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Geometry and Physics of Hitchin Systems - Motohico Mulase
Name: Motohico Mulase
Event: Geometry and Physics of Hitchin Systems: January 22 - June 21, 2019
Title: Gaiotto's conformal limit of Higgs bundles and its geometry
Date: 2019-03-28 @1:00 PM
Location: 313
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New perspectives on Higgs bundles, branes and quantization - Motohico Mulase
Name: Motohico Mulase
Event: Workshop: New perspectives on Higgs bundles, branes and quantization
Title: Algebraic geometry of Gaiotto correspondence and quantization of Higgs bundles
Date: 2016-06-17 @11:45 AM
Location: 102
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Knot Homologies Program Seminar - Motohico Mulase, University of California, Davis
Name: Motohico Mulase
Event: Program: Knot homologies, BPS states, and SUSY gauge theories
Title: Topological recursion and quantization
Date: 2015-05-14 @11:30 AM
Location: 313
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