Vertex Algebras and Gauge Theory: December 17 – 21, 2018

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Organized by Sergei Gukov, Tomoyuki Arakawa, Boris Feigin, Alba Grassi, Hiraku Nakajima, Nikita Nekrasov, Andrei Okounkov

Vertex operator algebras have a long history of interaction with physics by describing two-dimensional systems at criticality. More recently, they appeared, via BPS/CFT correspondence, in the context of higher-dimensional gauge theories and associated brane constructions in string theory. For example, there are vertex algebras associated to 4-manifolds and to the 4d N=2 superconformal theories. Parallel developments in mathematics led to construction of the associated varieties for VOAs and geometric realizations of vertex algebras through the (generalized) cohomology of various moduli spaces. By bringing together the experts in physics and mathematics of gauge theories and vertex algebras we hope to understand the relation between these algebraic and geometric structures and to find new ones.

Talk Schedule

Time Title Speaker Location
9:30am Chiral algebras of class S and Moore-Tachikawa symplectic varieties Tomoyuki Arakawa SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A Simons Center Cafe
11:00am Vertex operator algebras and four-manifolds Mykola Dedushenko SCGP 102
12:00pm Lunch N/A Simons Center Cafe
2:15pm 4-manifolds and topological modular forms Pavel Putrov SCGP 102
3:30pm Tea Time N/A Simons Center Cafe
4:00pm Gaudin model and crystals (joint work with Iva Halacheva, Joel Kamnitzer and Alex Weekes). Leonid Rybnikov SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
9:00am Superpolynomials, zeta-functions and Riemann hypothesis for plane curve singularities Ivan Cherednik SCGP 102
10:00am Coffee Break N/A Simons Center Cafe
10:30am 3D Kapustin-Rozansky theory and knot homology Alexei Oblomkov SCGP 102
11:30am Lunch N/A Simons Center Cafe
1:00pm SCGP Weekly Talk: Hiraku Nakajima SCGP Weekly Talk: Hiraku Nakajima 102
2:15pm Higher vertex algebra Raphael Rouquier SGCP 102
3:30pm Tea Time N/A Simons Center Cafe
4:00pm Short star-products on filtered quantizations Pavel Etingof SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
9:30am Verlinde/Grassmanian Correspondence and quantum K-theory Yongbin Ruan SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A Simons Center Cafe
11:00am On one example of a chiral Lie group. Fedor Malikov SCGP 102
12:00pm Lunch N/A Simons Center Cafe
2:15pm The chiral algebra of (0,2) theories in two dimensions Ilarion Melnikov N/A
3:30pm Tea Time N/A Simons Center Cafe
4:00pm Modular tensor categories from the Coulomb branch Du Pei SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
9:30am VOAs and 4d SCFTs (part I) Leonardo Rastelli SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A Simons Center Cafe
11:00am VOAs and 4d SCFTs (part II) Christopher Beem SCGP 102
12:00pm Lunch N/A Simons Center Cafe
2:15pm on COHA’s of quivers and surfaces Eric Vasserot SCGP 102
3:30pm Tea Time N/A Simons Center Cafe
4:00pm Applications of factorization algebras: Gelfand-Fuchs cohomology and COHA. Mikhail Kapranov SCGP 102
6:00pm Workshop Banquet N/A Simons Center Cafe

Time Title Speaker Location
9:30am K-theoretic Coulomb branches and q-Toda systems via shifted quantum affine algebras Oleksandr Tsymbaliuk SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A Simons Center Cafe
11:00am   Davide Gaiotto SCGP 102
12:00pm Lunch N/A Simons Center Cafe
2:15pm   Boris Feigin SCGP 102
3:30pm Tea Time N/A Simons Center Cafe