins
Event: Workshop: Special Holonomy: Progress and Open Problems 2018
Title: Complete noncompact metrics of special and exceptional holonomy: the first 40 years
Date: 2018-09-11 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - David Curtin
Name: David Curtin
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Particle Physics at the Lifetime Frontier
Date: 2018-08-28 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Poisson geometry of moduli spaces, associators and quantum field theory - Travis Schedler
Name: Travis Schedler
Event: Program: Poisson geometry of moduli spaces, associators and quantum field theory
Title: Holonomic Poisson manifolds and deformations of elliptic algebras
Date: 2018-06-27 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Poisson geometry of moduli spaces, associators and quantum field theory - Elise Raphael
Name: Elise Raphael
Event: Program: Poisson geometry of moduli spaces, associators and quantum field theory
Title: On elliptic versions of the Kashiwara-Vergne Lie algebra and mould theory
Date: 2018-06-27 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Poisson geometry of moduli spaces, associators and quantum field theory - Matteo Felder
Name: Matteo Felder
Event: Program: Poisson geometry of moduli spaces, associators and quantum field theory
Title: Higher genus Grothendieck-Teichmüller Lie algebras
Date: 2018-06-27 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Poisson geometry of moduli spaces, associators and quantum field theory - Nariya Kawazumi
Name: Nariya Kawazumi
Event: Program: Poisson geometry of moduli spaces, associators and quantum field theory
Title: Formal description of the Goldman bracket, revisited
Date: 2018-06-19 @10:00 AM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Alexander Goncharov
Name: Alexander Goncharov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Hodge Correlators
Date: 2018-05-15 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Dror Bar-Natan
Name: Dror Bar-Natan
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Title: Computation without Representation Part 1
Date: 2018-05-08 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Martin Rocek
Name: Martin Rocek
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: An introduction to supergraphs and some new applications
Date: 2018-04-17 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Christopher Scaduto
Name: Christopher Scaduto
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Intersection forms of smooth 4-manifolds with boundary
Date: 2018-04-03 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Spenta Wadia
Name: Spenta Wadia
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Black holes and the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev type models
Date: 2018-03-20 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Alexander Abanov
Name: Alexander Abanov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Odd surface waves
Date: 2018-03-06 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Dennis P. Sullivan
Name: Dennis P. Sullivan
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Lattice Hydrodynamics
Date: 2018-02-27 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Marek Karliner
Name: Marek Karliner
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: The Social Life of Heavy Quarks
Date: 2018-02-20 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Aliakbar Daemi
Name: Aliakbar Daemi
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Polygons in Low Dimensional Topology
Date: 2018-02-13 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Dalimil Mazac
Name: Dalimil Mazac
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Analytic conformal bootstrap
Date: 2018-02-06 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Localization Techniques in Quantum Field Theories - Brian Willett
Name: Brian Willett
Event: Program: Localization Techniques in Quantum Field Theories
Title: Localization on Circle Bundles
Date: 2018-02-01 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Mark Mezei
Name: Mark Mezei
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Thermalization through the lens of entanglement entropy
Date: 2018-01-30 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Maxim Zabzine
Name: Maxim Zabzine
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Localization of supersymmetric gauge theories on compact manifolds
Date: 2018-01-23 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Alexander Turbiner
Name: Alexander Turbiner
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Quantum n-body problem: generalized Euler coordinates Subtitle: (from J-L Lagrange to Figure Eight by Moore and Ter-Martirosyan, then and today)
Date: 2017-12-05 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Lecture Course - Mark Mineev-Weinstein
Name: Mark Mineev-Weinstein
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Introduction to integrable processes far from equilibrium: Laplacian growth, DLA, and others
Date: 2017-11-29 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Physics Seminar - Peter Koroteev
Name: Peter Koroteev
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Double Affine Hecke Algebra and Instanton Counting
Date: 2017-11-29 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Hydrodynamics, ergodicity, entanglement and localization in interacting lattice models and field theories - Dmitri Kharzeev
Name: Dmitri Kharzeev
Event: Program: Hydrodynamics, ergodicity, entanglement and localization in interacting lattice models and field theories
Title: Chiral Anomaly in Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics
Date: 2017-11-29 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Daniel Harlow
Name: Daniel Harlow
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Von Neumann Algebras for holography and quantum error correction
Date: 2017-11-28 @1:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Hydrodynamics, ergodicity, entanglement and localization in interacting lattice models and field theories - Alexander Abanov
Name: Alexander Abanov
Event: Program: Hydrodynamics, ergodicity, entanglement and localization in interacting lattice models and field theories
Title: Odd Surface Waves
Date: 2017-11-28 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Hydrodynamics, ergodicity, entanglement and localization in interacting lattice models and field theories - Daniel Harlow
Name: Daniel Harlow
Event: Program: Hydrodynamics, ergodicity, entanglement and localization in interacting lattice models and field theories
Title: Symmetries in quantum field theory and quantum gravity
Date: 2017-11-27 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Hydrodynamics, ergodicity, entanglement and localization in interacting lattice models and field theories - Amos Yarom
Name: Amos Yarom
Event: Program: Hydrodynamics, ergodicity, entanglement and localization in interacting lattice models and field theories
Title: A Schwinger-Keldysh effective action
Date: 2017-11-21 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Hydrodynamics, ergodicity, entanglement and localization in interacting lattice models and field theories - Stefan Kehrein
Name: Stefan Kehrein
Event: Program: Hydrodynamics, ergodicity, entanglement and localization in interacting lattice models and field theories
Title: Reversibility and Irreversibility in Quantum Many-Body Systems
Date: 2017-11-20 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Progress in quantum collective phenomena-from MBL to black holes - Herman Verlinde
Name: Herman Verlinde
Event: Workshop: Progress in quantum collective phenomena - from MBL to black holes
Title: Black Hole Horizons and Many Body Quantum Chaos
Date: 2017-11-14 @12:45 PM
Location: 102
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Physics Seminar - Mark Mineev-Weinstein
Name: Mark Mineev-Weinstein
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: "Introduction to integrable processes far from equilibrium: Laplacian growth, DLA, and others"
Date: 2017-11-01 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Physics Seminar - Pietro Benetti Genolini
Name: Pietro Benetti Genolini
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Topological AdS/CFT
Date: 2017-11-01 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Hydrodynamics, ergodicity, entanglement and localization in interacting lattice models and field theories - Kristan Jensen
Name: Kristan Jensen
Event: Program: Hydrodynamics, ergodicity, entanglement and localization in interacting lattice models and field theories
Title: Chaos and symmetry breaking in SYK and AdS2
Date: 2017-11-01 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Olaf Hohm
Name: Olaf Hohm
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: L-infinity algebra and field theory
Date: 2017-10-31 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Geometry of Manifolds - Tobias Colding
Name: Tobias Colding
Event: Workshop: Geometry of Manifolds
Title: Optimal regularity for geometric flows
Date: 2017-10-24 @2:15 PM
Location: 103
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Physics/SCGP Colloquium - Giuseppe Mussardo
Name: Giuseppe Mussardo
Event: Physics/SCGP Colloquium
Title: Yang-Lee Zeros of the Yang-Lee Model
Date: 2017-10-17 @4:15 PM
Location: 103
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Geometrical and statistical fluid dynamics - Uriel Frisch
Name: Uriel Frisch
Event: Workshop: Geometrical and statistical fluid dynamics
Title: Differential geometry and Fluid dynamics: more than two centuries of interaction
Date: 2017-10-10 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Paul Fendley
Name: Paul Fendley
Event: Workshop: Wonders of Broken Integrability
Title: Preserving Quantum Coherence
Date: 2017-10-03 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Nikita Nekrasov
Name: Nikita Nekrasov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: On the origin of Chern-Simons terms
Date: 2017-09-26 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Mohammad Farajzadeh Tehrani
Name: Mohammad Farajzadeh Tehrani
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: On the compactification problem for (certain) moduli spaces of J-holomorphic maps
Date: 2017-09-19 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Hydrodynamics, ergodicity, entanglement and localization in interacting lattice models and field theories - Vadim Oganesyan
Name: Vadim Oganesyan
Event: Program: Hydrodynamics, ergodicity, entanglement and localization in interacting lattice models and field theories
Title: Hydrodynamics, ergodicity, entanglement and localization in interacting lattice models and field theories: an overview of past decade in quantum many-body dynamics
Date: 2017-09-11 @10:30 AM
Location: 313
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Name: Michelangelo Mangano
Event: ATLAS Flavor Tagging / Higgs to bb Workshop
Date: 2017-09-05 @5:30 PM
Location: 103
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2017 Simons Summer Workshop in Mathematics and Physics - Silviu Pufu
Name: Silviu Pufu
Event: 2017 Simons Summer Workshop in Mathematics and Physics
Title: AdS_2 / CFT_1 from AdS_4 / CFT_3
Date: 2017-07-27 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Matrix Factorizations in Mathematics and Physics: - Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz
Name: Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz
Event: Workshop: Matrix Factorizations in Mathematics and Physics
Title: Matrix Factorizations and Tilting Objects
Date: 2017-06-16 @11:45 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Matrix Factorizations in Mathematics and Physics: - Raffaele Savelli
Name: Raffaele Savelli
Event: Workshop: Matrix Factorizations in Mathematics and Physics
Title: F-theory on Singular Spaces
Date: 2017-06-16 @10:15 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Matrix Factorizations in Mathematics and Physics: - David Favero
Name: David Favero
Event: Workshop: Matrix Factorizations in Mathematics and Physics
Title: Crepant Categorical Resolutions and a Toric Orlov Theorem
Date: 2017-06-16 @9:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Mathematics of topological phases of matter - Jeongwan Haah
