The Geometry and Physics of Scattering Amplitudes: December 9 – 13, 2013

Organized by Zvi Bern, Lance Dixon, Michael Douglas, Alexander Goncharov, and Lionel Mason.

Dates: December 9 – 13, 2013


Attendee List

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The study of scattering amplitudes in relativistic quantum field theory has undergone a remarkable renaissance and transformation in recent years, with many remarkable and unexpected interactions with diverse areas of mathematics.  This meeting aims to review progress in the geometry and physics of scattering amplitudes and to provide a concentration point for the fall program “Physics and Mathematics of Scattering Amplitudes”.  Topics will include developments from the physics side on new perturbative approaches such as generalized unitarity, recursion relations, twistor variables and topological string theory, integrability methods and the OPE, color-kinematics duality and double-copy properties of supergravity theories. From the mathematics side, topics will include the (positive) Grassmanian and polytopes, (motivic) multiple zeta values, single-valued multiple (harmonic) polylogarithms, and the symbol of an iterated integral.  These ideas have led to striking progress in both physics and mathematics and the time is ripe to take stock of progress and identify future directions. Some emphasis will be placed on problems in scattering amplitudes that might be solved with mathematical insights or tools, leading to new breakthroughs.

This workshop is a part of the Fall 2013 program, Physics and Mathematics of Scattering Amplitudes, which is organized by Zvi Bern, Lance Dixon, Michael Douglas, Alexander Goncharov, and Lionel Mason. This program takes place for the duration of the Fall semester of 2013.


*All workshop talks and discussion periods will be held in the Simons Center Lecture Hall (Room 102)
*More information of the Food Physics Event on Tuesday, December 10th, can be seen here.
*The SCGP Weekly Talk will be held in the Simons Center Lecture Hall (Room 102) on Tuesday, December 10th, at 1pm.
*Wednesday, December 11th, is a short day, with talks ending before lunch.

The Geometry and Physics of Scattering Amplitudes Workshop Schedule

Time Title Presenters  Video
 8:00am Breakfast/registration begins (8:00am-9:00am). SCGP Lobby and Cafe
 9:00am Scattering of Massless Particles in Arbitrary Dimension Song He video
 9:45am Ambitwistor Strings and the scattering equations Lionel Mason video
10:30am Coffee Break SCGP Cafe
11:15am On Superstring/Supergravity Mellin Correspondence in Grassmannian Formulation Stephan Stieberger video
12:00pm Lunch SCGP Cafe
 2:00pm Anomalies without gauge invariance Yu-Tin Huang video
 2:45pm String theory in target space Rutger Boels video
 3:30pm Tea Time SCGP Cafe
 4:15pm Cluster Polylogarithms for Scattering Amplitudes John Golden video

Time Title Presenters  Video
 8:00am Breakfast begins (8:00am-9:00am) SCGP Cafe
 9:00am The Amplituhedron Jaroslav Trnka video
 9:45am Factorizing non-factorized matter-coupled supergravities Radu Roiban video
10:30am Coffee Break SCGP Cafe
11:30am Lunch SCGP Cafe
 1:00pm SCGP Weekly Talk: Bethe Ansatz for Yangian Invariants: Towards Super Yang-Mills Scattering Amplitudes Matthias Staudacher video
 2:00pm Fundamental representation color-kinematics duality and N<4 supergravity Henrik Johansson video
 2:45pm Bootstrapping six-gluon scattering in planar N=4 Super-Yang-Mills theory through four loops Lance Dixon video
 3:30pm Tea Time SCGP Cafe
 4:15pm Energy-energy correlations in N=4 SYM Gregory Korchemsky video
 5:30pm Food Physics Event – optional for participants (5:30pm – 7:00pm) SCGP Art Gallery and 102 video

Time Title Presenters  Video
 8:00am Breakfast begins (8:00am-9:00am) SCGP Cafe
 9:00am Multi-loop unitarity via computational algebraic geometry Yang Zhang video
 9:45am New applications of the pure spinor superstring formalism Nathan Berkovits video
10:30am Coffee Break SCGP Cafe
11:15am Polylogarithms and motivic symmetries Alexander Goncharov video
12:00pm Lunch SCGP Cafe
 3:30pm Tea Time SCGP Cafe
 5:30pm Artist Dedication Wine and Cheese Reception – optional for participants (5:30pm – 7:30pm) SCGP Floors 3, 4, 5

Time Title Presenters  Video
 8:00am Breakfast begins (8:00am-9:00am) SCGP Cafe
 9:00am The Kinematic Algebras from the Scattering Equations Ricardo Monteiro video
 9:45am Dlog Form for Amplitudes and Their Integration Arthur Lipstein video
10:30am Coffee Break SCGP Cafe
11:15am Analytic structure of the n=7 scattering amplitude in N=4 SYM theory in multi-Regge kinematics: Conformal Regge Pole Contribution Andrey Kormilitzin video
12:00pm Lunch SCGP Cafe
 2:00pm Space-time S-matrix and Flux-tube S-matrix: Part I Amit Sever video
 2:45pm Space-time S-matrix and Flux-tube S-matrix: Part II Benjamin Basso video
 3:30pm Tea Time SCGP Cafe
 4:15pm Shedding some old light on deformed amplitudes in N=4 SYM Andrew Hodges video
 6:00pm Workshop Banquet- Complimentary to all funded participants/invited locals (6:00pm – 8:30pm) SCGP Cafe

Time Title Presenters  Video
 8:00am Breakfast begins (8:00am-9:00am) SCGP Cafe
 9:00am TBA John Joseph Carrasco video
 9:45am The Ultraviolet Structure of N=4 Supergravity Tristan Dennen video
10:30am Coffee Break SCGP Cafe
11:15am Maximal Unitarity at Two Loops Kasper Larsen video
12:00pm Lunch SCGP Cafe
From Amplitudes to Cross Sections; Bridging the Gap
George Sterman video
 2:45pm Applications to LHC Phenomenology David Kosower video
 3:30pm Tea Time SCGP Cafe