
Each year the Simons Center supports multiple workshops. These workshops are usually one-week in length, although certain workshops are longer. Workshops are concentrated periods of activity in a focused area of interest to the Center. The workshops are organized by committees of people from both within and outside of the Center.

Workshop talks are open to the general public. If you are interested in attending the lectures, you need not apply. Applications are for those seeking financial assistance only.

2024-2025 Academic Year Workshops

Start End Event
2024-07-012024-07-192nd Simons Math Summer Workshop: Moduli
2024-07-292024-08-1621st Simons Physics Summer Workshop
2024-09-092024-09-13Applications of Generalized Symmetries and Topological Defects to Quantum Matter
2024-09-232024-09-27Non-Hermitian topology, geometry and symmetry across physical platforms
2024-10-212024-10-25Exact approaches to low-supersymmetry AdS/CFT
2024-11-112024-11-15Murmurations in Arithmetic Geometry and Related Topics
2024-12-022024-12-06Quantum information dynamics and non-equilibrium quantum matter
2024-12-162024-12-20Energy Operators in Particle Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Gravity
2025-01-062025-01-10Winter School: Boundary and Singularity in Fluid Mechanics
2025-02-102025-02-14Recent developments in higher genus curve counting
2025-03-172025-03-21Recent Developments on Mixing Times
2025-03-312025-04-04Symplectic Singularities, Supersymmetric QFT, and Geometric Representation Theory
2025-04-072025-04-11Hyperbolic & Dispersive Equations on Curved Geometries: Connections to Physics and General Relativity
2025-04-282025-05-02Gauge Theory and Floer Homology in Low Dimensional Topology:
2025-06-022025-06-06Black hole physics from strongly coupled thermal dynamics

2025-2026 Academic Year Workshops

Start End Event
2025-07-072025-07-253rd Simons Math Summer Workshop: Partial Differential Equations of Classical Physics
2025-07-282025-08-1522nd Simons Physics Summer Workshop: Future pathways for fundamental physics
2025-09-152025-09-19Geometric Measure Theory on Metric Spaces with Applications to Physics and Geometry
2025-10-202025-10-24Modern Musings on Monopoles
2025-11-032025-11-07 50 years of the black hole information paradox
2025-12-082025-12-12Timelike Boundaries in Classical and Quantum Gravity
2026-01-262026-01-30Conformal Geometry, Einstein Metrics, and General Relativity
2026-04-132026-04-17Random Geometry in Math and Physics
2026-05-042026-05-08Bridging classic and contemporary perspectives on open quantum systems
2026-05-112026-05-15Double Scaled Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model: From Gravity to Many-Body Quantum Chaos
2026-06-022026-06-04Supergravity at 50
2026-06-082026-06-12Complexity, information, and tractable simulations of quantum many-body dynamics
2026-06-222026-06-26Paths to Quantum Field Theory

[View past workshops]