Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Vasili Semenov Name: Vasili Semenov Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Reversible computing and Modified Sine-Gordon Equations Date: 2016-12-16 @1:30 PM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Lukasz Fidkowski Name: LUKASZ FIDKOWSKI Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Topological phases in driven systems and quantum information flow Date: 2016-12-16 @11:15 AM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Barry McCoy Name: Barry McCoy Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: The Once and Future Ising Model Date: 2016-12-15 @10:00 AM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Shinsei Ryu Name: Shinsei Ryu Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Fermionic entanglement negativity Date: 2016-12-09 @1:30 PM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Filiberto Ares Name: Filiberto Ares Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Complex geometry in the entanglement entropy of fermionic chains Date: 2016-12-09 @11:15 AM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Israel Klich Name: Israel Klich Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Entanglement Hamniltonians Date: 2016-12-08 @11:15 AM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Guifre Vidal Name: Guifre Vidal Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Tensor networks and conformal field theory on the lattice Date: 2016-12-08 @10:00 AM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Robert Shrock Name: Robert Shrock Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Graph Polynomials and Connection with Entropy Date: 2016-12-02 @11:15 AM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Tadashi Takayanagi Name: Tadashi Takayanagi Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Aspects of Entanglement Entropy for Locally Excited States in CFTs Date: 2016-12-01 @10:00 AM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Tadashi Takayanagi Name: Tadashi Takayanagi Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Emergent Spacetime from Quantum Entanglement Date: 2016-11-29 @1:00 PM Location: 102 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Amilcar Queiroz Name: Amilcar Queiroz Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Entanglement in fermionic chains with finite range coupling and with complex coupling Date: 2016-11-28 @2:15 PM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Giuliano Ribeiro Name: Giuliano Ribeiro Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Correlation functions of the integrable spin-s chain Date: 2016-11-21 @2:15 PM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Alexander Stolin Name: Alexander Stolin Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Classification of quantum groups, twists and non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. Date: 2016-11-18 @1:30 PM Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Abolfazl Bayat Name: Abolfazl Bayat Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Impurity quantum phase transitions: a quantum information perspective Date: 2016-11-18 @11:15 AM Location: SCGP Seminar Room 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Alexander Gorsky Name: Alexander Gorsky Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: New critical phenomena in the random networks and many-body localization Date: 2016-11-16 @1:30 PM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Vincent Pasquier Name: Vincent Pasquier Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Remarks on the Shannon versus Von Neumann entropy and Inverse participarion ratio of the XXZ chain Date: 2016-11-15 @11:00 AM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Jin Wang Name: Jin Wang Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Non-equilibrium quantum flux, coherence, thermodynamics and transport Date: 2016-11-14 @2:15 PM Location: view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Gunter Stolz Name: Gunter Stolz Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Many-body localization in the disordered XY chain Date: 2016-11-11 @2:30 PM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Alexander Abanov Name: Alexander Abanov Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Incompressible flow with odd viscosity Date: 2016-11-11 @11:15 AM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Luca Dell' Anna Name: Luca Dell' Anna Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Correlations, dynamics and entanglement in Motzkin and Fredkin spin chains Date: 2016-11-10 @10:00 AM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Andrea Trombettoni Name: Andrea Trombettoni Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Tunneling-based quantum devices with ultracold strongly interacting atoms Date: 2016-11-07 @2:15 PM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Robert Konik Name: Robert Konik Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Studies of the Loschmidt Echo and Entanglement Spreading in Two Dimensional Arrays of Coupled Ising Chains Date: 2016-11-04 @2:50 PM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Mukund Rangamani Name: Mukund Rangamani Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Real time physics of entanglement and dissipation Date: 2016-11-04 @11:15 AM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Mukund Rangamani Name: Mukund Rangamani Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Holography and Entanglement Decadal Survey Date: 2016-11-01 @1:00 PM Location: 102 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Alexander Kirillov Name: Alexander Kirillov Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Mathematical foundations of topological quantum computation Date: 2016-10-31 @2:15 PM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Nikolay Bogoliubov Name: Nikolay Bogoliubov Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Multidimensional random walks and exactly solvable phase models Date: 2016-10-28 @1:30 PM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Cristiane Morais Smith Name: Cristiane Morais Smith Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Universalities of thermodynamic signatures in topological phases Date: 2016-10-28 @11:15 AM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Tatsuma Nishioka Name: Tatsuma Nishioka Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: A Holographic Proof of Renyi Entropic Inequalities Date: 2016-10-24 @2:15 PM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Fabio Franchini Name: Fabio Franchini Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Universal Quantum Simulator, Local Convertibility and Edge States in Many-body Systems Date: 2016-10-21 @1:30 PM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Javier Molina-Vilaplana Name: Javier Molina-Vilaplana Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Entanglement Renormalization and Two Dimensional String Theory Date: 2016-10-21 @11:15 AM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Claire Zukowski Name: Claire Zukowski Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Equivalence of Emergent de Sitter Spaces from Conformal Field Theory Date: 2016-10-17 @2:15 PM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Henrik Johannesson Name: Henrik Johannesson Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Entanglement probe of two-impurity Kondo physics Date: 2016-10-14 @1:30 PM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Adrian Feiguin Name: Adrian Feiguin Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Unveiling the entanglement structure of the Kondo singlet Date: 2016-10-14 @11:15 AM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Dmitri Kharzeev Name: Dmitri Kharzeev Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Entropic bound on multiparticle production in high energy collisions Date: 2016-09-29 @11:15 AM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Alexei Tsvelik Name: Alexei Tsvelik Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Composite orders in strongly correlated systems Date: 2016-09-26 @2:15 PM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Balazs Hetenyi Name: Balazs Hetenyi Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Topological invariants in the theory of particle transport Date: 2016-09-22 @11:15 AM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Tzu-Chieh Wei Name: Tzu-Chieh Wei Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Entanglement as a resource for quantum computation Date: 2016-09-19 @2:15 PM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Jiannis Pachos Name: Jiannis Pachos Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Optimal free models for many-body interacting theories Date: 2016-09-15 @11:15 AM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - German Rodero Sierra Name: German Sierra Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Entanglement entropy and space-time geometry of the rainbow chain Date: 2016-09-15 @10:00 AM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Marco Giampaolo Name: Marco Giampaolo Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: Entanglement in one dimensional cluster models Date: 2016-09-12 @2:15 PM Location: 313 view video
Entanglement and Dynamical Systems - Christopher Herzog Name: Christopher Herzog Event: Program: Entanglement and Dynamical Systems Title: A High Energy Perspective on Entanglement Date: 2016-09-08 @10:00 AM Location: 102 view video