Gauge Theory, Integrability, and Novel Symmetries of Quantum Field Theory
Organized by Anton Kapustin, Nikita Nekrasov, Samson Shatashvili, Volker Schomerus, and Konstantin Zarembo
September 2 – December 19, 2014
The interplay between the supersymmetric gauge theories and (non-supersymmetric) integrable theories in various dimensions is a puzzling development of several decades of research. In recent years the progress has been achieved in the understanding the non-perturbative dynamics of supersymmetric gauge theories subject to various supergravity backgrounds, and relating it to conformal and integrable field theories and lattice models in 1+1 dimensions. Quite independently, the scattering amplitudes and scaling dimensions in the maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory are also related to the conformal and integrable field theories and lattice models in 1+1 dimensions. Trying to take these coincidences seriously, understanding the dictionary, deriving the consequences, and discussing the applications, will be the main theme of the program.
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