Alexander Zamolodchikov Lecture Series: Quantitative Ising

Title: Quantitative Ising Program: Integrability in Modern Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Speaker: Alexander Zamolodchikov, Rutgers University Date: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 Time: 4:00pm – 5:00pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center       [box, type=”download”]Watch the video.[/box]

Topology Seminar: Hiraku Nakajima, “Refined Chern-Simons Theory and Hilbert Schemes of Points on the Plane”

Title: Refined Chern-Simons Theory and Hilbert Schemes of Points on the Plane Program: Symplectic and Contact Geometry and Connections to Low-Dimensional Topology Speaker: Hiraku Nakajima, RIMS Kyoto University Date: Thursday, October 25, 2012 Time: 11:30am – 12:30pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center     Abstract: Aganagic-Shakirov recently propose a refined Chern-Simons theory which gives a one-parameter deformation of … Read more

Alexander Zamolodchikov Lecture Series: Quantitative Ising

Title: Quantitative Ising Speaker: Alexander Zamolodchikov, Rutgers University Date: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 Time: 4:00pm – 5:00pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center   [box, type=”download”]Watch the video.[/box]

Weekly Talk: Hiraku Nakajima, “AGT Conjecture”

Title: AGT Conjecture Speaker: Hiraku Nakajima, RIMS Kyoto University Date: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm Place: Lecture Hall 102, Simons Center       Abstract: More than 10 years ago, I constructed representations of Heisenberg algebras and affine algebras on the homology groups of instanton moduli spaces on certain 4-manifolds. The proof was mathematically rigorous, … Read more

Integrability Program Seminar: Hiraku Nakajima, “T-analog of Q-characters of Yangians and Betti Numbers of Graded Quiver Varieties Continued”

Title: T-analog of Q-characters of Yangians and Betti Numbers of Graded Quiver Varieties Continued Program: Integrability in Modern Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Speaker: Hiraku Nakajima, RIMS Kyoto University Date: Thursday, October 18, 2012 Time: 11:30am – 12:30pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center [box, type=”download”]Watch the video.[/box]  

Alexander Zamolodchikov Lecture Series: Quantitative Ising

Title: Quantitative Ising Program: Integrability in Modern Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Speaker: Alexander Zamolodchikov, Rutgers University Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 Time: 4:00pm – 5:00pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center       [box, type=”download”]Watch the video.[/box]  

SCGP Weekly Talk: Alexander Zamolodchikov, “Baxter’s Operators, Boundary States, ODE/CFT and Beyond”

Title: Baxter’s Operators, Boundary States, ODE/CFT and Beyond Program: Integrability in Modern Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Speaker: Alexander Zamolodchikov, Rutgers University Date: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm Place: Auditorium Room 103, Simons Center Abstract: In this talk I will review the paradigm of integrability in 2D Quantum Field Theories (QFT), in particular the Baxter’s operators … Read more

Topology Seminar: John Baldwin, “A Bordered Monopole Floer Theory”

Title: A Bordered Monopole Floer Theory Program: Symplectic and Contact Geometry and Connections to Low-Dimensional Topology Speaker: John Baldwin, Boston College Date: Thursday, October 11, 2012 Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center     Abstract: I’ll discuss work-in-progress toward constructing monopole Floer theoretic invariants of bordered 3-manifolds. Roughly, our construction associates an A-infinity … Read more

Integrability Program Seminar: Hiraku Nakajima, “T-analog of Q-characters of Yangians and Betti Numbers of Graded Quiver Varieties”

Title: T-analog of Q-characters of Yangians and Betti Numbers of Graded Quiver Varieties Program: Integrability in Modern Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Speaker: Hiraku Nakajima, RIMS Kyoto University Date: Thursday, October 11, 2012 Time: 11:30am – 12:30pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center [box, type=”download”]Watch the video.[/box]

Graduate Topology Seminar: John Baldwin, “Szabo’s Geometric Spectral Sequence for Tangles”

Title: Szabo’s Geometric Spectral Sequence for Tangles Program: Symplectic and Contact Geometry and Connections to Low-Dimensional Topology Speaker: John Baldwin, Boston College Date: Thursday, October 11, 2012 Time: 10:15am – 11:15am Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center   Abstract: Szabo recently wrote down (seemingly out of nowhere) a combinatorial chain complex associated to a link diagram L … Read more