Video Portal

All videos are the property of the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics. Redistribution, uploading to youtube, or commercial use is prohibited without written consent from the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics.
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Shigeru Mukai
Name: Shigeru Mukai
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Vinberg Surface of Discriminant 3 and Cubic 4-Folds with Many Cusps
Date: 2024-05-08 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Olivier Wittenberg
Name: Olivier Wittenberg
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Levels of Function Fields of Real Varieties
Date: 2024-05-07 @4:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Stefan Schreieder
Name: Stefan Schreieder
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Curves on Powers of Hyperelliptic Jacobians
Date: 2024-05-07 @2:45 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Lectures in Mathematics: Assaf Naor
Name: Assaf Naor
Event: Math Colloquium
Title: Unplanned consequences of the Ribe program, part I: Introduction
Date: 2024-05-07 @2:15 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Konstantin Loginov
Name: Konstantin Loginov
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Finite Abelian Subgroups in the Space Cremona Group
Date: 2024-05-07 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Hiroshi Iritani
Name: Hiroshi Iritani
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Decomposition of Quantum Cohomology Under Blowups
Date: 2024-05-07 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Helene Esnault
Name: Helene Esnault
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Survey on Properties of Rigid Local Systems
Date: 2024-05-07 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Paul Hacking
Name: Paul Hacking
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: On The Morrison Cone Conjecture for Calabi--Yau 3-Folds
Date: 2024-05-06 @4:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Lena Ji
Name: Lena Ji
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Rationality Criteria for Conic Bundle Threefolds Over Non-Closed Fields
Date: 2024-05-06 @2:45 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Brian Lehmann
Name: Brian Lehmann
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Restriction Theorems for Curves
Date: 2024-05-06 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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All videos are the property of the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics. Redistribution, uploading to youtube, or commercial use is prohibited without written consent from the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics.