A Farewell to Jim Simons

Photo: Jean François Dars

The Simons Foundation has announced today, May 10, 2024, the sad news of the death of James Harris Simons, and it is difficult to describe in words the deep feeling of loss this generates.

The impact of the support that he and his wife Marilyn have provided to basic science, to curiosity driven research, and to many other philanthropies, is unfathomable.

His sharp intelligence, his strong will, deep vision, and warm heart made him unique. He was a living legend and an inspiration for many of us. His legacy will live on for many years to come. At the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics we will forever cherish his generosity, his friendship, his leadership, and also his kindness and wonderful sense of humor.

Farewell dear Jim, may you rest in peace, and may your memory be our blessing.

-Luis Alvarez-Gaume, Director
and the faculty and staff of the Simons Center

We know that many people have stories, messages and memories they would like to share about Jim Simons. Please send them to observing@simonsfoundation.org

To read more visit:
Simons Foundation: Co-founder, Mathematician and Investor Jim Simons Dies at 86
Simons Foundation: Observing Jim