Name: Jeongwan Haah
Event: Program: Mathematics of topological phases of matter
Title: Locally indistinguishable states and long-range entanglement
Date: 2017-06-02 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Mathematics of topological phases of matter - Nick Bonesteel
Name: Nick Bonesteel
Event: Program: Mathematics of topological phases of matter
Title: Topological Quantum Computation
Date: 2017-06-02 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Mathematics of topological phases of matter - Nick Bonesteel
Name: Nick Bonesteel
Event: Program: Mathematics of topological phases of matter
Title: Topological Quantum Computation
Date: 2017-06-02 @9:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Topological phases of matter mini course - Spiros Michalakis
Name: Spiros Michalakis
Event: Program: Mathematics of topological phases of matter
Title: An introduction to Lieb-Robinson bounds and Frustration-Free Hamiltonians
Date: 2017-05-30 @3:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Topological phases of matter mini course - Jeongwan Haah
Name: Jeongwan Haah
Event: Program: Mathematics of topological phases of matter
Title: Locally indistinguishable states and long-range entanglement
Date: 2017-05-30 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Topological phases of matter mini course - Nathan Seiberg
Name: Nathan Seiberg
Event: Program: Mathematics of topological phases of matter
Title: Symmetries, anomalies, and duality in 2+1d field theory
Date: 2017-05-30 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Homological mirror symmetry and higher genus invariants - Kevin Costello
Name: Kevin Costello
Event: Workshop: Homological mirror symmetry and higher genus invariants
Title: The higher genus B model and BCOV theory
Date: 2017-05-23 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Michele Del Zotto
Name: Michele Del Zotto
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Strings on G2 manifolds: aspects of mirror symmetry
Date: 2017-05-16 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Quantitative Symplectic Geometry - Jean Gutt
Name: Jean Gutt
Event: Workshop: Quantitative Symplectic Geometry
Title: Equivariant Symplectic Capacities
Date: 2017-05-12 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Quantitative Symplectic Geometry - Mark McLean
Name: Mark McLean
Event: Workshop: Quantitative Symplectic Geometry
Title: The size of a neighborhood of a Lagrangian in C^n
Date: 2017-05-12 @2:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Quantitative Symplectic Geometry - Kai Cieliebak
Name: Kai Cieliebak
Event: Workshop: Quantitative Symplectic Geometry
Title: Poincare Duality for Free Loop Spaces
Date: 2017-05-12 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Quantitative Symplectic Geometry - Viktor Ginzburg
Name: Viktor Ginzburg
Event: Workshop: Quantitative Symplectic Geometry
Title: Lusternik-Schnirelmann Theory, the Shift Operator and Closed Reeb Orbits
Date: 2017-05-12 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Quantitative Symplectic Geometry - Michael Hutchings
Name: Michael Hutchings
Event: Workshop: Quantitative Symplectic Geometry
Title: Measuring space and time in symplectic geometry
Date: 2017-05-09 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Viatcheslav Kharlamov
Name: Viatcheslav Kharlamov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Deformation classification of real non-singular cubic 3-folds with marked real line
Date: 2017-05-02 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology - Gregory Moore
Name: Gregory Moore
Event: Workshop: Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology
Title: The $u$-Plane Integral As A Tool In The Theory Of Four-Manifolds
Date: 2017-04-26 @2:30 PM
Location: 102
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Physics/SCGP Colloquium - Zohar Komargodski
Name: Zohar Komargodski
Event: Physics/SCGP Colloquium
Title: Using Topology to Solve Strongly Coupled Quantum Field Theories
Date: 2017-04-25 @4:15 PM
Location: 103
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Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology - Hiraku Nakajima
Name: Hiraku Nakajima
Event: Workshop: Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology
Title: Coulomb branches of 4d N=2 SUSY gauge theories for $\mathbb R^3\times S^1$
Date: 2017-04-25 @2:00 PM
Location: 102
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Spring School on Discrete and Computational Geometry - Yusu Wang
Name: Yusu Wang
Event: Workshop: Spring School on Discrete and Computational Geometry
Title: Mini-course on Computational Topology Part 3
Date: 2017-04-20 @9:00 AM
Location: 102
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Spring School on Discrete and Computational Geometry - Yusu Wang
Name: Yusu Wang
Event: Workshop: Spring School on Discrete and Computational Geometry
Title: Mini-course on Computational Topology Part 2
Date: 2017-04-19 @2:30 PM
Location: 102
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Spring School on Discrete and Computational Geometry - Chee Yap
Name: Chee Yap
Event: Workshop: Spring School on Discrete and Computational Geometry
Title: On Soft Foundations for Geometric Computation
Date: 2017-04-18 @1:00 PM
Location: 103
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Culinary Master Series - Paolo Fontana
Name: Paolo Fontana
Event: SCGP Cafe
Title: The Cuisine of India
Date: 2017-04-04 @6:00 PM
Location: SCGP Cafe
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Dmitry Orlov
Name: Dmitry Orlov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Quivers, noncommutative varieties, and their geometric realizations
Date: 2017-04-04 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Beyond WIMPs: from Theory to Detection - Joshua Ruderman
Name: Joshua Ruderman
Event: Workshop: Beyond WIMPs: from Theory to Detection
Title: Cosmology of Thermal Dark Sectors
Date: 2017-03-28 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Beyond WIMPs: from Theory to Detection - Neal Weiner
Name: Neal Weiner
Event: Workshop: Beyond WIMPs: from Theory to Detection
Title: Dark Matter: Past, Present, and Future
Date: 2017-03-28 @1:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Turbulent and laminar flows in two dimensions - Brad Marston
Name: Brad Marston
Event: Program: Turbulent and laminar flows in two dimensions
Title: El Niño as a Topological Insulator: A Surprising Connection Between Geo-, and Quantum, Physics
Date: 2017-03-28 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Beyond WIMPs: from Theory to Detection - Maxim Pospelov
Name: Maxim Pospelov
Event: Workshop: Beyond WIMPs: from Theory to Detection
Title: New Directions in Searching for Non-WIMP dark matter
Date: 2017-03-28 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Physics/SCGP Colloquium - Gregory Falkovich
Name: Gregory Falkovich
Event: Physics/SCGP Colloquium
Title: Planar flows: from graphene to planet atmospheres
Date: 2017-03-21 @4:15 PM
Location: 103
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Olaf Hohm
Name: Olaf Hohm
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Extended Geometries in String Theory
Date: 2017-03-16 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Cafe Culinary Masters Series - Paolo Fontana
Name: Paolo Fontana
Event: SCGP Cafe
Title: The Cuisine of Spain
Date: 2017-03-07 @6:00 PM
Location: SCGP Cafe
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Applied Newton-Cartan geometry - Eric Bergshoeff
Name: Eric Bergshoeff
Event: Workshop: Applied Newton-Cartan geometry
Title: Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry
Date: 2017-03-07 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Physics/SCGP Colloquium - Martin Zirnbauer
Name: Martin Zirnbauer
Event: Physics/SCGP Colloquium
Title: On symmetry-protected topological states: from free fermions to the Haldane phase
Date: 2017-02-14 @4:15 PM
Location: 103
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Culinary Master Series - Paolo Fontana
Name: Paolo Fontana
Event: SCGP Cafe
Title: The Cuisine of Italy
Date: 2017-02-07 @6:00 PM
Location: SCGP Cafe
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Mathematics of Gauge Fields - Jianfeng Lin
Name: Jianfeng Lin
Event: Program: Mathematics of gauge fields
Title: The unfolded Seiberg-Witten Floer spectra for three manifolds
Date: 2017-02-02 @1:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Mathematics of gauge fields - Lucas Culler
Name: Lucas Culler
Event: Program: Mathematics of gauge fields
Title: Link Surgery and the Tate Curve
Date: 2017-01-19 @1:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Greg Gabadadze
Name: Greg Gabadadze
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: The Cost to Cancel the Big Lambda
Date: 2017-01-17 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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String Theory and Scattering Amplitudes - Nathan Berkovits
Name: Nathan Berkovits
Event: Workshop: String Theory and Scattering Amplitudes
Title: String Theories and Scattering Amplitudes
Date: 2017-01-10 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Culinary Master series - Paolo Fontana
Name: Paolo Fontana
Event: SCGP Cafe
Title: French Cuisine
Date: 2016-12-06 @6:00 PM
Location: SCGP Cafe
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Physics/SCGP Colloquium - Mark Vanraamsdonk
Name: Mark Van Raamsdonk
Event: Physics/SCGP Colloquium
Title: Gravity and Entanglement
Date: 2016-12-06 @4:15 PM
Location: 103
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Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Tadashi Takayanagi
Name: Tadashi Takayanagi
Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems
Title: Emergent Spacetime from Quantum Entanglement
Date: 2016-11-29 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Alexander Stolin
Name: Alexander Stolin
Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems
Title: Classification of quantum groups, twists and non-Hermitian Hamiltonians.
Date: 2016-11-18 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Abolfazl Bayat
Name: Abolfazl Bayat
Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems
Title: Impurity quantum phase transitions: a quantum information perspective
Date: 2016-11-18 @11:15 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Dedication of the Della Pietra Family Auditorium - Luis Alvarez-Gaume
Name: Luis Alvarez-Gaume
Event: Della Pietra 2015-2016ay
Title: Dedication of the Della Pietra Family Auditorium
Date: 2016-11-17 @4:30 PM
Location: 103
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2016 Playwriting Competition – Winners and Performances
Name: Science Plays
Event: Art Program Talks
Date: 2016-11-02 @6:30 PM
Location: 103
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Culinary Master Series - Paolo Fontana
Name: Paolo Fontana
Event: SCGP Cafe
Title: Moroccan Cuisine
Date: 2016-11-01 @6:00 PM
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Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Mukund Rangamani
Name: Mukund Rangamani
Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems
Title: Holography and Entanglement Decadal Survey
Date: 2016-11-01 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - John Morgan
Name: John Morgan
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Spin Manifolds and Spin Bordism
Date: 2016-10-25 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Recent Developments in the Mathematical study of Gauge Theory - Tom Mrowka
Name: Tom Mrowka
Event: Workshop: Recent Developments in the Mathematical study of Gauge Theory
Title: An approach to the Four Color Theorem via Gauge Theory and Three Manifold Topology
Date: 2016-10-18 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Entanglement in Quantum Systems - Julian Sonner
Name: Julian Sonner
Event: Workshop: Entanglement in Quantum Systems
Title: Entanglement Dynamics and Black Hole Collapse
Date: 2016-10-07 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Entanglement in Quantum Systems - Raul Santos
Name: Raul Santos
Event: Workshop: Entanglement in Quantum Systems
Title: Entanglement in symmetry protected topological phases; A case study.
