Computational Differential Geometry and it's Applications in Physics - Andre Lukas Name: Andre Lukas Event: Workshop: Computational Differential Geometry and it's Applications in Physics Title: Yukawa Couplings from String Theory Date: 2022-11-16 @1:30 PM Location: 102 view video
Strings, Geometry, and Data Science - Andre Lukas Name: Andre Lukas Event: Workshop: strings, geometry, and data science Title: String Data and Machine Learning Date: 2020-01-06 @2:45 PM Location: 102 view video
Geometry and Physics of Hitchin Systems - Andre Lukas Name: Andre Lukas Event: Geometry and Physics of Hitchin Systems: January 22 - June 21, 2019 Title: Line Bundle Cohomology and Machine Learning Date: 2019-02-28 @1:00 PM Location: 313 view video