Simons Summer Workshop: July 16 – August 10, 2018

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Attendee List Publications

Performance by Emmanuel Vukovich and John McDowell

This Workshop is the eleventh conducted by the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at Stony Brook and the Sixteenth in the series Simons Summer Workshops. One of the predictions of string theory is that certain apparently consistent quantum field theories cannot be consistently coupled to quantum gravity—they do not arise from consistent string vacua. This gave rise to the notion of the “Swampland.” Recent developments, in particular the Weak Gravity Conjecture, have led to many new and much stronger restrictions which involve physicists working in many fields and give new insights into the structure of string vacua. That will be the focus of this years Summer workshop.

Schedule Week 1 Schedule Week 2 Schedule Week 3 Schedule Week 4

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays

All talks will be held in the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Lecture Hall (Room 102).

Breakfast will be served daily from 9:00am-10:00am in the Simons Center Cafe, 2nd floor.

Lunch will be served from 12:00pm-2:00pm in the Simons Center Cafe, 2nd floor.

Tea time will be in the Simons Center Lobby at 3:30pm.


The talk will be at Smith Point Beach (please see transportation website). Lunch will be served at Smith Point Beach around 12:30pm.

*Speakers and titles will be added to the schedule throughout the workshop.

Simons Summer Talk and Events Workshop Schedule:

Time Title Speaker Location
Monday, July 16
Progress on the Weak Gravity and Swampland Field Range Conjectures
 Matt Reece 102
11:00am N/A Break SCGP Cafe
Progress on the Weak Gravity and Swampland Field Range Conjectures II
 Matt Reece 102
Tuesday, July 17
The String Swampland and Cosmology
 Gary Shiu 102
11:00am N/A Break SCGP Cafe
The String Swampland and Cosmology II
 Gary Shiu 102
5:00pm Summer Concert Series: Reception at 5pm, performance at 5:30pm Village Chamber Players 103
Wednesday July 18
10:00am Leave for the Beach Lobby
10:00am A Review of String Swampland  Cumrun Vafa SCGP 102
3:00pm Leave the Beach- Back to the Center Smiths Point Beach
Thursday July 19
10:00am Emergence and infinite distance in Calabi-Yau moduli spaces  Eran Palti SCGP 102
11:00am N/A Break SCGP Cafe
11:30am  Emergence and infinite distance in Calabi-Yau moduli spaces II    Eran Palti SCGP 102
7:00pm N/A Summer Workshop Party – Hosted by Martin Rocek and Ute Moll 11 Shipyard Ln, Setauket- East Setauket, NY 11733, USA
Friday July 20
10:00am Quantum Gravity and Towers of Charged Particles Part 1  Tom Rudelius SCGP 102
11:00am N/A Break SCGP Cafe
11:30am Quantum Gravity and Towers of Charged Particles Part 2  Tom Rudelius SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
Monday, July 23
A spotter’s guide to the Weak Gravity Conjecture I
 Ben Heidenreich 102
11:00am N/A Break SCGP Cafe
A spotter’s guide to the Weak Gravity Conjecture II
 Ben Heidenreich 102
Tuesday, July 24
One man’s brane is another man’s vacuum I
 Giuseppe Dibitetto 102
11:00am N/A Break SCGP Cafe
One man’s brane is another man’s vacuum II
 Giuseppe Dibitetto 102
5:00pm Summer Concert Series: Reception at 5pm, performance at 5:30pm Parzival and Fierefiz: An Exploration of a Synthesis of Polarities 103
Wednesday July 25
10:00am A New Stringy Perspective on Cosmology Part 1  Cumrun Vafa SCGP 102
11:00am N/A Break SCGP Cafe
11:30am A New Stringy Perspective on Cosmology Part 2  Cumrun Vafa SCGP 102
Thursday July 26
10:00am Classical type II flux compactifications and the dS swampland I  Timm Wrase SCGP 102
11:00am N/A Break SCGP Cafe
11:30am  Classical type II flux compactifications and the dS swampland II  Timm Wrase SCGP 102
4:00pm  Film Screening of Salam – The First ****** Nobel Laureate. Q&A with Director and Editor Anand Kamalakar SCGP 103
6:00pm N/A Summer Workshop Party Avalon Park: Harbor Rd, Stony Brook, NY 11790
Friday July 27
10:00am Leave for the Beach Lobby
11:00am Weak Gravity Conjecture from Black Hole Entropy  Clifford Cheung Smiths Point Beach
3:00pm Leave the Beach- Back to the Center Smiths Point Beach

Time Title Speaker Location
Monday, July 30
From the Weak Gravity Conjecture to Wormholes and Baby Universes I
 Arthur Hebecker 102
11:00am N/A Break SCGP Cafe
From the Weak Gravity Conjecture to Wormholes and Baby Universes II
 Arthur Hebecker 102
Tuesday, July 31
Hidden Symmetries Opening Reception
Math and Art/Textile Symposium:
The film ” ‘Labrynths’ and its Making”
Michele Emmer 103
The Pre-Hispanic Peruvian Weaving Tradition
 Ann Pollard Rowe 103
4:15pm Hidden Symmetries in Warp-Faced Pre-Hispanic Textiles Tony Phillips 103
Wednesday, August 1
10:00am Leave for the Beach Lobby
11:00am Symmetry in Quantum Field Theory and Gravity  Hirosi Ooguri Smith Point Beach
3:00pm Leave the Beach- Back to the Center Smith Point Beach
Thursday, August 2
10:00am A Tower Weak Gravity Conjecture from Infrared Consistency I  Toshifumi Noumi SCGP 102
11:00am N/A Break SCGP Cafe
11:30am  A Tower Weak Gravity Conjecture from Infrared Consistency II    Toshifumi Noumi SCGP 102
6:30pm N/A Summer Workshop Party – Bershadsky Residence Bershadsky Residence
Friday August 3
10:00am de Sitter vacua and computational complexity I  Jim Halverson SCGP 102
11:00am N/A Break SCGP Cafe
11:30am de Sitter vacua and computational complexity II  Jim Halverson SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
Monday, August 6
Some Examples of One-Form Symmetry and Applications I
Zohar Komargodski 102
11:00am N/A Break SCGP Cafe
Some Examples of One-Form Symmetry and Applications II
Zohar Komargodski 102
Tuesday, August 7
On Potentials in Type II Flux Vacua I
Fernando Marchesano 102
11:00am N/A Break SCGP Cafe
On Potentials in Type II Flux Vacua II
Fernando Marchesano 102
5:00pm Summer Concert Series: Reception at 5pm, performance at 5:30pm Jazz Performance by Peter Watrous Trio 103
Wednesday, August 8
10:00am Leave for the Beach Lobby
11:00am Particle Physics Constraints from WGC Luis Ibanez Smith Point Beach
3:00pm Leave the Beach- Back to the Center Smith Point Beach
Thursday, August 9
10:00am On Status of KKLT I  Thomas Van Riet SCGP 102
11:00am N/A Break SCGP Cafe
11:30am On Status of KKLT II Thomas Van Riet SCGP 102
5:30pm N/A Director’s Summer Workshop Party at Simons Center Cafe Simons Center Cafe
Friday August 10
10:00am Tachyonic antibranes and de Sitter constructions I Iosif Bena SCGP 102
11:00am N/A Break SCGP Cafe
11:30am Tachyonic antibranes and de Sitter constructions II Iosif Bena SCGP 102