Entanglement and Dynamical systems - Olof Salberger Name: Olof Salberger Event: Wokshop: Entanglement and Dynamical systems Title: Tensor Networks and correlation functions in the Fredkin model Date: 2018-12-11 @11:00 AM Location: 102 view video
Entanglement in Quantum Systems - Olof Salberger Name: Olof Salberger Event: Workshop: Entanglement in Quantum Systems Title: Area law violation in the Fredkin spin chain Date: 2016-10-06 @11:30 AM Location: 102 view video
Statistical mechanics and combinatorics - Olof Salberger Name: Olof Salberger Event: Program: Statistical mechanics and combinatorics Title: Shor—Movassagh Model at Half Integer Spins Date: 2016-04-01 @1:00 PM Location: 313 view video