Unification Day 2, October 28-29 2015: Subworkshop of the International Workshop for the Next Generation Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Detector (NNN15) October 28-31, 2015

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Unification Day 2, October 28-29, 2015: Subworkshop of the International Workshop for the Next Generation Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Detector (NNN15) October 28-31, 2015

Kaladi Babu, Oklahoma State (UD2)Co-Organized by:
Chang Kee Jung, Stony Brook (NNN15, UD2)
Steve Kettell, BNL (NNN15)
Joe Lykken, Fermilab (UD2)
Clark McGrew, Stony Brook (NNN15)

The “Unification Day 1” workshop was held at Keystone, Colorado in 2004. The workshop was organized under the theme to bring together a group of theorists to discuss roles of proton decays and CP violation in the lepton sector in various ‘unification’ theories and leptogenesis models, and discuss the details on our updated understanding on MGUT.

Unification Day 2 will preserve the spirit of the Unification Day 1. In particular it would emphasize the updated views at the interface of grand unification, string theory and extra dimensions, which have evolved over the last decade both due to progress in our theoretical understanding and due to experimental discoveries of the Higgs boson, θ13 and νe appearance as well as searches for supersymmetry at the LHC.

For more details on the Unification Day and the Workshop see:
