Video Portal

All videos are the property of the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics. Redistribution, uploading to youtube, or commercial use is prohibited without written consent from the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics.
Newest Videos
Mini-course - Gregory Falkovich
Name: Gregory Falkovich
Event: talk
Title: Stand-alone lecture “Information is life and money”, largely independent of the rest of the course
Date: 2023-11-14 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Mark Levi
Name: Mark Levi
Event: Workshop: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Adiabatic invariants in billiards.
Date: 2023-11-14 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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SCGP Weekly Talk - Vivek Shende
Name: Vivek Shende
Event: SCGP Weekly Talk
Title: Skein relations from holomorphic curves
Date: 2023-11-14 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Susanna Terracini
Name: Susanna Terracini
Event: Workshop: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: On the variational approach to expanding and oscillating solutions to the N-body problem
Date: 2023-11-14 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Sergey Bolotin
Name: Sergey Bolotin
Event: Workshop: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Two degenerate billiard-like problems
Date: 2023-11-14 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Martin Leguil
Name: Martin Leguil
Event: Workshop: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Birkhoff attractors of dissipative billiards
Date: 2023-11-13 @4:00 PM
Location: 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Amir Vig
Name: Amir Vig
Event: Workshop: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Compactness of the Marked Length Isospectral Set
Date: 2023-11-13 @2:30 PM
Location: 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Dmitry Jakobson
Name: Dmitry Jakobson
Event: Workshop: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Quantum ergodicity for manifolds and billiards
Date: 2023-11-13 @11:00 AM
Location: 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Vered Rom-Kedar
Name: Vered Rom-Kedar
Event: Workshop: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: On some Impact-like systems
Date: 2023-11-13 @9:30 AM
Location: 102
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Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Carlangelo Liverani
Name: Carlangelo Liverani
Event: Program: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Statistical Properties of Hyperbolic Billiards
Date: 2023-11-10 @10:00 AM
Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313
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All videos are the property of the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics. Redistribution, uploading to youtube, or commercial use is prohibited without written consent from the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics.