Video Portal

All videos are the property of the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics. Redistribution, uploading to youtube, or commercial use is prohibited without written consent from the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics.
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2023 Simons Physics Summer Workshop - Cumrun Vafa
Name: Cumrun Vafa
Event: 2023 Simons Physics Summer Workshop
Title: Swampland constraints & moduli space boundaries and interior
Date: 2023-06-28 @11:00 AM
Location: Smith Point
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2023 Simons Physics Summer Workshop - Jonathan Heckman
Name: Jonathan Heckman
Event: 2023 Simons Physics Summer Workshop
Title: IIB Determined
Date: 2023-06-27 @10:00 AM
Location: 102
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2023 Simons Physics Summer Workshop - Amihay Hanany
Name: Amihay Hanany
Event: 2023 Simons Physics Summer Workshop
Title: Exotic brane systems and Moduli spaces of theories with 8 supercharges
Date: 2023-06-26 @10:00 AM
Location: 102
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The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics - Gabriele Rembado
Name: Gabriele Rembado
Event: Program: The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics
Title: Isomonodromy times and conformal blocks
Date: 2023-06-23 @10:30 AM
Location: 103
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The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics - Gabriele Rembado
Name: Gabriele Rembado
Event: Program: The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics
Title: Isomonodromy times and conformal blocks Part II
Date: 2023-06-23 @10:30 AM
Location: 103
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The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics - Yan Zhou
Name: Yan Zhou
Event: Program: The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics
Title: Irregular connections, Stokes geometry, and WKB analysis
Date: 2023-06-22 @10:30 AM
Location: 103
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The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics - Yan Zhou
Name: Yan Zhou
Event: Program: The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics
Title: Irregular connections, Stokes geometry, and WKB analysis Part II
Date: 2023-06-22 @10:30 AM
Location: 103
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The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics - Philip Boalch
Name: Philip Boalch
Event: Program: The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics
Title: First Steps in Global Lie Theory: wild Riemann surfaces, their character varieties and topological symplectic structures Part II
Date: 2023-06-21 @11:45 AM
Location: 103
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The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics - Philip Boalch
Name: Philip Boalch
Event: Program: The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics
Title: First Steps in Global Lie Theory: wild Riemann surfaces, their character varieties and topological symplectic structures
Date: 2023-06-21 @10:30 AM
Location: 103
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The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics - Eric Zaslow
Name: Eric Zaslow
Event: Program: The Stokes Phenomenon and its applications in Mathematics and Physics
Title: The Chromatic Lagrangian: Wavefunctions and Open Gromov-Witten Conjectures
Date: 2023-06-20 @10:30 AM
Location: 103
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All videos are the property of the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics. Redistribution, uploading to youtube, or commercial use is prohibited without written consent from the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics.