Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theories, Vertex Operator Algebras, and Geometry: March 17th – April 18th, 2025

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Organized by:

  • Tomoyuki Arakawa (Kyoto University)
  • Christopher Beem (University of Oxford)
  • Thomas Creutzig (University of Albert)
  •  Leonardo Rastelli (Stony Brook University)
  • Brandon Rayhaun (Stony Brook University)

Supersymmetric quantum field theories (SQFTs) have been intensely researched by both physicists and mathematicians for decades. For physicists, they furnish computationally and conceptually tractable models from which one may hope to extract general lessons about quantum field theory. On the other hand, supersymmetry also often equips such theories with additional structures, both algebraic and geometric, which are mathematically rich and warrant study in their own right. This event focuses on SQFTs of diverse dimension, the geometry of their moduli spaces of vacua, and the algebras formed by their supersymmetry-preserving operators, particularly when these take the form of a vertex operator algebra. The interplay between these three subjects bears fruit; a better understanding of any one of the three enriches both of the other two. This program offers an opportunity for both physicists and mathematicians working on all three subjects to meet and share ideas, techniques, and inspiration.

This program will also be hosting a workshop: Symplectic Singularities, Supersymmetric QFT, and Geometric Representation Theory- March 31st – April 4, 2025.

More information to come in Fall 2024.