Organized by Andrew Millis and Mark van Schilfgaarde
Dates: June 8-12, 2015
Download Talk ScheduleAttendee ListView Videos
The Simons Collaboration on the Many Electron Problem will hold its second annual summer school June 8-12 at the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at Stony Brook University. 56 collaboration members and guests will participate. Organized by collaboration scientist Mark van Schilfgaarde, the school will focus on modern electronic structure methods and their many-body extensions, and will also feature lectures on tensor network methods by collaboration scientist Guifre Vidal and (for pre-registered collaboration members and guests only) a day at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Junior members of the collaboration will present their recent work.
Simons Collaboration on the Many Electron Problem Schedule
Time | Title | Presenters | Video |
9:00am | Welcome | Andy Millis | |
9:10am | Basics of weakly correlated systems; a generic strategy for strong correlations | Mark Van Schilfgaarde | video |
10:30am | Coffee Break | ||
11:00am | Strong-coupling impurity solvers for electron-phonon problems | Philipp Werner | video |
12:30pm | Lunch and free time | ||
2:00pm | Non-local correlation effects in solids: beyond DMFT I | Alexander Lichtenstein | video |
3:30pm | Tea | ||
4:00pm | Student Presentations |
Time | Title | Presenters | Video |
9:00am | Many body perturbation theory, connection with Dynamical Mean Field theory | Mark van Schilfgaarde | video |
10:30am | Coffee Break | ||
11:00am | Extended DMFT and GW+DMFT | Philipp Werner | video |
12:30pm | Lunch and free time | ||
2:00pm | Slave Boson Methods for Electronic Structure Calculations | Gabriel Kotliar & Nicola Lanata | video |
3:30pm | Tea | ||
4:00pm | Non-local correlation effects in solids: beyond DMFT II | Alexander Lichtenstein | video |
5:30pm | Free time and dinner on your own |
Time | Title | Presenters | Video |
9:00am | Tensor network states: an introduction | Guifre Vidal | video |
10:30am | Coffee Break | ||
11:00am | Dielectric and vibrational properties of solids from first- principles | Xavier Gonze | video |
12:30pm | Lunch and free time | ||
2:00pm | Current implementations of electronic structure: results and future prospects | Mark van Schilfgaarde | video |
3:30pm | Tea | ||
4:00pm | Student Presentations | ||
5:30pm | Free time and dinner on your own |
Time | Title | Presenters | Video |
9:00am | Tensor network states: applications | Guifre Vidal | video |
10:30am | Coffee Break | ||
11:00am | Electronic structure of solids beyond density functional theory at zero temperature | Xavier Gonze | video |
12:30pm | Lunch and departure |