SuperGeometry and SuperModuli - Ron Donagi Name: Ron Donagi Event: Workshop: SuperGeometry and SuperModuli Title: Ramond punctures Date: 2023-03-31 @11:00 AM Location: 102 view video
SuperGeometry and SuperModuli - Sheldon Katz Name: Sheldon Katz Event: Workshop: SuperGeometry and SuperModuli Title: The Hilbert scheme of a complex supermanifold of bosonic dimension 1 Date: 2023-03-31 @9:30 AM Location: 102 view video
SuperGeometry and SuperModuli - Jeffrey Rabin Name: Jeffrey Rabin Event: Workshop: SuperGeometry and SuperModuli Title: Cohomology and Combinatorics for Supertori Date: 2023-03-30 @4:00 PM Location: 102 view video
SuperGeometry and SuperModuli - Artan Sheshmani Name: Artan Sheshmani Event: Workshop: SuperGeometry and SuperModuli Title: Genus zero super Gromov Witten invariants via odd torus localization Date: 2023-03-30 @2:30 PM Location: 102 view video
SuperGeometry and SuperModuli - Enno Kessler Name: Enno Kessler Event: Workshop: SuperGeometry and SuperModuli Title: Odd torus actions on moduli spaces of super stable maps of genus zero Date: 2023-03-30 @1:15 PM Location: 102 view video
SuperGeometry and SuperModuli - Nadia Ott Name: Nadia Ott Event: Workshop: SuperGeometry and SuperModuli Title: Artin’s theorems in supergeometry Date: 2023-03-30 @11:00 AM Location: 102 view video
SuperGeometry and SuperModuli - Gavril Farkas Name: Gavril Farkas Event: Workshop: SuperGeometry and SuperModuli Title: The birational geometry of the moduli of curves: geometric and tropical aspects Date: 2023-03-29 @4:00 PM Location: 102 view video
SuperGeometry and SuperModuli - John Huerta Name: John Huerta Event: Workshop: SuperGeometry and SuperModuli Title: Body and soul decompositions in supergeometry Date: 2023-03-29 @2:30 PM Location: 102 view video
SuperGeometry and SuperModuli - Rita Fioresi Name: Rita Fioresi Event: Workshop: SuperGeometry and SuperModuli Title: Generalized Root System Date: 2023-03-29 @11:00 AM Location: 102 view video
SuperGeometry and SuperModuli - Vera Serganova Name: Vera Serganova Event: Workshop: SuperGeometry and SuperModuli Title: Localization of integrals on supermanifolds with application to representation theory of supergroups. Date: 2023-03-29 @9:30 AM Location: 102 view video
SuperGeometry and SuperModuli - Katherine Maxwell Name: Katherine Maxwell Event: Workshop: SuperGeometry and SuperModuli Title: Extended super Mumford form on the Sato Grassmannian Date: 2023-03-28 @2:30 PM Location: 102 view video
SuperGeometry and SuperModuli - Oliver Schlotterer Name: Oliver Schlotterer Event: Workshop: SuperGeometry and SuperModuli Title: Worldsheet supersymmetry and uniform transcendentality of string amplitudes Date: 2023-03-28 @11:00 AM Location: 102 view video
SuperGeometry and SuperModuli - Daniel Hernandez Ruiperez Name: Daniel Hernandez Ruiperez Event: Workshop: SuperGeometry and SuperModuli Title: Stable supermaps and SUSY Nori motives Date: 2023-03-28 @9:30 AM Location: Zoom view video
SuperGeometry and SuperModuli - Charles Wang Name: Charles Wang Event: Workshop: SuperGeometry and SuperModuli Title: On the Relationship Between Super-Riemann Surfaces and PCOs Date: 2023-03-27 @4:00 PM Location: 102 view video
SuperGeometry and SuperModuli - Simone Noja Name: Simone Noja Event: Workshop: SuperGeometry and SuperModuli Title: Nilpotence Varieties, Pure Spinors Superfields and Supersymmetry Date: 2023-03-27 @2:30 PM Location: 102 view video
SuperGeometry and SuperModuli - Anton Zeitlin Name: Anton Zeitlin Event: Workshop: SuperGeometry and SuperModuli Title: Super-Teichmueller spaces: coordinates and applications Date: 2023-03-27 @11:00 AM Location: 102 view video
SuperGeometry and SuperModuli - Giovanni Felder Name: Giovanni Felder Event: Workshop: SuperGeometry and SuperModuli Title: Towards a mathematical description of superstring perturbation theory Date: 2023-03-27 @9:30 AM Location: Zoom view video