Date: 2016-10-07 @9:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Culinary Master Series - Paolo Fontana
Name: Paolo Fontana
Event: SCGP Cafe
Title: Culinary Master Series - The Cuisine of Greece
Date: 2016-10-04 @6:00 PM
Location: SCGP Cafe
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Physics/SCGP Colloquium - Ashoke Sen
Name: Ashoke Sen
Event: Physics/SCGP Colloquium
Title: Managing divergences in string theory
Date: 2016-10-04 @4:15 PM
Location: 103
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Nikita Nekrasov
Name: Nikita Nekrasov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Complex Quoits, or, How to smoothly tie the instantons and anti-instantons
Date: 2016-09-27 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Nikita Nekrasov
Name: Nikita Nekrasov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Complex Quoits, or, How to smoothly tie the instantons and anti-instantons
Date: 2016-09-27 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Derived categories and Chow groups of hyperkaehler and Calabi-Yau varieties - Giulia Sacca
Name: Giulia Sacca
Event: Workshop: Derived categories and Chow groups of hyperkaehler and Calabi-Yau varieties
Title: Geometry of O'Grady's 6 dimensional example
Date: 2016-09-23 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Derived categories and Chow groups of hyperkaehler and Calabi-Yau varieties - Xiaolei Zhao
Name: Xiaolei Zhao
Event: Workshop: Derived categories and Chow groups of hyperkaehler and Calabi-Yau varieties
Title: Birational geometry of moduli spaces of sheaves on the projective plane via wall-crossing
Date: 2016-09-23 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Automorphic forms, mock modular forms and string theory - Boris Pioline
Name: Boris Pioline
Event: Program: Automorphic forms, mock modular forms and string theory
Title: Indefinite theta series and generalized error functions
Date: 2016-09-23 @11:15 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Derived categories and Chow groups of hyperkaehler and Calabi-Yau varieties - Brendan Hassett
Name: Brendan Hassett
Event: Workshop: Derived categories and Chow groups of hyperkaehler and Calabi-Yau varieties
Title: Cubic fourfolds, K3 surfaces, and derived equivalences
Date: 2016-09-23 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Automorphic forms, mock modular forms and string theory - Daniel Persson
Name: Daniel Persson
Event: Program: Automorphic forms, mock modular forms and string theory
Title: From moonshine to automorphic forms and beyond
Date: 2016-09-20 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy - Simon Donaldson
Name: Simon Donaldson
Event: Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy Workshop
Title: Adiabatic Limits of Coassocative Fibrations
Date: 2016-09-09 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy - Song Sun
Name: Song Sun
Event: Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy Workshop
Title: Degeneration of Calabi-Yau Metrics
Date: 2016-09-09 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy - Jeff Cheeger
Name: Jeff Cheeger
Event: Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy Workshop
Title: Ricci Curvature: Some Recent Progress and Open Questions
Date: 2016-09-09 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Automorphic forms, mock modular forms and string theory - Ben Brubaker
Name: Ben Brubaker
Event: Program: Automorphic forms, mock modular forms and string theory
Title: Calculating Matrix Coefficients for p-adic Groups
Date: 2016-09-09 @11:15 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy - Simon Salamon
Name: Simon Salamon
Event: Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy Workshop
Title: Manifolds with Holonomy Sp(n)Sp(1)
Date: 2016-09-09 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy - Mark Haskins
Name: Mark Haskins
Event: Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy Workshop
Title: Collapse and Special Holonomy Metrics
Date: 2016-09-09 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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2016 Simons Summer Workshop in Mathematics and Physics - Sriram Ganeshan
Name: Sriram Ganeshan
Event: 2016 Simons Summer Workshop in Mathematics and Physics
Title: Topologically protected edge modes with and without symmetries
Date: 2016-07-28 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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2016 Simons Summer Workshop in Mathematics and Physics - Juan Maldacena
Name: Juan Maldacena
Event: 2016 Simons Summer Workshop in Mathematics and Physics
Title: The SYK Model and Near Extremal Black Holes
Date: 2016-07-22 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Between Dynamics and Spectral Theory - Jake Fillman
Name: Jake Fillman
Event: Workshop: Between Dynamics and Spectral Theory
Title: Ballistic Motion for Limit-Periodic Potentials
Date: 2016-06-09 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Between Dynamics and Spectral Theory - Chris Marx
Name: Chris Marx
Event: Workshop: Between Dynamics and Spectral Theory
Title: Sub-critical behavior for quasi-periodic Jacobi operators
Date: 2016-06-09 @2:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Between Dynamics and Spectral Theory - Rui Han
Name: Rui Han
Event: Workshop: Between Dynamics and Spectral Theory
Title: Full measure reducibility and localization for quasi-periodic Jacobi operators: a topological criterion
Date: 2016-06-09 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Between Dynamics and Spectral Theory - Milivoje Lukic
Name: Milivoje Lukic
Event: Workshop: Between Dynamics and Spectral Theory
Title: KdV equation with almost periodic initial data
Date: 2016-06-09 @9:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Geometry of Quantum Hall States - Semyon Klevtsov
Name: Semyon Klevtsov
Event: Program: Geometry of Quantum Hall States
Title: Questions around Laughlin states on Riemann surfaces
Date: 2016-06-03 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Greg Huber
Name: Greg Huber
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Terasaki Ramps: A Glimpse into the Geometrical Architecture of the Cell
Date: 2016-05-24 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Stochastic Partial Differential Equations - Hao Shen
Name: Hao Shen
Event: Workshop: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Title: Some Convergence Results for KPZ and Stochastic Quantization Equations
Date: 2016-05-20 @11:45 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Stochastic Partial Differential Equations - Hendrik Weber
Name: Hendrik Weber
Event: Workshop: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Date: 2016-05-20 @10:45 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Stochastic Partial Differential Equations - Jonathan Mattingly
Name: Jonathan Mattingly
Event: Workshop: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Title: Scaling limits of a model for selection at two scales
Date: 2016-05-20 @9:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Stochastic Partial Differential Equations - Leonid Mytnik
Name: Leonid Mytnik
Event: Workshop: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Title: On the boundary of the support of super-Brownian motion
Date: 2016-05-19 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Stochastic Partial Differential Equations - Marco Romito
Name: Marco Romito
Event: Workshop: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Title: Densities for solutions of stochastic PDEs
Date: 2016-05-19 @2:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Stochastic Partial Differential Equations - Nicolas Perkowski
Name: Nicolas Perkowski
Event: Workshop: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Title: A martingale problem for the KPZ equation
Date: 2016-05-19 @11:45 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Stochastic Partial Differential Equations - Konstantin Matetski
Name: Konstantin Matetski
Event: Workshop: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Title: Discretizations of Rough Stochastic PDEs
Date: 2016-05-19 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Martin Hairer
Name: Martin Hairer
Event: Workshop: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Title: Random loops
Date: 2016-05-17 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk: Daniel Waldram
Name: Daniel Waldram
Event: Generalized Geometry & T-dualities
Title: Generalised geometry and supersymmetric spacetimes
Date: 2016-05-10 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Culinary Master Series - Paolo Fontana
Name: Paolo Fontana
Event: SCGP Cafe
Title: Spring Forward Menu
Date: 2016-05-03 @6:00 PM
Location: SCGP Cafe
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Paul Wiegmann
Name: Paul Wiegmann
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Precise adiabatic transport and Quillen holomorphic anomaly - Quantum Hall Effect, the case study
Date: 2016-05-03 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Seminar series by Brett Parker
Name: Brett Parker
Event: talk
Title: Exploded manifolds and degeneration formulas for Gromov-Witten invariants
Date: 2016-04-29 @11:00 AM
Location: 102
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Seminar series by Brett Parker
Name: Brett Parker
Event: talk
Title: Exploded manifolds and degeneration formulas for Gromov-Witten invariants
Date: 2016-04-28 @10:30 AM
Location: 102
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Seminar Series by Brett Parker
Name: Brett Parker
Event: talk
Title: Exploded manifolds and degeneration formulas for Gromov-Witten invariants
Date: 2016-04-27 @11:00 AM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Shinsei Ryu
Name: Shinsei Ryu
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Bulk/boundary correspondence in (3+1)d topological phases
Date: 2016-04-19 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Culinary Master Series - Paolo Fontana
Name: Paolo Fontana
Event: SCGP Cafe
Title: Incredible Edibles
Date: 2016-04-12 @6:00 PM
Location: SCGP Cafe
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Nathan Seiberg
Name: Nathan Seiberg
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Gapped Boundary Phases of Topological Insulators via Weak Coupling
Date: 2016-04-12 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Andy Strominger
Name: Andy Strominger
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: The Black Hole Information Paradox, Revisited
Date: 2016-04-05 @4:15 PM
Location: 103
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Phillip Griffiths
Name: Phillip Griffiths
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Hodge theory and moduli
Date: 2016-03-29 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Marilena Loverde
Name: Marilena Loverde
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Why we are excited about the LIGO results, a cosmologist’s perspective
Date: 2016-03-22 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talks - Alexei Borodin
Name: Alexei Borodin
Event: Workshop: Six-vertex models, dimers, shapes, and all that
Title: The six vertex model and randomly growing interfaces in (1+1) dimensions
Date: 2016-03-15 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Culinary Master Series - Paolo Fontana
Name: Paolo Fontana
Event: SCGP Cafe
Title: Comfort Foods
Date: 2016-03-08 @6:00 PM
Location: SCGP Cafe
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SCGP Weekly Talks - Christian Schnell
Name: Christian Schnell
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Introduction to Hodge theory
Date: 2016-03-08 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talks - Vasily Pestun
Name: Vasily Pestun
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Geometric and algebraic structures in gauge theories
Date: 2016-03-03 @2:00 PM
Location: 102
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CQM Seminar - Victor Galitski
Name: Victor Galitski
Event: CQM Seminar
Title: “Soliton motion, dissipation, and death in quantum superfluids"
Date: 2016-02-26 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Statistical Mechanics and Combinatorics - Nikolay Bogoliubov
Name: Nikolay Bogoliubov
Event: Program: Statistical mechanics and combinatorics
Title: Random walks, plane partitions and correlation functions of Heisenberg chain in the limiting cases.
Date: 2016-02-26 @1:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Bernard Nienhuis
Name: Bernard Nienhuis
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Statistical Physics and Combinatorics, why now?
Date: 2016-02-23 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Culinary Master Series - Paolo Fontana
Name: Paolo Fontana
Event: SCGP Cafe
Title: My Favorite Things
Date: 2016-02-17 @6:00 PM
Location: SCGP Cafe
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Special Tea Time with Magic Presentation by Tadashi Tokieda
Name: Tadashi Tokieda
Event: Della Pietra 2015-2016ay
Date: 2016-02-09 @3:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lobby
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Hiraku Nakajima
Name: Hiraku Nakajima
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Instantons on the Taub-NUT space
Date: 2016-02-02 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Roman Bezrukavnikov
Name: Roman Bezrukavnikov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: On character sheaves
Date: 2016-01-26 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Valerio Toledano Laredo
Name: Valerio Toledano Laredo
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Quasi-Coxeter algebras, flat connections and quantum groups
Date: 2016-01-12 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Cafe Culinary Master Series
Name: Paolo Fontana
Event: SCGP Cafe
Title: Mamma's Holiday Cooking
Date: 2015-12-08 @6:00 PM
Location: SCGP Cafe
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Christopher J. Bishop
Name: Christopher Bishop
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: True Trees
Date: 2015-12-08 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Foundations and applications of Random Matrix Theory in Math and Physics - Nivedita Deo
Name: Nivedita Deo
Event: Program: Foundations and Applications of Random Matrix Theory in Mathematics and Physics
Title: Counting RNA Folds From Random Matrix Models And Networks
Date: 2015-11-20 @11:00 AM
Location: 313
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The Culinary Master Series Harvest Moon Dinner
Name: Paolo Fontana
Event: SCGP Cafe
Title: The Culinary Master Series Harvest Moon Dinner
Date: 2015-11-10 @6:00 PM
Location: SCGP Cafe
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Riemannian Convergence Theory Workshop
Name: Hans-Joachim Hein
Event: Workshop: Riemannian Convergence Theory
Title: Riemannian Convergence Theory
Date: 2015-11-10 @1:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Riemannian Convergence Theory Workshop
Name: Ruobing Zhang
Event: Workshop: Riemannian Convergence Theory
Title: Part II: Quantitative Nilpotent Structure and Regularity of Collapsed Einstein Manifolds
Date: 2015-11-10 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Riemannian Convergence Theory Workshop
Name: Ruobing Zhang
Event: Workshop: Riemannian Convergence Theory
Title: Part I: Quantitative Nilpotent Structure and Regularity of Collapsed Einstein Manifolds
Date: 2015-11-10 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Riemannian Convergence Theory Workshop
Name: Jeff Viaclovsky
Event: Workshop: Riemannian Convergence Theory
Title: On the moduli space of critical metrics on connected sums of Einstein four-manifolds
Date: 2015-11-09 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Foundations and applications of Random Matrix Theory in Math and Physics
Name: Mario Kieburg
Event: Program: Foundations and Applications of Random Matrix Theory in Mathematics and Physics
Title: Products of Random Matrices and Quantum Information Theory
Date: 2015-11-09 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Riemannian Convergence Theory Workshop
Name: Gilles Carron
Event: Workshop: Riemannian Convergence Theory
Title: Integral pinched curvature and the topology of some 3-manifolds
Date: 2015-11-09 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Random Matrix Theory, Integrable Systems, and Topology in Physics Workshop - Sebastian Muller, University of Bristol
Name: Sebastian Muller
Event: Workshop: Random Matrix Theory, Integrable Systems, and Topology in Physics
Title: Semiclassics and random matrices for many-particle systems
Date: 2015-11-06 @3:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Random Matrix Theory, Integrable Systems, and Topology in Physics Workshop - Mykhailo Poplavskyi, The University of Warwick
Name: Mykhailo Poplavskyi
Event: Workshop: Random Matrix Theory, Integrable Systems, and Topology in Physics
Title: On asymptotic behavior of pure complex spectrum probability for the real Ginibre matrix.
Date: 2015-11-06 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Random Matrix Theory, Integrable Systems, and Topology in Physics Workshop - Roman Riser, Holon Institute of Technology
Name: Roman Riser
Event: Workshop: Random Matrix Theory, Integrable Systems, and Topology in Physics
Title: Fine Asymptotic Behavior for Eigenvalues of Random Normal Matrices
Date: 2015-11-06 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Random Matrix Theory, Integrable Systems, and Topology in Physics Workshop - Toshihiko Kawano, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Name: Toshihiko Kawano
Event: Workshop: Random Matrix Theory, Integrable Systems, and Topology in Physics
Title: Random-matrix approach to the statistical compound nuclear reaction at low energies using the Monte-Carlo technique
Date: 2015-11-06 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Random Matrix Theory, Integrable Systems, and Topology in Physics Workshop - Dmitry Savin, Brunel University London
Name: Dmitry Savin
Event: Workshop: Random Matrix Theory, Integrable Systems, and Topology in Physics
Title: Probing eigenfunction nonorthogonality by parametric shifts of resonance widths
Date: 2015-11-06 @9:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture 102
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Moduli spaces and singularities in algebraic and Riemannian geometry - Yuji Sano
Name: Yuji Sano
Event: Program: Moduli spaces and singularities in algebraic and Riemannian geometry
Title: Minkowski problem on Fano polytopes
Date: 2015-11-05 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Random Matrix Theory, Integrable Systems, and Topology in Physics Workshop - Thomas Spencer
Name: Thomas Spencer
Event: Workshop: Random Matrix Theory, Integrable Systems, and Topology in Physics
Title: Zirnbaeur's SUSY sigma model and Reinforced walks
Date: 2015-11-05 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Random Matrix Theory, Integrable Systems, and Topology in Physics Workshop - Sayantan Sharma
Name: Sayantan Sharma
Event: Workshop: Random Matrix Theory, Integrable Systems, and Topology in Physics
Title: The Dirac eigenvalues in high temperature QCD: connection with topology and RMT.
Date: 2015-11-05 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Random Matrix Theory, Integrable Systems, and Topology in Physics Workshop - Shinsuke Nishigaki, Shimane University
Name: Shinsuke Nishigaki
Event: Workshop: Random Matrix Theory, Integrable Systems, and Topology in Physics
Title: Spectral crossover and Anderson localization in QCD Dirac spectra
Date: 2015-11-05 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Random Matrix Theory, Integrable Systems, and Topology in Physics Workshop - Herbert Neuberger
Name: Herbert Neuberger
Event: Workshop: Random Matrix Theory, Integrable Systems, and Topology in Physics
Title: Wilson loop eigenvalue distributions
Date: 2015-11-05 @9:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Thomas Guhr
Name: Thomas Guhr
Event: Workshop: Random Matrix Theory, Integrable Systems, and Topology in Physics
Title: Random Matrices: Tour d’Horizon
Date: 2015-11-03 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Yan Fyodorov
Name: Yan Fyodorov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: A Nonlinear Analogue of May-Wigner Instability Transition
Date: 2015-10-27 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Special Talk by Prof. Uriel Frisch
Name: Uriel Frisch
Event: talk
Title: Time-analyticity of Lagrangian particle trajectories in ideal fluid flow
Date: 2015-10-22 @2:30 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Prof. Uriel Frisch
Name: Uriel Frisch
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Cauchy's almost forgotten Lagrangian formulation of the Euler equation for 3D incompressible flow
Date: 2015-10-20 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Join Chef Paolo in the SCGP Cafe on Tuesday, October 13th from 6 to 8 pm as he demonstrates how to make buttermilk fried chicken and honey butter biscuits.
Name: Paolo Fontana
Event: SCGP Cafe
Title: Culinary Masters Series - Indian Summer
Date: 2015-10-13 @6:00 PM
Location: SCGP Cafe
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Zohar Komargodski
Name: Zohar Komargodski
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: The Space of Quantum Field Theories
Date: 2015-10-13 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Gabor Szekelyhidi
Name: Gabor Szekelyhidi
Event: Workshop: Toric Kahler Geometry
Title: Extremal metrics on toric manifolds
Date: 2015-10-06 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Moduli spaces and singularities in algebraic and Riemannian geometry
Name: Radu M. Laza
Event: Program: Moduli spaces and singularities in algebraic and Riemannian geometry
Title: KSBA vs. GIT vs. Hodge theory
Date: 2015-10-01 @2:15 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Della Pietra Lecture Series High School Talk - Bonnie Bassler
Name: Bonnie Bassler
Event: Della Pietra 2015-2016ay
Title: How Bacteria Talk To Each Other
Date: 2015-10-01 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP Auditorium 103
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Foundations and applications of Random Matrix Theory in Math and Physics
Name: Hans Weidenmueller
Event: Program: Foundations and Applications of Random Matrix Theory in Mathematics and Physics
Title: Neutron Resonance Widths and the Porter-Thomas Distribution
Date: 2015-10-01 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Seminar Series "Mathematics and Physics of Calogero-Moser-Sutherland systems"
Name: Alexander Abanov
Event: Program: Seminar Series Mathematics and Physics of Calogero-Moser-Sutherland systems
Title: Benjamin-Ono equation and collective behavior of Calogero particles
Date: 2015-09-30 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Foundations and applications of Random Matrix Theory in Math and Physics
Name: Mariya Shcherbina
Event: Program: Foundations and Applications of Random Matrix Theory in Mathematics and Physics
Title: Central limit theorem for linear eigenvalue statistics of random matrices with independent or weakly dependent entries.
Date: 2015-09-30 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP Conference Room 313
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Martin Zirnbauer
Name: Martin Zirnbauer
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Bott periodicity and Kitaev's "Periodic Table" of topological insulators and superconductors
Date: 2015-09-29 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Robert Lazarsfeld
Name: Rob Lazarsfeld
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: An invitation to multiplier ideals
Date: 2015-09-22 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Zhenghan Wang
Name: Zhenghan Wang
Event: Graduate Workshop on Topological Quantum Field Theory
Title: Realization of TQFTs in Nature and topological quantum computation
Date: 2015-09-15 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly talk - Greg Gabadadze
Name: Greg Gabadadze
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: The Big Constant Out, The Small Constant In
Date: 2015-06-30 @1:00 PM
Location: 313
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Emil Prodan
Name: Emil Prodan
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Topological Insulators at Strong Disorder
Date: 2015-06-23 @11:00 AM
Location: 313
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Quantum Geometry, Stochastic Geometry, Random Geometry, you name it - Semyon Klevtsov
Name: Semyon Klevtsov
Event: Workshop: Quantum Geometry, Stochastic Geometry, Random Geometry, you name it
Title: Kahler geometry in physics and probability
Date: 2015-06-16 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Samson Shatashvili
Name: Samson Shatashvili
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Open string field theory revisited
Date: 2015-06-09 @1:00 PM
Location: 313
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Anton Kapustin
Name: Anton Kapustin
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Statistical mechanics of fermions and topology of spin manifolds
Date: 2015-05-26 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Alexander Turbiner
Name: Alexander Turbiner
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Solvable Schroedinger equations and representation theory
Date: 2015-05-12 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Unveiling of the Iconic Wall: Dedication by John Morgan, President Samuel L. Stanley, and Jim Simons.
Name: John Morgan
Event: Art Program Talks
Title: Unveiling of the Iconic Wall: Dedication by John Morgan, President Samuel L. Stanley, and Jim Simons.
Date: 2015-05-08 @5:00 PM
Location: SCGP
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A fiesta of Mexican Foods.
Name: Paolo Fontana
Event: SCGP Cafe
Title: Culinary Masters Series: What Else? It’s Cinco de Mayo!
Date: 2015-05-05 @5:30 PM
Location: SCGP Cafe
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Bergman Kernels and Their Applications to Probability and Physics
Name: Steven Morris Zelditch
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Bergman Kernels and Their Applications to Probability and Physics
Date: 2015-04-28 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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The Sound of Knots and 4-manifolds
Name: Sergei Gukov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: The Sound of Knots and 4-manifolds
Date: 2015-04-21 @4:15 PM
Location: 103
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Loop groups and Matrix factorization
Name: Constantin Teleman
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Loop groups and Matrix factorization
Date: 2015-04-14 @1:00 PM
Location: 313
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In this demonstration, Chef Paolo will demonstrate canning and pickling, how to prepare paglia e fieno pasta, and discuss the advantages of organic foods.
Name: Paolo Fontana
Event: SCGP Cafe
Title: Culinary Masters Series: Is it Spring Yet?
Date: 2015-04-07 @5:30 PM
Location: SCGP Cafe
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Exact solution of the six-vertex model with partial domain wall boundary conditions: Ferroelectric phase
Name: Pavel Bleher
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Exact solution of the six-vertex model with partial domain wall boundary conditions: Ferroelectric phase
Date: 2015-03-24 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Simple models of complex biological systems
Name: Sergei Maslov
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Simple models of complex biological systems
Date: 2015-03-10 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Integrability vs Non-Integrability in Statistical Mechanics - Jesper Jacobsen
Name: Jesper Jacobsen
Event: Workshop: Integrability vs. non-integrability in statistical mechanics
Title: Joint Math/SCGP Colloquium: Integrability and non-integrability in hard lattices gases and the Ising model in a magnetic field
Date: 2015-03-05 @4:00 PM
Location: 102
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Integrability and the Conformal Field Theory of the Higgs branch
Name: Bogdan Stefanski
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Integrability and the Conformal Field Theory of the Higgs branch
Date: 2015-03-04 @1:30 PM
Location: 313
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Chef Paolo features recipes for windy March nights. Cold weather recipes with ingredients that offer a hint of spring!
Name: Paolo Fontana
Event: SCGP Cafe
Title: Culinary Masters Series: Coming in from the Cold
Date: 2015-03-03 @5:30 PM
Location: SCGP Cafe
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Many faces of Renormalization
Name: Mikhail Lyubich
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Many faces of Renormalization
Date: 2015-02-24 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Instantons on intersecting worlds, and many-body systems
Name: Nikita Nekrasov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Instantons on intersecting worlds, and many-body systems
Date: 2015-02-17 @1:00 PM
Location: 313
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Chef Paolo prepares an assortment of treats for Valentine’s Day such as macarons, sweet and savory cream puffs, chocolate truffles and more.
Name: Paolo Fontana
Event: SCGP Cafe
Title: Culinary Masters Series: Culinary Aphrodisiacs
Date: 2015-02-10 @5:30 PM
Location: SCGP Cafe
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Vasily Pestun, IAS
Name: Vasily Pestun
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: TBD
Date: 2014-12-09 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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In this demonstration Chef Paolo Fontana demonstrates how to prepare the traditional Sicilian Christmas Eve Dinner, the Feast of the Seven Fishes.
Name: Paolo Fontana
Event: SCGP Cafe
Title: Culinary Masters Series: A Sicilian Christmas
Date: 2014-12-02 @5:30 PM
Location: SCGP Cafe
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Calabi-Yau categories, string topology, and the Floer field theory of the cotangent bundle
Name: Ralph Cohen
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Calabi-Yau categories, string topology, and the Floer field theory of the cotangent bundle
Date: 2014-11-11 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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In this demonstration learn how Chef Paolo’s family celebrated Thanksgiving by adding an Italian flavor to traditional foods. Recipes will be prepared by Chef and wine will be served.
Name: Paolo Fontana
Event: SCGP Cafe
Title: Culinary Masters Series: An Italian’s Thanksgiving
Date: 2014-11-04 @5:30 PM
Location: SCGP Cafe
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Motivic DT-type invariants and 3d mirror symmetry
Name: Hiraku Nakajima
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Motivic DT-type invariants and 3d mirror symmetry
Date: 2014-10-28 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Rotational symmetry of self-similar solutions to the Ricci flow
Name: Simon Brendle
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Rotational symmetry of self-similar solutions to the Ricci flow
Date: 2014-10-21 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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The superconformal bootstrap and vertex operator algebras
Name: Leonardo Rastelli
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: The superconformal bootstrap and vertex operator algebras
Date: 2014-10-14 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Homological Methods in Quantum Field Theory: September 29 – October 3, 2014
Name: Bruno Vallette
Event: Workshop: Homological Methods in Quantum Field Theory
Title: Givental action and trivialization of circle action
Date: 2014-10-03 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Homological Methods in Quantum Field Theory: September 29 – October 3, 2014
Name: Pavel Mnev
Event: Workshop: Homological Methods in Quantum Field Theory
Title: An example of a cellular topological quantum field theory in BV-BFV formalism, with Segal-like gluing
Date: 2014-10-03 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Short-Range Entangled Phases and Topology
Name: Anton Kapustin
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Short-Range Entangled Phases and Topology
Date: 2014-09-23 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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WHAT IS … F-theory?
Name: Dave Morrison
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: WHAT IS … F-theory?
Date: 2014-09-09 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Stein fillings of contact 3-manifolds II
Name: Burak Ozbagci
Event: Graduate Workshop on 4-Manifolds
Title: Stein fillings of contact 3-manifolds II
Date: 2014-08-19 @2:15 PM
Location: 102
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Exponential Integrals - Maxim Kontsevich
Name: Maxim Kontsevich
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Exponential Integrals
Date: 2014-08-19 @11:00 AM
Location: 103
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Exponential Integrals Part II
Name: Maxim Kontsevich
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Exponential Integrals Part II
Date: 2014-08-19 @11:00 AM
Location: 103
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Kahler Geometry
Name: Simon Donaldson
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Kahler Geometry
Date: 2014-05-30 @11:00 AM
Location: 313
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Kahler Geometry
Name: Simon Donaldson
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Kahler Geometry
Date: 2014-05-27 @9:45 AM
Location: 313
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Kahler Geometry
Name: Simon Donaldson
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Kahler Geometry
Date: 2014-05-23 @11:00 AM
Location: 313
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Topology of moduli spaces of algebraic curves and integrable PDEs (Joint workshop/SCGP weekly talk)
Name: Boris Dubrovin
Event: Workshop: Geometrical Aspects of Hydrodynamics
Title: Topology of moduli spaces of algebraic curves and integrable PDEs (Joint workshop/SCGP weekly talk)
Date: 2014-05-20 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Kahler Geometry
Name: Simon Donaldson
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Kahler Geometry
Date: 2014-05-19 @11:00 AM
Location: 102
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On the Kaehler Ricci flow (I)
Name: Xiuxiong Chen
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: On the Kaehler Ricci flow (I)
Date: 2014-05-16 @1:30 PM
Location: 313
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On the Kaehler Ricci flow (I)
Name: Bing Wang
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: On the Kaehler Ricci flow (I)
Date: 2014-05-16 @1:30 PM
Location: 313
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Kahler Geometry
Name: Simon Donaldson
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Kahler Geometry
Date: 2014-05-16 @11:00 AM
Location: 102
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Kahler Geometry
Name: Simon Donaldson
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Kahler Geometry
Date: 2014-05-12 @11:00 AM
Location: 102
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Classification of Overtwisted Contact Structures in all Dimensions.
Name: Yakov Eliashberg
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Classification of Overtwisted Contact Structures in all Dimensions.
Date: 2014-05-09 @4:00 PM
Location: 102
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Kahler Geometry
Name: Simon Donaldson
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Kahler Geometry
Date: 2014-05-09 @11:30 AM
Location: 102
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M-polyfold Regularization Theorem
Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: M-polyfold Regularization Theorem
Date: 2014-05-07 @11:00 AM
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The d-orbifold programme, with applications to moduli spaces of J-holomorphic curves. Overview
Name: Dominic Joyce
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: The d-orbifold programme, with applications to moduli spaces of J-holomorphic curves. Overview
Date: 2014-05-06 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Kahler Geometry
Name: Simon Donaldson
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Kahler Geometry
Date: 2014-05-05 @11:00 AM
Location: 102
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M-polyfold bundles and Fredholm sections
Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: M-polyfold bundles and Fredholm sections
Date: 2014-05-05 @11:00 AM
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Kahler Geometry
Name: Simon Donaldson
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Kahler Geometry
Date: 2014-05-02 @11:30 AM
Location: 102
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Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: M-polyfolds
Date: 2014-04-30 @11:00 AM
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Many faces of characters
Name: Nikita Nekrasov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Many faces of characters
Date: 2014-04-29 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Kahler Geometry
Name: Simon Donaldson
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Kahler Geometry
Date: 2014-04-28 @11:00 AM
Location: 102
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Scale Fredholm theory and pregluing as M-polyfold chart
Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Scale Fredholm theory and pregluing as M-polyfold chart
Date: 2014-04-28 @11:00 AM
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Name: Jose Menor
Event: Art Program Talks
Title: José Menor & RMSonce Project Mathematical Concert
Date: 2014-04-24 @5:30 PM
Location: 103
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Scale Calculus in practice
Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Scale Calculus in practice
Date: 2014-04-23 @11:00 AM
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Fractional Quantum Hall Effect on Riemann Surfaces
Name: Paul Wiegmann
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Fractional Quantum Hall Effect on Riemann Surfaces
Date: 2014-04-22 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Polyfold overview and Scale Calculus
Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Polyfold overview and Scale Calculus
Date: 2014-04-21 @11:00 AM
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General form and properties of abstract regularization theories
Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: General form and properties of abstract regularization theories
Date: 2014-04-16 @11:00 AM
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Regularization of PSS moduli spaces
Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Regularization of PSS moduli spaces
Date: 2014-04-14 @11:00 AM
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Core ideas of polyfold theory
Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Core ideas of polyfold theory
Date: 2014-04-09 @11:00 AM
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Hamiltonian dynamics of fluids and vortex sheets
Name: Boris Khesin
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Hamiltonian dynamics of fluids and vortex sheets
Date: 2014-04-08 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Core ideas of polyfold theory
Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Core ideas of polyfold theory
Date: 2014-04-02 @11:00 AM
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New expansion of algebra: a multivalued paradigm
Name: Oleg Viro
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: New expansion of algebra: a multivalued paradigm
Date: 2014-04-01 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Regularization approach via Polyfold Fredholm sections
Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Regularization approach via Polyfold Fredholm sections
Date: 2014-03-31 @11:00 AM
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Recent BICEP2 Results and Implications
Name: Neelima Sehgal
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Recent BICEP2 Results and Implications
Date: 2014-03-25 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Kuranishi Regularization Results – a rough literature review
Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Kuranishi Regularization Results
Date: 2014-03-19 @11:00 AM
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Kuranishi Regularization appropach – overview of various approaches based on finite dimensional reductions
Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Kuranishi Regularization appropach
Date: 2014-03-17 @11:00 AM
Location: 136
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Global Fredholm description in Euler class approach
Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Global Fredholm description in Euler class approach
Date: 2014-03-12 @11:00 AM
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Ricci-Flat Metrics, Gauge Connections and Scalar Lagrangians on Calabi-Yau Threefolds
Name: Burt Ovrut
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Ricci-Flat Metrics, Gauge Connections and Scalar Lagrangians on Calabi-Yau Threefolds
Date: 2014-03-11 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Euler class Regularization approach – overview of Siebert’s work on Gromov-Witten moduli spaces
Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Euler class Regularization approach
Date: 2014-03-10 @11:00 AM
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Isotropy and Groupoids
Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Isotropy and Groupoids
Date: 2014-03-05 @11:00 AM
Location: 136
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Regularization Philosophies
Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Regularization Philosophies
Date: 2014-02-24 @11:00 AM
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Geometric Regularization and Abstract Regularization
Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Geometric Regularization and Abstract Regularization
Date: 2014-02-19 @11:00 AM
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Quantum Anomalies and Hydrodynamics Colloquium - Dam Son
Name: Dam T Son
Event: Workshop: Quantum Anomalies and Hydrodynamics: Applications to Nuclear and Condensed Matter Physics
Title: SCGP-Physics Colloquium: Hydrodynamics and quantum anomalies
Date: 2014-02-18 @4:15 PM
Location: 102
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Geometric Regularization at the example of Hamiltonian Floer theory
Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Geometric Regularization at the example of Hamiltonian Floer theory
Date: 2014-02-12 @11:00 AM
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Nondegenerate curves and pentagram maps
Name: Boris Khesin
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Nondegenerate curves and pentagram maps
Date: 2014-02-11 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Gluing in Hamiltonian Floer theory
Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Gluing in Hamiltonian Floer theory
Date: 2014-02-10 @11:00 AM
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Construction of the gluing map
Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Construction of the gluing map
Date: 2014-02-05 @11:00 AM
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Moduli spaces of J-holomorphic curves
Name: Dusa McDuff
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Moduli spaces of J-holomorphic curves
Date: 2014-02-04 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Introduction to gluing analysis
Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Introduction to gluing analysis
Date: 2014-02-03 @11:00 AM
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Moduli spaces and their analytic description
Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Moduli spaces and their analytic description
Date: 2014-01-29 @11:00 AM
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Open questions in supersymmetric Wess-Zumino-Witten models
Name: Martin Rocek
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Open questions in supersymmetric Wess-Zumino-Witten models
Date: 2014-01-28 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Introduction to Regularization
Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Introduction to Regularization
Date: 2014-01-27 @11:00 AM
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2013-2014 Science Playwrighting Competition
Name: Science Plays
Event: Art Program Talks
Title: 2013-2014 Science Playwrighting Competition
Date: 2014-01-25 @6:00 PM
Location: 103
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Name: Katrin Wehrheim
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Introduction
Date: 2014-01-22 @11:00 AM
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Food Physics’ Art Exhibition - Featuring a Molecular Gastronomy Cooking Demonstration, “Texturization” by Chef Paolo Fontana
Name: Paolo Fontana
Event: Art Program Talks
Title: Molecular Gastronomy Cooking Demonstration by Chef Paolo – “Texturization”
Date: 2013-12-10 @5:30 PM
Location: SCGP Art Gallery
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About the Simons Center
Name: John Morgan
Event: SCGP Members
Title: The Simons Center for Geometry and Physics
Date: 2013-12-10 @12:00 AM
Location: SCGP
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“Trees, loops and precision QCD”: A Symposium Inspired by the 1984 J.J. Sakurai Prize, December 6th, 2013
Name: Nima Arkani-Hamed
Event: Conference: Trees, loops and precision QCD
Title: Nima Arkani-Hamed: “From Old Physics to New Mathematics: Bern-Dixon-Kosower and Positive Geometry”
Date: 2013-12-06 @4:30 PM
Location: SCGP Auditorium 103
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“Trees, loops and precision QCD”: A Symposium Inspired by the 1984 J.J. Sakurai Prize, December 6th, 2013
Name: Stefan Hoeche
Event: Conference: Trees, loops and precision QCD
Title: Stefan Hoeche: “From amplitudes to experiments”
Date: 2013-12-06 @3:30 PM
Location: SCGP Auditorium 103
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“Trees, loops and precision QCD”: A Symposium Inspired by the 1984 J.J. Sakurai Prize, December 6th, 2013
Name: Lance Dixon
Event: Conference: Trees, loops and precision QCD
Title: Lance Dixon: “Scattering amplitudes: the story of loops and legs”
Date: 2013-12-06 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Auditorium 103
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Bethe Ansatz for Yangian Invariants: Towards Super Yang-Mills Scattering Amplitudes
Name: Matthias Staudacher
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Bethe Ansatz for Yangian Invariants: Towards Super Yang-Mills Scattering Amplitudes
Date: 2013-12-06 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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'Food Physics' Art Exhibition Talk by Professor Nancy Goroff
Name: Nancy Goroff
Event: Art Program Talks
Title: Food Chemistry Talk by Profesor Nancy Goroff – “Chemistry of Cooking and What We Eat”
Date: 2013-11-20 @6:15 PM
Location: SCGP Auditorium 103
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Food Physics’ Art Exhibition - Featuring a Molecular Gastronomy Cooking Demonstration, “Gelification” by Chef Paolo Fontana
Name: Paolo Fontana
Event: Art Program Talks
Title: Molecular Gastronomy Cooking Demonstration by Chef Paolo Fontana – “Gelification”
Date: 2013-11-20 @5:30 PM
Location: SCGP Art Gallery
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Lecture by Denis Klevers
Name: Denis Klevers
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: F-Theory Compactifications With Multiple U(1)-Factors
Date: 2013-11-19 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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The Black Hole Information Paradox, Alive and Kicking
Name: Joe Polchinski
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: The Black Hole Information Paradox, Alive and Kicking
Date: 2013-11-18 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Cluster Polylogarithms and Scattering Amplitudes
Name: Marcus Spradlin
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Cluster Polylogarithms and Scattering Amplitudes
Date: 2013-11-12 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Math/SCGP Talk: Ari Laptev, Mittag-Leffler Instutute
Name: Ari Laptev
Event: Math Colloquium
Title: Spectral Inequalities for Partial Differential Equations and their Applications
Date: 2013-11-07 @1:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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'Food Physics' Art Exhibition Talk by Artist Mia Brownell
Name: Mia Brownell
Event: Art Program Talks
Title: 'Food Physics' Art Exhibition Talk by Artist Mia Brownell
Date: 2013-11-06 @6:15 PM
Location: SCGP Auditorium 103
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Food Physics’ Art Exhibition - Featuring a Molecular Gastronomy Cooking Demonstration, “Spherification” by Chef Paolo Fontana
Name: Paolo Fontana
