Lighting New Lampposts for Dark Matter and Beyond the Standard Model: February 27-March 24, 2023

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Organized by: Ranny Budnik, Rouven Essig, Maxim Pospelov, Kim Berghaus and Mauro Valli.

Talk Schedule:

Time Title Speaker Location
Monday February 27
10:30am Introductions
SCGP 313
Monday February 27
11:00am Yiming Zhong (U Chicago)
Revisiting the Galactic Center Gamma-ray Excess
SCGP 313
Tuesday February 28
Christina Gao (UIUC, Fermilab)
Dark matter search on a chip
SCGP 313
Tuesday February 28
11:00am Benjamin Lehmann (MIT) Directional DM detection in dielectrics SCGP 313
Wednesday March 1
10:30am Jure Zupan (U Cincinnati) Dark matter effective field theory for any spin


SCGP 313
Wednesday March 1
11:00am Asher Berlin (Fermilab) Detection of Evanescent Hidden Photons
Thursday March 2
10:30am Malte Buschmann (Princeton)


The QCD Axion Mass


SCGP 313
Thursday March 2
11:00am Ryan Plestid (Caltech) Long lived particles and the Quiet Sun


SCGP 313
Friday March 3
10:30am Melissa Diamond (Queen’s University) Finding Exotic Particles in Fireballs


SCGP 313
Friday March 3
11:00am Quynh Lan Nguyen (Notre Dame) TBD SCGP 313
11:30am Seth Koren (U Chicago) Putting Generalized Symmetries to Work for Particle Physics


SCGP 313
Friday March 3
11:00am Quynh Lan Nguyen (Notre Dame) TBD SCGP 313
Monday March 6
10:00am Jessie Shelton (UIUC) New constraints on Neff from BBN and the CMB


SCGP 313
Monday March 6
10:30am Simon Knapen (LBNL) Crystal defect as possible background sources in low threshold dark matter detectors


SCGP 313
Monday March 6
1:30pm Eric Kuflik (Hebrew U) Super Heavy Thermal Dark Matter SCGP 313
Monday March 6
2:00pm Anson Hook (U Maryland) CMB Spectral Distortions from an Axion-Dark Photon-Photon Interaction SCGP 313
Tuesday March 7
10:00am Rebecca Leane (SLAC) Evaporation Barrier for Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies SCGP 313
Tuesday March 7
10:30am Junwu Huang (Perimeter) Dark photon superradiance


SCGP 313
Tuesday March 7
1:30pm Carlos Blanco (Princeton/OKC) Where are the Cascades from Blazar Jets? An Emerging Tension in the gamma-ray sky


SCGP 313
Tuesday March 7
2:00pm Yohei Ema (U Minnesota) Improved indirect limits on muon EDM


SCGP 313
Thursday March 9
10:00am Martin Schmaltz (Boston University) Populating dark sectors from neutrino mixing after BBN


SCGP 313
Thursday March 9
10:30am Michael Fedderke (Hopkins) Asteroids for gravitational-wave and dark-matter detection


SCGP 313
Friday March 10
Duncan Adams
Migdal 101 SCGP 313
Friday March 10
Greg Suczewski
CMB Bounds from Primordial Black Hole Accretion SCGP 313
Friday March 10
10:30am Aditya Parikh Scalar Co-SIMP Dark Matter: Models and Sensitivities SCGP 313
Friday March 10
10:45am Kim Berghaus The Cosmology of Dark Energy Radiation SCGP 313
Monday March 20
10:30am Rouven Essig, Mauro Valli, Kim Berghaus Welcome to Lamppost program SCGP 313
Monday March 20
11:45am Daniel Egana HEP-EX seminar

Probing ultra-light bosons with stellar tidal disruption events

Physics Building D-122
Tuesday March 21
10:30am Manoj Kaplinghat Approximate universality in the gravothermal evolution of self-interacting dark matter halos SCGP 313
Tuesday March 21
11:00am William DeRocco Observing ultralow-frequency gravitational waves with pulsar parameter drift SCGP 313
Wednesday March 22
10:30am Hai Bo Yu Seeding Supermassive Black Holes SCGP 313
Wednesday March 22
11:00am Cari Cesarotti Physics possibilities on our way to 10 TeV Colliders SCGP 313
Thursday March 23
10:30am Tanvi Karwal Cosmic Tensions SCGP 313
Thursday March 23
11:00am Robert McGehee Directly Detecting Light Dark Matter SCGP 313
Friday March 24
10:30am Rashmish Mishra SCGP 313
Friday March 24
11:00am Itay Bloch SCGP 313

Continuing progress in collider physics and dark matter searches in the past few decades have put significant pressure on several favorable theoretical models for Dark Matter and other beyond the Standard Model physics.

However, the mystery of dark matter, and its true identity in relation to the rest of the micro-world, remains unsolved, which has led in the past few years to an explosion of ideas for experimental searches in different, novel directions.

We will hold a program that puts at its center the question to both theorists and experimentalists: where should we be looking for new physics? We will focus on novel searches for Dark Matter and other new physics, as well as on new theoretical ideas that open up new directions that require further theoretical or experimental development. Each participant will be expected to share her or his view on where new searches are most likely to find new physics.

There is also a workshop associated with this program: Lighting new Lampposts for Dark Matter and Beyond the Standard Model: March 13-17, 2023