Automorphic forms, mock modular forms and string theory: August 29 – September 30, 2016

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Organized by: Terry Gannon, David Ginzburg, Axel Kleinschmidt, Stephen D. Miller, Daniel Persson, and Boris Pioline

The purpose of this interdisciplinary program is to investigate connections between string theory and the theory of automorphic forms, modular forms and mock modular forms. This is an emergent field with a lot of potential for interdisciplinary collaborations. Recent work has revealed, on the one hand, a profound significance of automorphic forms and automorphic representations for string scattering amplitudes and, on the other hand, an unexpected appearance of mock theta functions in connection with new moonshine phenomena as well as in the analysis of quantum black holes. The mathematics of automorphic forms can thus help to answer highly interesting non-linear problems in string theory and physics intuition has been instrumental in formulating some deep relations and properties of automorphic forms. The main objective of the program is to gather physicists and mathematicians working on automorphic forms, mock modular forms, superstring amplitudes, black holes and moonshine in an effort to foster cross-fertilisations and exchanges of ideas between these seemingly disparate fields.


Program Talk Schedule

Date Time Title Speaker Location
Wed. Sept 7 11:15 am Fourier-Whittaker coefficients attached to small automorphic representations Daniel Persson SCGP 313
Fri. Sept 9 11:15 am Calculating matrix coefficients for p-adic groups Benjamin Brubaker SCGP 313

Date Time Title Speaker Location
Mon. Sept 12 11:15 am Fourier Coefficients of Automorphic Forms and Bessel Identities Olof Ahlén (AEI Potsdam) SCGP 313
Wed. Sept 14 11:15 am Eisenstein series attached to small automorphic representations Henrik Gustafsson (Chalmers U.) SCGP 313
Fri. Sept 16 11:15 am Eisenstein series attached to small automorphic representations Baiying Liu (Purdue U.) SCGP 313

Date Time Title Speaker Location
Mon. Sept 19 11:15 am Fourier Coefficients and Expansions in the Exceptional groups – some global aspects Joseph Hundley (U. Buffalo) SCGP 313
Tues. Sept 20 1:00 pm From moonshine to automorphic forms and beyond Daniel Persson SCGP 102
Wed. Sept 21 11:15 am Black hole degeneracies from worldsheet instantons Sameer Murthy (King’s College) SCGP 313
Fri. Sept 23 11:15 am Indefinite theta series and generalized error functions Boris Pioline (Cern) SCGP 313

Date Time Title Speaker Location
Mon. Sept 26 11:15 am Descent and theta functions for covering groups Solomon Friedberg (Boston College) SCGP 313
Tues. Sept 27 1:00 pm Complex Quoits, or, How to smoothly tie the instantons and anti-instantons Nikita Nekrasov SCGP 102
Wed. Sept 28 11:15 am Generalized and degenerate Whittaker models for representations of reductive groups Dmitry Gourevitch (Weizmann Institute) SCGP 313