In this issue of the Newsletter

Outreach Lectures – Book Talks


Location: Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Lecture Hall, Rm 102 Organizers: Xiu Xiong Chen, Claude LeBrun, Gang Tian Program: Monday 3/21 Tuesday 3/22 Wednesday 3/23 Thursday 3/24 Friday 3/25 8:30-9:30 Breakfast: Simons Center Cafe Breakfast: Simons Center Cafe Breakfast: Simons Center Cafe Breakfast: Simons Center Cafe Breakfast: Simons Center Cafe 9:30-10:30 Jeff Cheeger [video] … Read more
[Download Poster] Location: Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Lecture Hall, RM 102 Organizers: Michael Douglas, Luca Mazzucato, Shlomo Razamat Participant List: Xavier Bekaert Alejandra Castro Chi-Ming Chang Dario Francia Simone Giombi Rajesh Gopakumar Thomas Hartman Carlo Iazeolla Antal Jevicki Kewang Jin Igor Klebanov Sung-sik Lee Ramalingam Loganayagam Hong Liu Alex Maloney Kyriakos Papadodimas Joao … Read more
Hoberman Associates designed a dynamic installation for the Stony Brook Foundation’s new Center for Geometry and Physics. At once functional shading and art, the installation adorns the south-facing primary facade; its kinetic patterns create dynamic, ever-changing views, lighting and shadow-play while providing additional shading for the LEED Gold-status building’s lobby. For more information about the … Read more
The Iconic Wall is a site-specific permanent installation in the lobby of the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, of stone carvings illustrating significant equations in math and physics. The work is an impressive 279″ x 240″ x 2″ in size, filling a wall 465 square feet in area. In celebration of this significant work … Read more
Monday, January 10 9:30-10:30 Dan Freed, “Lecture #1 of Minicourse, “Some Uses of Differential Cohomology and Twisted K-Theory in Quantum Field Theory and String Theory” [video] 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break 11:00-12:00 Mike Hopkins, “Differential Cohomology for General Cohomology Theories and One Physical Motivation” [video] 12:00-3:00 Lunch Break 3:00-4:00 Jim Simons, “Roots of Differential Characters, The Characteristic Diagram and … Read more
An interview with Ed Witten. Witten, at the Institute for Advanced Study, is the father of M-theory and his papers shape the way we understand theoretical physics today.
Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Building Inauguration Conference Wednesday, November 3, 2010 9:00 am Sir Michael Atiyah, University of Edinburgh From Algebraic Geometry to Physics – a Personal Perspective [video] 10:00 am Coffee Break, Atrium, 1st Floor 10:45 am Alexander Polyakov, Princeton University [video] 11:45 am Lunch 2:00 pm Andrei Okounkov, Princeton University and Columbia … Read more
Valerie Gonzalez works at the Institute for the Study of Islamic civilization of the Aga Khan University in London. She attended the workshop on “Strings, supersymmetry and gauge theories,” held at Stony Brook, where she told an attentive audience of string theorists and mathematicians about the close relationship between geometric abstraction and sacred art.
Summer Workshop 2010 Summer Workshop 2009 Summer Workshop 2008 Summer Workshop 2007 Summer Workshop 2006 Summer Workshop 2005 Summer Workshop 2004 Summer Workshop 2003
An interview with Erik Verlinde. The Dutch physicist, now at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam, was recently awarded the $2.5 million Spinoza Prize for his recent idea on entropic gravity.