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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Osamu Fujino
Name: Osamu Fujino
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Some Remarks on Weakly Positive Sheaves
Date: 2024-05-10 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Sho Tanimoto
Name: Sho Tanimoto
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Campana Rationally Connectedness and Weak Approximation
Date: 2024-05-09 @4:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Andreas Horing
Name: Andreas Horing
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: KLT Degenerations of Projective Spaces
Date: 2024-05-09 @2:45 PM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Yuri Tschinkel
Name: Yuri Tschinkel
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Equivariant Birational Geometry
Date: 2024-05-09 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Elham Izadi
Name: Elham Izadi
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Szego Kernels and the Scorza Map on Moduli Spaces of Spin Curves
Date: 2024-05-09 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Frederic Campana
Name: Frederic Campana
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: On a conjecture of Mihnea Popa
Date: 2024-05-09 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Radu M. Laza
Name: Radu M. Laza
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Remarks on Calabi-Yau Degenerations
Date: 2024-05-08 @4:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Enrica Floris
Name: Enrica Floris
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: On Algebraic Subgroups of The Cremona Group
Date: 2024-05-08 @2:45 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Adrian Langer
Name: Adrian Langer
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Projective Contact Log Varieties
Date: 2024-05-08 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Adrien Dubouloz
Name: Adrien Dubouloz
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Additive Group Actions, Polar Cylinders and Rigidity of Briekson-Pham Hypersurfaces
Date: 2024-05-08 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Shigeru Mukai
Name: Shigeru Mukai
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Vinberg Surface of Discriminant 3 and Cubic 4-Folds with Many Cusps
Date: 2024-05-08 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Olivier Wittenberg
Name: Olivier Wittenberg
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Levels of Function Fields of Real Varieties
Date: 2024-05-07 @4:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Stefan Schreieder
Name: Stefan Schreieder
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Curves on Powers of Hyperelliptic Jacobians
Date: 2024-05-07 @2:45 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Konstantin Loginov
Name: Konstantin Loginov
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Finite Abelian Subgroups in the Space Cremona Group
Date: 2024-05-07 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Hiroshi Iritani
Name: Hiroshi Iritani
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Decomposition of Quantum Cohomology Under Blowups
Date: 2024-05-07 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Helene Esnault
Name: Helene Esnault
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Survey on Properties of Rigid Local Systems
Date: 2024-05-07 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Paul Hacking
Name: Paul Hacking
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: On The Morrison Cone Conjecture for Calabi--Yau 3-Folds
Date: 2024-05-06 @4:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Lena Ji
Name: Lena Ji
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Rationality Criteria for Conic Bundle Threefolds Over Non-Closed Fields
Date: 2024-05-06 @2:45 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Brian Lehmann
Name: Brian Lehmann
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Restriction Theorems for Curves
Date: 2024-05-06 @1:15 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Christian Schnell
Name: Christian Schnell
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: A Hodge-Theoretic Proof of Hwang's Theorem
Date: 2024-05-06 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry - Janos Kollar
Name: Janos Kollar
Event: Simons Foundation Conference on Higher Dimensional Geometry
Title: Smoothing Algebraic Cycles Below the Middle Dimension
Date: 2024-05-06 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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