Event: Art Program Talks
Title: Molecular Gastronomy Cooking Demonstration by Chef Paolo Fontana – “Spherification”
Date: 2013-11-06 @5:30 PM
Location: SCGP Art Gallery
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Moduli Spaces and the Mapping Class Group
Name: Misha Verbitsky
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Moduli Spaces and the Mapping Class Group
Date: 2013-11-05 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Reading Between the Lines of Four-Dimensional Gauge Theories
Name: Nathan Seiberg
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Reading Between the Lines of Four-Dimensional Gauge Theories
Date: 2013-10-31 @2:30 PM
Location: 313
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Tensor towers and (2,0) theories
Name: Federico Bonetti
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Tensor towers and (2,0) theories
Date: 2013-10-29 @2:15 PM
Location: 313
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A primer to Anomalies and Hydrodynamics
Name: Kristan Jensen
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: A primer to Anomalies and Hydrodynamics
Date: 2013-10-29 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Particles and Poles in Ising Field Theory
Name: Alexander Zamolodchikov
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Particles and Poles in Ising Field Theory
Date: 2013-10-28 @11:00 AM
Location: 313
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Liouville Quantum Gravity & Schramm-Loewner Evolution
Name: Bertrand Duplantier
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Liouville Quantum Gravity & Schramm-Loewner Evolution
Date: 2013-10-22 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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On the Extended W-Algebra of Type SL_2 At Positive Rational Level
Name: Simon Wood
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: On the Extended W-Algebra of Type SL_2 At Positive Rational Level
Date: 2013-10-09 @11:00 AM
Location: 313
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Representation Theory and Gauge Theory
Name: Hiraku Nakajima
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Representation Theory and Gauge Theory
Date: 2013-10-08 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Bethe States As Defects In Gauge Theories
Name: Nikita Nekrasov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Bethe States As Defects In Gauge Theories
Date: 2013-10-02 @2:30 PM
Location: 102
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Diagrams for Gray categories With Duals
Name: Catherine Meusburger
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Diagrams for Gray categories With Duals
Date: 2013-09-24 @2:00 PM
Location: 313
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The Amplituhedron
Name: Nima Arkani-Hamed
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: The Amplituhedron
Date: 2013-09-17 @1:00 PM
Location: 313
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Mathieu Moonshine
Name: Matthias Gaberdiel
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Mathieu Moonshine
Date: 2013-09-10 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Mock Modular Forms Program Seminar: Katrin Wendland
Name: Katrin Wendland
Event: Program: Mock Modular Forms, Moonshine, and String Theory
Title: Symmetry-Surfing the Moduli Space of Kummer K3s II
Date: 2013-09-06 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Topological Phases of Matter: Quantum Hall Effect and Beyond
Name: Nick Read
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Topological Phases of Matter: Quantum Hall Effect and Beyond
Date: 2013-05-28 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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2012-2013 Science Playwriting Competition
Name: Science Plays
Event: Art Program Talks
Title: 2012-2013 Science Playwriting Competition
Date: 2013-05-10 @6:30 PM
Location: SCGP Auditorium 103
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Chern-Weil Forms and Abstract Homotopy Theory
Name: Dan Freed
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Chern-Weil Forms and Abstract Homotopy Theory
Date: 2013-05-07 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Tony Tyson
Name: Tony Tyson
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: LSST: New Science Frontiers
Date: 2013-05-02 @5:00 PM
Location: 103
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Quantum Geometry of 3-Dimensional Lattices: Existence as Integrability
Name: Vladimir Bazhanov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Quantum Geometry of 3-Dimensional Lattices: Existence as Integrability
Date: 2013-04-30 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Kahler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds III
Name: Simon Donaldson
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Kahler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds III
Date: 2013-04-24 @4:00 PM
Location: 102
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Kahler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds II
Name: Simon Donaldson
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Kahler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds II
Date: 2013-04-23 @4:00 PM
Location: 102
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String Topology and Cotangent Bundles
Name: Mohammed Abouzaid
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: String Topology and Cotangent Bundles
Date: 2013-04-23 @2:15 PM
Location: 313
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Kahler-Einstein Metrics on Fano Manifolds
Name: Simon Donaldson
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Kahler-Einstein Metrics on Fano Manifolds
Date: 2013-04-23 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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International Culinary Masters Series Cooking Demonstration in the SCGP Cafe
Name: Paolo Fontana
Event: SCGP Cafe
Title: International Culinary Masters Series Cooking Demonstration in the SCGP Cafe
Date: 2013-04-18 @5:30 PM
Location: SCGP Cafe
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A-infinity Structures in Symplectic Geometry
Name: Jun-Tun Wu
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: A-infinity Structures in Symplectic Geometry
Date: 2013-04-16 @2:15 PM
Location: 313
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Overview of the First Planck Cosmology Results
Name: Neelima Sehgal
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Overview of the First Planck Cosmology Results
Date: 2013-04-16 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Fax + Pattern Art Exhibit, April 2013
Name: Phillip Webster
Event: Art Program Talks
Title: Fractal Islamic Pattern and 3D printing, by Phil Webster, artist in residence at the SCGP.
Date: 2013-03-12 @5:30 PM
Location: 103
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Della Pietra Lecture Series - Dr. Andrei Linde, Stanford University, March 11-12, 2013
Name: Andrei Linde
Event: Della Pietra 2012-2013ay
Title: Inflation in String Theory and Super Gravity
Date: 2013-03-12 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Della Pietra Lecture Series - Dr. Andrei Linde, Stanford University, March 11-12, 2013
Name: Andrei Linde
Event: Della Pietra 2012-2013ay
Title: Universe or Multiverse?
Date: 2013-03-11 @5:30 PM
Location: SCGP Auditorium 103
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Elliptic Curves and Dynamics
Name: John Milnor
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Elliptic Curves and Dynamics
Date: 2013-03-05 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Della Pietra Lecture Series - Dr. Jon Kleinberg, Cornell University, February 26-27, 2013
Name: Jon Kleinberg
Event: Della Pietra 2012-2013ay
Title: Computational Perspectives on Social Phenomena at Global Scales
Date: 2013-02-26 @5:30 PM
Location: SCGP Auditorium 103
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Points, Lines and Ranks of design matrices Avi Wigderson, IAS, Princeton
Name: Avi Wigderson
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Points, Lines and Ranks of design matrices
Date: 2013-02-13 @2:00 PM
Location: 102
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NOWHERE DIFFERENTIABLE: February 12-28, 2013
Name: Ron Eglash
Event: Art Program Talks
Title: Nowhere Differentiable Exhibition
Date: 2013-02-12 @5:30 PM
Location: 103
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Cameron Gordon, University of Texas
Name: Cameron Gordon
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: The unknotting number of a knot
Date: 2013-02-05 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Anton Fonarev, Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
Name: Anton Fonarev
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Staircase complexes
Date: 2013-01-29 @1:30 PM
Location: 313
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SCGP Weekly Talk: Ivan Cherednik, University of North Carolina
Name: Ivan Cherednik
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: DAHA Approach in the Refined Chern-Simons Theory and the BPS Theory of Invariants of Torus Knots
Date: 2012-12-18 @1:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Dmitri Kharzeev (Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook)
Name: Dmitri Kharzeev
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Topology, Quantum Anomalies, and Non-dissipative Transport
Date: 2012-12-11 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Ludwig Faddeev, Steklov Mathematical Institute
Name: Ludwig Faddeev
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Examples of the Hamiltonian Structures and Their Quantum Counterparts From The Theory of Integrable Models
Date: 2012-11-20 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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UTSC dedication ceremony from 10/25/2012.
Name: Helaman Ferguson
Event: Art Program Talks
Title: Umbilic Torus Simons Center Dedication Ceremony
Date: 2012-10-25 @6:00 PM
Location: Physics and Mathemateics Quad
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Hiraku Nakajima, RIMS Kyoto University
Name: Hiraku Nakajima
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: AGT Conjecture
Date: 2012-10-23 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Alexander Zamolodchikov, Rutgers University
Name: Alexander Zamolodchikov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Baxter’s Operators, Boundary States, ODE/CFT and Beyond
Date: 2012-10-16 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Alexander Abanov, SCGP Stony Brook University
Name: Alexander Abanov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: On a Hamiltonian Description of a Fluid With Hall Viscosity
Date: 2012-10-09 @2:30 PM
Location: 313
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Topology Seminar: Zsuzsanna Dancso “Odd Khovanov Homology Via Hyperplane Arrangements”
Name: Zsuzsanna Dancso
Event: Program: Low Dimensional Topology (Fall 2012)
Title: Odd Khovanov Homology Via Hyperplane Arrangements
Date: 2012-10-04 @1:00 PM
Location: SCGP Conference Room 313
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Della Pietra Lecture Series Presents Dr. Robert Kirshner, October 2-3 2012
Name: Robert Kirshner
Event: Della Pietra 2012-2013ay
Title: “Measuring Cosmic Acceleration: a Blunder Undone” Technical Colloquium
Date: 2012-10-03 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Della Pietra Lecture Series Presents Dr. Robert Kirshner, October 2-3 2012
Name: Robert Kirshner
Event: Della Pietra 2012-2013ay
Title: A Nobel Surprise: The Accelerating Universe - Public Lecture
Date: 2012-10-02 @5:30 PM
Location: SCGP Auditorium 103
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Leonid Polterovich, University of Chicago
Name: Leonid Polterovich
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: From Quantum Mechanics to Symplectic Topology and Back
Date: 2012-10-02 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Della Pietra Lecture Series Presents Dr. Robert Kirshner, October 2-3 2012
Name: Robert Kirshner
Event: Della Pietra 2012-2013ay
Title: A Nobel Surprise: The Accelerating Universe - High School/Ugd
Date: 2012-10-02 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP Auditorium 103
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Topology Seminar: Joshua Batson “Nonorientable Four-ball Genus Can be Arbitrarily Large”
Name: Joshua Batson
Event: Program: Low Dimensional Topology (Fall 2012)
Title: Nonorientable Four-ball Genus Can be Arbitrarily Large
Date: 2012-09-27 @1:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Alexander Veselov, Loughborough University
Name: Alexander Veselov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Mathematics and Physics of Calogero-Moser Systems
Date: 2012-09-18 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Elisenda Grigsby, Boston College Homepage:
Name: Elisenda Grigsby
Event: Program: Low Dimensional Topology (Fall 2012)
Title: Categorified Invariants and Braid Conjugacy
Date: 2012-09-13 @1:00 PM
Location: SCGP Conference Room 313
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Nikita Nekrasov, SCGP Stony Brook University
Name: Nikita Nekrasov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: The Many Facets of Integrability in Gauge Theory
Date: 2012-09-11 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Peter Ozsvath, Columbia University
Name: Peter Ozsvath
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Introduction to Heegaard-Floer Homology and its Topological Applications
Date: 2012-09-04 @1:30 PM
Location: 102
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Alexander Polyakov, Princeton University
