The Simons Center for Geometry and Physics (SCGP) at Stony Brook University is seeking proposals for scientific programs/workshops/conferences. The Simons Center is a research center devoted to furthering fundamental knowledge in mathematics and theoretical physics, especially knowledge at the interface of these two disciplines.
Each year the Simons Center funds about 4 Visiting Programs (ranging from one month up to the entire semester) and 10 workshops (normally lasting 5 days). These events have organizing committees from inside and outside the Center. The committees suggest the names of those who will be invited to the Center to participate in the scientific event.
Proposals can be submitted through our website at any time but are reviewed and selected in mid-October and mid-February by the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of the Center. The proposals will be reviewed and selected by the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Center. The following are the upcoming deadlines:
January 31, 2020 – deadline for proposal submissions to be reviewed by the February 2020 SAC meeting.
September 30, 2020 – deadline for proposal submissions to be reviewed by the October 2020 SAC meeting.
The proposals should not be too elaborate but should make a strong scientific case for the workshop and include title, description, organizers and key participants of the future workshop. The detailed guidelines for submission of workshop and program proposals and the proposal submission form may be found through:
Apply Here

Organize an event at the Simons Center Apply to a Program/Workshop