Video Portal

All videos are the property of the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics. Redistribution, uploading to youtube, or commercial use is prohibited without written consent from the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics.
Newest Videos
Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Fernando Luis Alday
Name: Fernando Luis Alday
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Tree level string amplitudes on AdS
Date: 2024-03-05 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Fernando Luis Alday
Name: Fernando Luis Alday
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Special Mini-Course Day 1/3: Tree level string amplitudes on AdS
Date: 2024-03-04 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Shruti Paranjape
Name: Shruti Paranjape
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: Loops in a loop expansion
Date: 2024-03-01 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Jacob Bourjaily
Name: Jacob Bourjaily
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: The Geometric, Algebraic, and Transcendental Structure of Perturbative QFT
Date: 2024-03-01 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Anne Spiering
Name: Anne Spiering
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: Towards Solving Two-Loop Scattering in Planar N=4 SYM Theory
Date: 2024-03-01 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Albrecht Klemm
Name: Albrecht Klemm
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: Fishnet Theories, Yangian Symmetries and Calabi-Yau volumes
Date: 2024-03-01 @11:00 AM
Location: Zoom
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Vladimir Kazakov
Name: Vladimir Kazakov
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: Fishnet CFT's and integrable Feynman graphs
Date: 2024-03-01 @9:30 AM
Location: Zoom
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Stefan Weinzierl
Name: Stefan Weinzierl
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: Trading a Calabi-Yau three-fold for a curve of genus two
Date: 2024-02-29 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Steven Charlton
Name: Steven Charlton
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: Symmetries of weight 6 multiple polylogarithms, and Goncharov's depth conjecture
Date: 2024-02-29 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory - Lauren Williams
Name: Lauren Williams
Event: Workshop: Mathematical Aspects of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
Title: A cluster of results on amplituhedron tiles
Date: 2024-02-29 @1:15 PM
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All videos are the property of the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics. Redistribution, uploading to youtube, or commercial use is prohibited without written consent from the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics.