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Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology - Christopher Scaduto
Name: Christopher Scaduto
Event: Workshop: Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology
Title: The mod 2 cohomology of some SU(2) representation spaces for a surface
Date: 2017-04-28 @11:30 AM
Location: 102
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Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology - Francesco Lin
Name: Francesco Lin
Event: Workshop: Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology
Title: Bar Natan's deformation of Khovanov homology and involutive monopole Floer homology
Date: 2017-04-28 @10:30 AM
Location: 102
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Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology - Paul Kirk
Name: Paul Kirk
Event: Workshop: Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology
Title: Traceless SU(2) character varieties of tangles in 3-manifolds
Date: 2017-04-28 @9:00 AM
Location: 102
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Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology - Guillem Cazassus
Name: Guillem Cazassus
Event: Workshop: Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology
Title: Towards extended Floer Field theories
Date: 2017-04-27 @3:45 PM
Location: 102
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Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology - Kenji Fukaya
Name: Kenji Fukaya
Event: Workshop: Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology
Title: A candidate for symplectic side of Atiyah-Floer Conjecture
Date: 2017-04-27 @10:00 AM
Location: 102
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Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology - Gregory Moore
Name: Gregory Moore
Event: Workshop: Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology
Title: The $u$-Plane Integral As A Tool In The Theory Of Four-Manifolds
Date: 2017-04-26 @2:30 PM
Location: 102
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Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology - Victor Mikhaylov
Name: Victor Mikhaylov
Event: Workshop: Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology
Title: Teichmuller TQFT and a Conjecture for Kapustin-Witten Equations
Date: 2017-04-26 @11:30 AM
Location: 102
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Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology - Sergei Gukov
Name: Sergei Gukov
Event: Workshop: Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology
Title: What categorification of knot and 3-manifold invariants can tell us about 4-manifolds
Date: 2017-04-26 @10:00 AM
Location: 102
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Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology - Hiraku Nakajima
Name: Hiraku Nakajima
Event: Workshop: Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology
Title: Coulomb branches of 4d N=2 SUSY gauge theories for $\mathbb R^3\times S^1$
Date: 2017-04-25 @2:00 PM
Location: 102
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Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology - Henry Horton
Name: Henry Horton
Event: Workshop: Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology
Title: A Symplectic Instanton Homology via Traceless Character Varieties
Date: 2017-04-25 @11:00 AM
Location: 102
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Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology - Jake Rasmussen
Name: Jake Rasmussen
Event: Workshop: Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology
Title: Heegaard Floer homology of manifolds with torus boundary
Date: 2017-04-25 @9:30 AM
Location: 102
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Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology - Paul Feehan
Name: Paul Feehan
Event: Workshop: Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology
Title: SO(3) monopoles and relations between Donaldson and Seiberg-Witten invariants
Date: 2017-04-24 @4:00 PM
Location: 102
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Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology - Matt Stoffregen
Name: Matthew Stoffregen
Event: Workshop: Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology
Title: Pin(2)-equivariant Floer homology and the homology cobordism group
Date: 2017-04-24 @2:30 PM
Location: 102
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Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology - Daniel Ruberman
Name: Daniel Ruberman
Event: Workshop: Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology
Title: Heegaard Floer invariants in codimension one
Date: 2017-04-24 @11:00 AM
Location: 102
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