Quantum Anomalies Program Seminar: Ksenia Bulycheva, ITEP

Title: Torus knot invariants from Calogero model Speaker: Ksenia Bulycheva, ITEP Date: Monday, March 31, 2014 Time: 4:00pm-5:30pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center       [box, type=”download”]Watch the video. [/box] Abstract: I will present a construction of Jones and HOMFLY polynomial invariants for torus knots, based on quantum Calogero model. I will also discuss relation of torus knots … Read more

Moduli Spaces Program Seminar: Kenji Fukaya

Title: Seminar Series on Kuranishi Structures Speaker: Kenji Fukaya Date: Friday, March 28, 2014 Time: 12:00pm-1:30pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center       [box, type=”download”]Watch the video. [/box] Abstract: From this week I start discussing the construction of virtual fundamental chain or cycle when Kuranishi structure is given. In this week I explain the notion of good coordinate … Read more

Quantum Anomalies Program Seminar: Mikhail Stephanov, UIC

Title: Lorentz invariance in chiral kinetic theory Speaker: Mikhail Stephanov, UIC Date: Thursday, March 27, 2014 Time: 1:00pm-2:30pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center       [box, type=”download”]Watch the video. [/box] Abstract: I shall discuss how Lorentz invariance is realized (nontrivially) in the classical motion of massless spin-1/2 particles and explore implications for the chiral kinetic theory.

Moduli Spaces Program Seminar: Eleny Ionel, Stanford

Title: GW invariants relative normal crossing divisors Speaker: Eleny Ionel, Stanford Date: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Time: 2:30pm-3:30pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center       [box, type=”download”]Watch the video. [/box] Abstract: The moduli spaces of holomorphic curves have an intriguing structure, reflected in the structure of the Gromov-Witten invariants. One way to get a glimpse into this structure … Read more

SCGP Weekly Talk: Neelima Sehgal, Stony Brook

Title: Recent BICEP2 Results and Implications Speaker: Neelima Sehgal, Stony Brook Date: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Time: 1:00pm-2:00pm Place: Lecture Hall 102, Simons Center       [box, type=”download”]Watch the video. View the slides.[/box] Abstract: I will review the recent BICEP2 CMB results and put them in context with other CMB experiments. I will also address the robustness of these … Read more

Moduli Spaces Program Seminar: Eleny Ionel, Stanford

Title: GW invariants relative normal crossing divisors Speaker: Eleny Ionel, Stanford Date: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Time: 11:15am-12:30pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center       [box, type=”download”]Watch the video. [/box] Abstract: The moduli spaces of holomorphic curves have an intriguing structure, reflected in the structure of the Gromov-Witten invariants. One way to get a glimpse into this structure … Read more

Moduli Spaces Program Seminar: Kenji Fukaya

Title: Seminar Series on Kuranishi Structures Speaker: Kenji Fukaya Date: Friday, March 14, 2014 Time: 12:00pm-1:30pm Place: Lecture Hall 102, Simons Center       [box, type=”download”]Watch the video. [/box] Abstract: In this week I sum up various building blocks explained so far and show how to construct Kuranishi structure on the moduli space of stable maps. We follow the … Read more

Moduli Spaces Program Seminar: Dusa McDuff, Columbia

Title: Kuranishi Atlases Speaker: Dusa McDuff, Columbia Date: Thursday, March 13, 2014 Time: 11:45am-12:45pm Place: Lecture Hall 102, Simons Center       [box, type=”download”]Watch the video. [/box]

Moduli Spaces Program Seminar: Yong-Geun Oh, IBS Center for Geometry and Physics

Title: Analysis of contact Cauchy-Riemann maps and canonical connection on contact manifolds, II Speaker: Yong-Geun Oh, IBS Center for Geometry and Physics Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 Time: 2:30pm-3:30pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center       [box, type=”download”]Watch the video. [/box] Abstract: This is a continuation of Rui Wang’s. We explain the analysis of the following system of … Read more

SCGP Weekly Talk – Burt Ovrut

Title: Ricci-Flat Metrics, Gauge Connections and Scalar Lagrangians on Calabi-Yau Threefolds Speaker: Burt Ovrut Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 Time: 1:00pm-2:15pm Place: Lecture Hall 102, Simons Center       [box, type=”download”]Watch the video. View the slides[/box] Abstract: A brief review of physically realistic vacua in the E_8 X E_8 heterotic string theory will be given. A formula for … Read more