Name: Alexander Polyakov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Quantum Instability of the de Sitter Space
Date: 2012-08-28 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Summer Concert Series 2012
Name: Leon Livshin
Event: 2012 Simons Summer Workshop in Mathematics and Physics
Title: Music Experience: Creation, Re-Creation, Improvisation Renaud Dejardin (cello) and Leon Livshin (piano)
Date: 2012-08-02 @5:30 PM
Location: SCGP Auditorium 103
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David Ben-Zvi, University of Texas, Austin
Name: David Ben-Zvi
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Representation Theory and Gauge Theory
Date: 2012-05-29 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Nikita Nekrasov, SCGP Stony Brook University
Name: Nikita Nekrasov
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Seiberg-Witten Geometry of N=2 Superconformal Theories, and ADE Bundles on Curves (continued)
Date: 2012-05-10 @2:30 PM
Location: 313
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Nikita Nekrasov, SCGP Stony Brook University
Name: Nikita Nekrasov
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Seiberg-Witten Geometry of N=2 Superconformal Theories, and ADE Bundles on Curves (continued)
Date: 2012-05-10 @2:30 PM
Location: 313
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Della Pietra Lecture Series
Name: Jeff Weeks
Event: Della Pietra 2011-2012ay
Date: 2012-05-04 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Gordon Kane, University of Michigan
Name: Gordon Kane
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: String Theory, the Real World, and the Prediction of the Higgs Boson Mass
Date: 2012-05-01 @1:00 PM
Location: 103
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Mohammed Abouzaid, Simons Center
Name: Mohammed Abouzaid
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: The Symplectic Topology of Stein Manifolds
Date: 2012-04-24 @1:00 PM
Location: 103
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Andrei Okounkov
Name: Andrei Okounkov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: The Index Vertex
Date: 2012-04-17 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Seiberg-Witten Geometry of N=2 Superconformal Theories, and ADE Bundles on Curves Nikita Nekrasov
Name: Nikita Nekrasov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Seiberg-Witten Geometry of N=2 Superconformal Theories, and ADE Bundles on Curves
Date: 2012-04-10 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Superconformal Theories in Three Dimensions with (almost) Maximal Supersymmetry Anton Kapustin
Name: Anton Kapustin
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Superconformal Theories in Three Dimensions with (almost) Maximal Supersymmetry
Date: 2012-04-03 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Quantum Spin Chains and Quiver Gauge Theories - Nick Dorey, DAMTP Cambridge
Name: Nick Dorey
Event: General Visit 2011-2012ay
Title: Quantum Spin Chains and Quiver Gauge Theories
Date: 2012-03-28 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Dave Morrison, Conifold Transitions, M-theory, and Special Divisors on Riemann Surfaces
Name: Dave Morrison
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Conifold Transitions, M-theory, and Special Divisors on Riemann Surfaces
Date: 2012-03-27 @1:00 PM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Algebraic Topology and Physics Seminar, Week 8 Anton Kapustin, California Institute of Technology
Name: Anton Kapustin
Event: Program: Algebraic Topology
Title: Topological Field Theory and Non-Abelian Gerbes
Date: 2012-03-27 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Conference Room 313
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F-theory Workshop, 3/19/12 – 3/23/12
Name: Jonathan Heckman
Event: Workshop: F-Theory
Title: F-theory Phenomenology: Summary Talk
Date: 2012-03-23 @9:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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F-theory Workshop, 3/19/12 – 3/23/12
Name: Thomas Grimm
Event: Workshop: F-Theory
Title: From M-Theory to F-Theory: Chern– Simons Theories vs. Anomalies
Date: 2012-03-22 @1:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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F-theory Workshop, 3/19/12 – 3/23/12
Name: Nathan Seiberg
Event: Workshop: F-Theory
Title: Discussion Group: A Critical Look at Phenomenological Issues in F-theory, led by N. Seiberg, G. Moore, and M. Dine
Date: 2012-03-22 @10:15 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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F-theory Workshop, 3/19/12 – 3/23/12
Name: Gregory Moore
Event: Workshop: F-Theory
Title: Discussion Group: A Critical Look at Phenomenological Issues in F-theory, led by N. Seiberg, G. Moore, and M. Dine
Date: 2012-03-22 @10:15 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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F-theory Workshop, 3/19/12 – 3/23/12
Name: Michael Dine
Event: Workshop: F-Theory
Title: Discussion Group: A Critical Look at Phenomenological Issues in F-theory, led by N. Seiberg, G. Moore, and M. Dine
Date: 2012-03-22 @10:15 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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F-theory Workshop, 3/19/12 – 3/23/12
Name: Jonathan Heckman
Event: Workshop: F-Theory
Title: DiscussionGroup: F-theory Phenomenology
Date: 2012-03-22 @10:15 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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F-theory Workshop - Wati Taylor
Name: Washington (Wati) Taylor
Event: Workshop: F-Theory
Title: F-theory and the 6D Landscape
Date: 2012-03-21 @1:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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F-theory Workshop - Andres Collinucci
Name: Giulio Andrea Collinucci
Event: Workshop: F-Theory
Title: New Perspectives on G-flux
Date: 2012-03-21 @9:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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F-theory Workshop - Mirjam Cvetic
Name: Mirjam Cvetic
Event: Workshop: F-Theory
Title: Instantons in Type II and F-Theory
Date: 2012-03-20 @1:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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F-theory Workshop - Joe Marsano
Name: Joe Marsano
Event: Workshop: F-Theory
Title: Discussion Group: Global F-theory GUTs
Date: 2012-03-19 @10:15 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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F-theory Workshop - Joe Marsano
Name: Joe Marsano
Event: Workshop: F-Theory
Title: Challenges for Global F-theory GUTs
Date: 2012-03-19 @9:00 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Wigner’s Gruppenpest, Twisted K-theory, and Gapped Topological Insulators Dan Freed
Name: Dan Freed
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Wigner’s Gruppenpest, Twisted K-theory, and Gapped Topological Insulators
Date: 2012-03-06 @1:00 PM
Location: 103
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Deformations of Quantum Field Theories Graeme Segal
Name: Graeme Segal
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Deformations of Quantum Field Theories
Date: 2012-02-28 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Gauge Theory, Langlands Duality and Mirror Symmetry Constantin Teleman
Name: Constantin Teleman
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Gauge Theory, Langlands Duality and Mirror Symmetry
Date: 2012-02-21 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Confirming Prejudices and Encountering Surprises in the Study of the AdS/CFT Correspondence Eliezer Rabinovici
Name: Eliezer Rabinovici
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Confirming Prejudices and Encountering Surprises in the Study of the AdS/CFT Correspondence
Date: 2012-02-14 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Transgression Forms and Kähler Geometry Dr. Gang Tian
Name: Gang Tian
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Transgression Forms and Kähler Geometry
Date: 2012-02-07 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry and D-branes Workshop - Mauricio Romo
Name: Mauricio Romo
Event: Workshop: Noncommutative algebraic geometry and D-branes
Title: Monopole operators, moduli spaces and dualities in 3d CS matter theories
Date: 2011-12-14 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry and D-branes Workshop - Michael Wemyss
Name: Michael Wemyss
Event: Workshop: Noncommutative algebraic geometry and D-branes
Title: MMAs and the MMP
Date: 2011-12-13 @11:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry and D-branes Workshop - Akira Ishii
Name: Akira Ishii
Event: Workshop: Noncommutative algebraic geometry and D-branes
Title: Dimer models and crepant resolutions
Date: 2011-12-13 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture 102
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Dimers, Circle Patterns and Integrability Rick Kenyon
Name: Richard Kenyon
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Dimers, Circle Patterns and Integrability
Date: 2011-12-13 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry and D-branes -- Chien-Hao Liu
Name: Chien-Hao Liu
Event: Workshop: Noncommutative algebraic geometry and D-branes
Title: Azumaya noncommutative geometry and D-branes: An origin of the master nature of D-branes
Date: 2011-12-12 @9:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry and D-branes Workshop - Nils Carqueville
Name: Nils Carqueville
Event: Workshop: Noncommutative algebraic geometry and D-branes
Title: Topological string theory from Landau-Ginzburg models
Date: 2011-12-12 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Equivariant K Theory of the Hilbert Scheme and the Ambient Grassmannian Erik Carlsson
Name: Erik Carlsson
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Equivariant K Theory of the Hilbert Scheme and the Ambient Grassmannian
Date: 2011-12-06 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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How Thinks Work Art Exhibit
Name: Dan Weymouth
Event: Art Program Talks
Title: Computer Music Demonstration by Dan Weymouth
Date: 2011-11-29 @6:30 PM
Location: SCGP Auditorium 103
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How Thinks Work Art Exhibit
Name: Al Seckel
Event: Art Program Talks
Title: The Nature of Belief: An Interactive Journey Through Your Mind’s Eye
Date: 2011-11-29 @6:00 PM
Location: SCGP Auditorium 103
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Principal G-bundles on Elliptic Curves John Morgan
Name: John Morgan
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Principal G-bundles on Elliptic Curves
Date: 2011-11-22 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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On Some Problems of Modern Mathematical Physics – Part II Nikita Nekrasov
Name: Nikita Nekrasov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: On Some Problems of Modern Mathematical Physics – Part II
Date: 2011-11-15 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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On On Four-dimensional Einstein Manifolds Claude LeBrun
Name: Claude LeBrun
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: On On Four-dimensional Einstein Manifolds
Date: 2011-11-08 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Sir Michael Atiyah Interview
Name: Michael Atiyah
Event: SCGP Lecture Series
Title: Sir Michael Atiyah Interview
Date: 2011-11-07 @12:00 PM
Location: SCGP
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On Some Problems of Modern Mathematical Physics Nikita Nekrasov
Name: Nikita Nekrasov
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: On Some Problems of Modern Mathematical Physics
Date: 2011-11-01 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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Sir Michael Atiyah
Name: Michael Atiyah
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: A problem in Elementary Euclidean Geometry
Date: 2011-10-25 @1:00 PM
Location: 103
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Topological Quantum Computing Workshop - Alexei Kitaev
Name: Alexei Kitaev
Event: Workshop: Topological Quantum Computing
Title: Conclusion: Toward a topological classification of many-body quantum states with short-range entanglement
Date: 2011-09-15 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Remi Monasson – Inference of interactions in assemblies of stochastic integrate-and-fire neurons from spike recordings
Name: Remi Monasson
Event: Neuroscience mini course
Title: “Inference of interactions in assemblies of stochastic integrate-and-fire neurons from spike recordings”.
Date: 2011-06-05 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Remi Monasson – Inference of interactions in assemblies of stochastic integrate-and-fire neurons from spike recordings
Name: Remi Monasson
Event: Neuroscience mini course
Date: 2011-06-01 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Giancarlo La Camera, PhD – Selected Problems in Learning and Decision Making, Part II
Name: Giancarlo La Camera
Event: Neuroscience mini course
Title: Selected Problems in Learning and Decision Making, Part II
Date: 2011-05-25 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP Conference Room 313
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Giancarlo La Camera, PhD – Selected Problems in Learning and Decision Making
Name: Giancarlo La Camera
Event: Neuroscience mini course
Title: Selected Problems in Learning and Decision Making, Part I
Date: 2011-05-11 @11:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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