Novel Vistas on Vortices - Oscar Garcia-Prada Name: Oscar Garcia-Prada Event: Workshop: Novel Vistas on Vortices Title: Vortices, variations of Hodge structure, and Arakelov-Milnor inequalities Date: 2019-11-13 @11:30 AM Location: 102 view video
SCGP Weekly Talk - Oscar Garcia-Prada Name: Oscar Garcia-Prada Event: SCGP Weekly Talk Title: Older Vistas on Vortices Date: 2019-11-12 @1:00 PM Location: 102 view video
Geometry of Manifolds - Oscar Garcia-Prada Name: Oscar Garcia-Prada Event: Workshop: Geometry of Manifolds Title: Kaehler-Yang-Mills equations Date: 2017-10-26 @9:30 AM Location: 102 view video
Workshop on Gauged Sigma-Models in Two Dimensions - Oscar Garcia-Prada Name: Oscar Garcia-Prada Event: Workshop: Gauged Sigma-Models in Two Dimensions Title: Gravitating vortices Date: 2014-11-03 @4:45 PM Location: view video