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Automorphic structures in string theory - Henrik Gustafsson
Name: Henrik Gustafsson
Event: Workshop: Automorphic structures in string theory
Title: Solvable Lattice Models, Vertex Operators and Whittaker Functions
Date: 2019-03-07 @2:45 PM
Location: 102
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Automorphic structures in string theory - Henrik Gustafsson
Name: Henrik Gustafsson
Event: Workshop: Automorphic structures in string theory
Title: String theory and automorphic representations:Part 2
Date: 2019-03-06 @11:00 AM
Location: 102
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Automorphic structures in string theory - Henrik Gustafsson
Name: Henrik Gustafsson
Event: Workshop: Automorphic structures in string theory
Title: String theory and automorphic representations:Part 1
Date: 2019-03-06 @9:30 AM
Location: 102
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Automorphic forms, mock modular forms and string theory - Henrik Gustafsson
Name: Henrik Gustafsson
Event: Program: Automorphic forms, mock modular forms and string theory
Title: Eisenstein series attached to small automorphic representations
Date: 2016-09-14 @11:15 AM
Location: 313
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