Statistical mechanics and combinatorics - Ivan Kostov Name: Ivan Kostov Event: Program: Statistical mechanics and combinatorics Title: Izergin-Korepin determinant, clustering and Sutherland limit Date: 2016-03-28 @2:00 PM Location: 313 view video
Six-vertex models, dimers, shapes, and all that - Ivan Kostov Name: Ivan Kostov Event: Workshop: Six-vertex models, dimers, shapes, and all that Title: The six-vertex model on a hexagon Date: 2016-03-17 @10:20 AM Location: 102 view video
Large N Program Series - Ivan Kostov, IPhT, CEA-Saclay Name: Ivan Kostov Event: Program: Large N limit problems in Kahler Geometry Title: Two-dimensional random geometry: continuous and discrete approaches, Part 2 Date: 2015-05-26 @10:00 AM Location: 313 view video
Large N Program Series - Ivan Kostov Name: Ivan Kostov Event: Program: Large N limit problems in Kahler Geometry Title: Two-dimensional random geometry: continuous and discrete approaches Date: 2015-05-14 @1:00 PM Location: 313 view video
Gauge Theory Program Seminar - Ivan Kostov Name: Ivan Kostov Event: Program: Gauge Theory, Integrability, and Novel Symmetries of Quantum Field Theory Title: Three-point function in N=4 SYM and spin vertex Date: 2014-10-14 @11:00 AM Location: 313 view video
O(n) loops in complex magnetic field coupled to 2D gravity: Lee-Yang and Langer singularities Name: Ivan Kostov Event: Program: Conformal Geometry Title: O(n) loops in complex magnetic field coupled to 2D gravity: Lee-Yang and Langer singularities Date: 2013-04-24 @2:00 PM Location: 313 view video
Facets of Integrability: Random Patterns, Stochastic Processes, Hydrodynamics, Gauge Theories and Condensed Matter Systems Workshop - Ivan Kostov Name: Ivan Kostov Event: Workshop 2012-2013ay - Facets of integrability Title: On the three-point function of heavy non-BPS operators in N=4 SYM Date: 2013-01-23 @4:00 PM Location: 102 view video
Boundary loop models coupled to 2D Quantum Gravity Name: Ivan Kostov Event: Perspectives, Open Problems & Applications of Quantum Liouville Theory Title: Boundary loop models coupled to 2D Quantum Gravity Date: 2010-04-01 @11:00 AM Location: Math Tower view video