****Please note as of March 23rd the program has been postponed and will be rescheduled****
Organized by: Ranny Budnik, Rouven Essig, and Maxim Pospelov.
Continuing progress in collider physics and dark matter searches in the past few decades have put significant pressure on several favorable theoretical models for Dark Matter and other beyond the Standard Model physics.
However, the mystery of dark matter, and its true identity in relation to the rest of the micro-world, remains unsolved, which has led in the past few years to an explosion of ideas for experimental searches in different, novel directions.
We will hold a program that puts at its center the question to both theorists and experimentalists: where should we be looking for new physics? We will focus on novel searches for Dark Matter and other new physics, as well as on new theoretical ideas that open up new directions that require further theoretical or experimental development. Each participant will be expected to share her or his view on where new searches are most likely to find new physics.
****Please note as of March 23rd the program has been postponed and will be rescheduled for another date.****