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Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry - Leon A. Takhtajan
Name: Leon A. Takhtajan
Event: Workshop: Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry
Title: BPZ Ward Identities and Kähler Metrics on the Moduli Spaces
Date: 2024-03-12 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP Lecture Hall 102
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Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry - Stefano Negro
Name: Stefano Negro
Event: Workshop: Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry
Title: A new representation of minimal form factors in Integrable QFTs
Date: 2024-03-11 @4:00 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry - Mykola Dedushenko
Name: Mykola Dedushenko
Event: Workshop: Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry
Title: Integrability and vertex algebra in SUSY QFT
Date: 2024-03-11 @2:30 PM
Location: SCGP 102
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Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry - Alexander Polyakov
Name: Alexander Polyakov
Event: Workshop: Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry
Title: Tubulence in one dimension
Date: 2024-03-11 @11:00 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond - Romain Vasseur
Name: Romain Vasseur
Event: Program: New Directions in far from Equilibrium Integrability and beyond
Title: Kardar-Parisi-Zhang physics in integrable Heisenberg models
Date: 2024-03-11 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry - Gregory Falkovich
Name: Gregory Falkovich
Event: Workshop: Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry
Title: Broken and emerging symmetries of turbulence
Date: 2024-03-11 @9:30 AM
Location: SCGP 102
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Tomasz Lukowski
Name: Tomasz Lukowski
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Solving (strikethrough N=4 SYM) ABJM theory via scattering amplitudes
Date: 2024-03-07 @1:30 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Matthias Staudacher
Name: Matthias Staudacher
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Brick wall diagrams as a completely integrable system
Date: 2024-03-07 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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Physics Seminar - Indranil Halder
Name: Indranil Halder
Event: Physics Seminar
Title: Stretched horizon, replica trick, and off-shell winding condensate, and all that
Date: 2024-03-06 @2:00 PM
Location: SCGP 313
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Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes - Fernando Luis Alday
Name: Fernando Luis Alday
Event: Program Solving N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory via Scattering Amplitudes
Title: Tree level string amplitudes on AdS
Date: 2024-03-06 @10:30 AM
Location: SCGP 313
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