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Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories - Xiao-Gang Wen
Name: Xiao-Gang Wen
Event: Workshop Symmetric mass generation, topological phases and lattice chiral gauge theories
Title: Three approaches to chiral fermion problem via mirror fermions: composite fermion, anomaly, and non-linear sigma model
Date: 2024-05-21 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 103
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Simons Collaboration on Global Categorical Symmetries - Xiao-Gang Wen
Name: Xiao-Gang Wen
Event: Simons Collaboration on Global Categorical Symmetries
Title: A categorical view of symmetry and a holographic view of symmetry
Date: 2021-10-12 @12:00 PM
Location: Zoom
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New directions in topological phases: from fractons to spatial symmetries - Xiao-Gang Wen
Name: Xiao-Gang Wen
Event: Virtual Workshop: New directions in topological phases: from fractons to spatial symmetries
Title: A Systematic Construction of Gapped Non-liquid States
Date: 2021-05-25 @11:00 AM
Location: Zoom
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Developments in Quantum Field Theory and Condensed Matter Physics - Xiao-Gang Wen
Name: Xiao-Gang Wen
Event: Workshop: Developments in Quantum Field Theory and Condensed Matter Physics
Title: A classification of 3+1D topological orders
Date: 2018-11-06 @1:30 PM
Location: 102
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Strongly Correlated Topological Phases of Matter - Xiao-Gang Wen
Name: Xiao-Gang Wen
Event: Workshop: Strongly Correlated Topological Phases of Matter
Title: A classification of 3+1D topological orders
Date: 2017-06-05 @9:30 AM
Location: 102
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Summer Simons Workshop in Mathematics and Physics
Name: Xiao-Gang Wen
Event: 2015 Simons Summer Workshop in Mathematics and Physics
Title: Realization and classification of 1+1D CFT via 2+1D FQH states
Date: 2015-07-22 @11:00 AM
Location: Smith Point
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Topological Phases of Matter
Name: Xiao-Gang Wen
Event: Program: Topological Phases of Matter
Title: SPT phases, gauge anomalies, and lattice definition of all anomaly-free chiral gauge theories
Date: 2013-06-10 @9:30 AM
Location: 102
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Topological Quantum Computing Workshop - Xiao-Gang Wen
Name: Xiao-Gang Wen
Event: Workshop: Topological Quantum Computing
Title: A classification of symmetry protected topological orders
Date: 2011-09-15 @10:30 AM
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