SCGP Weekly Talk: Neelima Sehgal, Stony Brook University

Title: Overview of the First Planck Cosmology Results Speaker: Neelima Sehgal, Stony Brook University Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm Place: Lecture Hall 102, Simons Center         [box, type=”download”]Watch the video.[/box]   Abstract: In 2009, the Planck Satellite was launched by the European and U.S. Space Agencies (ESA and NASA) … Read more

Topology Seminar Series: Mohammed Abouzaid, Columbia

Title: On Symplectic Khovanov Homology Speaker: Mohammed Abouzaid, Columbia Date: Thursday, April 11, 2013 Time: 11:30am – 12:30pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center       [box, type=”download”]Watch the video.[/box]   Abstract: I will explain the main strategy in the proof that the knot invariant constructed by Seidel and Smith is isomorphic to Khovanov homology … Read more

SCGP Weekly Talk: Philippe Di Francesco

Title: Discrete Integrable Systems and Cluster Algebras Speaker: Philippe Di Francesco, CEA-Saclay Date: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm Place: Lecture Hall 102, Simons Center         Abstract: We discuss discrete time non-linear evolution equations arising from the study of quantum integrable spin chains in physics, and show how they fit … Read more

Topology Seminar Series: Brendan Owens, Glasgow

Title: Immersed Disks, Slicing Numbers and Concordance Unknotting Numbers Speaker: Brendan Owens, Glasgow Date: Thursday, April 4, 2013 Time: 11:30am – 12:30pm Place: Lecture Hall 102, Simons Center       [box, type=”download”]Watch the video.[/box]   Abstract: I will discuss various knot invariants and inequalities between them. This is joint work in progress with Saso Strle.

Conformal Geometry Program Seminar: Denis Bernard, Ecole Normale Superieure Paris

  Title: Open Quantum Random Walks: Bi-stability on Pure States and Ballistically Induced Diffusion Speaker: Denis Bernard, Ecole Normale Superieure Paris Date: Thursday, April 4, 2013 Time: 11:30am – 12:30pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center       [box, type=”download”]Watch the video.[/box] Abstract: Open quantum random walks (OQRWs) deal with quantum random motions on the … Read more

Conformal Geometry Program Lecture Series: Greg Lawler, University of Chicago

Title: Minkowski Content and the Schramm-Loewner Evolution Speaker: Greg Lawler, University of Chicago Date: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center         Abstract: The d-dimensional Minkowski content of a bounded set in the complex plane is defined to be the the limit as r goes … Read more

Topology Seminar Series: Moon Duchin, Tufts University

Title: Divergence of geodesics Speaker: Moon Duchin, Tufts University Date: Thursday, March 28, 2013 Time: 11:30pm – 12:30pm Place: Lecture Hall 102, Simons Center         Abstract: The divergence of geodesics measures how fast geodesics spread apart, and with a bit of care can be defined to produce a large-scale geometric statistic related … Read more

Conformal Geometry Program Lecture Series: Tetsuji Miwa – RIMS, Kyoto University

Title: Method of Algebraic Analysis in the Study of Solvable Lattice Models Speaker: Tetsuji Miwa – RIMS, Kyoto University Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 Time: 4:00pm – 5:00pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center         Abstract: I review on the approach from algebraic analysis to solvable lattice models: Ising model via deformation … Read more

Conformal Geometry Program Lecture Aeries: Dmitry Belyaev, University of Oxford

Title: Bogomolny-Schmit Conjecture Speaker: Dmitry Belyaev, University of Oxford Date: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 Time: 4:00pm – 5:00pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center         Abstract: Bogomolny and Schmit conjectured that nodal domains of a random plane wave can be described by critical percolation on the square lattice. We will discuss this … Read more

Conformal Geometry Program seminar: Didina Serban, Saclay Center

Title: The Spectrum of Anomalous Dimensions of the N=4 SYM Theory from the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz Speaker: Didina Serban, Saclay Date: Thursday, March 14, 2013 Time: 11:30am – 12:45pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center         Abstract: The maximally supersymmetric gauge theory in four dimensions became a particular object study in the … Read more