Poisson geometry of moduli spaces, associators and quantum field theory: April 30-June 29, 2018

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Organized by: Anton Alexeev and Samson Shatashvili

The proposed program will touch upon two topics in Mathematics: Poisson geometry of moduli spaces and the theory of associators, and some of the mathematical aspects of quantum field theory. Both the moduli space theory and the associator theory are intimately related to quantum field theory. In particular, the associator theory describes the choices of deformation quantization which are given by the Feynamn graphical calculus (pioneered by Kontsevich). Another interaction point with quantum field theory is appearance of multiple zeta-values in the theory of sting amplitudes. The workshop will provide a platform for interaction of researchers working in several fields of Mathematics and Mathematical Physics working on different facets of this fascinating theme.

Program Talk Schedule

All programs talks are scheduled to last 2 hours, unless otherwise noted below: More information and talk abstracts can be found here: scgp.stonybrook.edu/this-week

Date Time Title Speaker Location
Wed. May 2nd 10:00AM – 12:00PM  Transversal Interactions of String Topology as an Algebraic Receptacle for Symplectic Topology Dennis Sullivan SCGP 313
Wed. May 2nd 2:00PM – 4:00PM  “Some remarks on symplectic forms (in physics and mathematics)” Leon Takhtajan SCGP 102
Thurs. May 3rd 10:00AM – 12:00PM  An enumerative approach to the P=W conjecture for the moduli of Higgs bundles Andras Szenes SCGP 313
Fri. May 4th 10:00 AM – 12:00PM  Higher groups in higher gauge theory Chenchang Zhu SCGP 313
Fri. May 4th 2:00 PM – 4:00PM Double brackets in topology of manifolds Vladimir Turaev SCGP 313


Date Time Title Speaker Location
Mon. May 7th 10:00AM – 12:00PM  A Betti counterpart of the harmonic coproduct (I) Hidekazu Furusho SCGP 102
Mon. May 7th 2:00PM – 4:00PM  A Betti counterpart of the harmonic coproduct  (II) Benjamin Enriquez SCGP 102
Tues. May 8th 9:30AM – 11:30AM A Tannakian interpretation of the elliptic infinitesimal braid Lie algebras Pavel Etingof SCGP 102
Tues. May 8th 1:00PM – 2:00PM Computation without Representation Part 1. Visit www.math.toronto.edu/~drorbn/Talks/StonyBrook-1805/ for more information Dror Bar-Natan SCGP 102
Wed. May 9th 10:30AM – 11:30PM Points on a Circle: from Pappus to Thurston John Milnor SCGP 102
Wed. May 9th 2:00PM – 4:00PM  Curves on surfaces and three manifolds: string topology and other structures. Moira Chas SCGP 102
Thurs. May 10th 10:00 am – 12:00PM  Hodge theory and the Goldman-Turaev Lie bialgebra Richard Hain SCGP 102
Thurs. May 10th 1:30PM – 4:00PM  Elliptic versions of the Grothendieck-Teichmüller, double shuffle and Kashiwara-Vergne Lie algebras Leila Schneps SCGP 102
Fri. May 11th 10:00 am – 12:00 Computation without Representation Part II. Visit www.math.toronto.edu/~drorbn/Talks/StonyBrook-1805/ for more information Dror Bar – Natan SCGP 102


Date Time Title Speaker Location
Mon May 14th 3:00PM – 4:00PM  Hodge theory and the Goldman-Turaev Lie bialgebra Part II Richard Hain SCGP 102
Tues. May 15th 10:00AM – 12:00PM  Renormalization, String topology, Perturbative Chern Simons and Pseudo holomorphic curve Kenji Fukaya SCGP 102
Tues. May 15th 1:00PM – 2:00PM  Hodge Correlators Alexander Goncharov SCGP 102
Wed. May 16th 11:00AM – 12:00PM Cluster Algebras, Landau Singularities and Scattering Amplitudes Anastasia Volovich SCGP 313
Wed. May 16th  2:00PM – 4:00PM Survey of Geometry in G_2 manifolds Simon Donaldson SCGP 102
Thurs. May 17th 10:00AM – 12:00PM  Quantum Hodge Field Theory Alexander Goncharov SCGP 102


Date Time Title Speaker Location
Wed. June 13th 10:00AM – 12:00PM  Moment Map, Generalized Horn Inequalities and Quivers  Michele Vergne SCGP 102
Wed. June 13th 2:30PM – 3:30PM Poisson Geometry, Crystals, and Integrable Systems Benjamin Hoffman SCGP 102
Wed. June 13th 4:00PM – 5:00PM Poisson-Lie Dual and Langlands Dual via Cluster Theory and Tropicalization  Yanpeng Li SCGP 102
Thurs. June 14th 10:00AM – 12:00PM The generalization of the Goldman bracket to Three dimensions and its relation to Geometrization. See Abstract here Mini course by Moira Chas: Part 1 by Dennis Sullivan SCGP 313
Thurs. June 14th 1:30PM – 3:30PM  Prop of ribbon hypergraphs and strongly homotopy involutive Lie bialgebras Serguei Merkulov SCGP 313
Fri. June 15th 10:00AM – 12:00PM Computer driven questions, pre-theorems and theorems in geometry. See Abstract here Mini course by Moira Chas SCGP 313


Date Time Title Speaker Location
Mon. June 18th 10:00AM – 12:00PM  Algebra and Geometry of String Topology Mini course by Dennis Sullivan SCGP 102
Mon. June 18th 1:30PM – 3:30PM  Turaev’s loop operations on surfaces and their formal descriptions Gwenael Massuyeau SCGP 102
Tues. June 19th  10:00AM – 12:00PM  Formal description of the Goldman bracket, revisited Nariya Kawazumi SCGP 102
Tues. June 19th 1:30PM – 3:30PM  Formality of the Goldman-Turaev Lie bialgebra and the Kashiwara-Vergne problem Yusuke Kuno SCGP 102
Wed. June 20th 10:00AM – 12:00PM  From the algebra of symplectic derivations to cohomology of automorphism groups of free groups Martin Kassabov SCGP 102
Wed. June 20th 1:30PM – 3:30PM  On a moduli space interpretation of the Turaev cobracket Florian Naef SCGP 102
Thurs. June 21st 10:00AM – 12:00PM  Algebra and Geometry of String Topology Mini course by Dennis Sullivan SCGP 102


Date Time Title Speaker Location
Tues. June 26th 10:00AM – 12:00PM  Integrable clusters Arkady Berenstein SCGP 102
Tues. June 26th 1:30PM – 3:30PM  Homotopy algebras in string field theory Ivo Sachs SCGP102
Wed. June 27th 10:00AM – 11:00AM  Higher genus Grothendieck-Teichmüller Lie algebras Matteo Felder SCGP102
Wed. June 27th 11:30AM – 12:30PM  On elliptic versions of the Kashiwara-Vergne Lie algebra and mould theory Elise Raphael SCGP102
Wed. June 27th 2:00PM – 4:00PM  Holonomic Poisson manifolds and deformations of elliptic algebras Travis Schedler SCGP 102