Video Portal

All videos are the property of the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics. Redistribution, uploading to youtube, or commercial use is prohibited without written consent from the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics.
Newest Videos
Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics - Vladimir Matveev
Name: Vladimir Matveev
Event: Program: Mathematical billiards: at the crossroads of dynamics, geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics
Title: Applications of Nijenhuis Geometry: finite-dimensional reductions and integration in quadratures of certain non-diagonalizable systems of hydrodynamic type.
Date: 2023-10-12 @2:00 PM
Location: 313
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Physics Seminar - Jaeha Lee
Name: Jaeha Lee
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Grey Galaxies: The Endpoint of Superradiant Instabilities in Rotating AdS Black Holes
Date: 2023-10-11 @2:00 PM
Location: 313
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Mini-course - Gregory Falkovich
Name: Gregory Falkovich
Event: talk
Title: Introduction to Information Theory
Date: 2023-10-10 @2:30 PM
Location: 313
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The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process - Leo Petrov
Name: Leo Petrov
Event: Workshop:The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process
Title: Colored Interacting Particle Systems on the Ring: Stationarity from Yang-Baxter
Date: 2023-10-06 @11:00 AM
Location: 102
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The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process - Dor Elboim
Name: Dor Elboim
Event: Workshop:The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process
Title: The influence of edges in first-passage percolation on Z^d
Date: 2023-10-06 @10:00 AM
Location: 102
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The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process - Zongrui Yang
Name: Zongrui Yang
Event: Workshop:The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process
Title: Askey-Wilson signed measures and open ASEP in the shock region
Date: 2023-10-06 @9:30 AM
Location: 102
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Della Pietra Lecture Series Technical Talk - Ian Stewart
Name: Ian Stewart
Event: Della Pietra 2023-2024
Title: Hidden symmetries in lattice networks
Date: 2023-10-05 @2:00 PM
Location: 103
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The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process - Timo Seppalainen
Name: Timo Seppalainen
Event: Workshop:The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process
Title: Ergodic stationary measures of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation
Date: 2023-10-05 @1:30 PM
Location: 102
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The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process - Peter Nejjar
Name: Peter Nejjar
Event: Workshop:The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process
Title: The second class particle shock process in TASEP
Date: 2023-10-05 @1:00 PM
Location: 102
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The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process - Pierre Le Doussal
Name: Pierre Le Doussal
Event: Workshop:The Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process
Title: Large deviations for diffusion in random media: integrable crossover from macroscopic fluctuation theory to weak noise KPZ equation
Date: 2023-10-05 @11:30 AM
Location: 102
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All videos are the property of the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics. Redistribution, uploading to youtube, or commercial use is prohibited without written consent from the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics.