Organized by:
Christine Aidala (University of Michigan),
Yang-Ting Chien (Georgia State University),
Abhay Deshpande (Department of Physics and Astronomy, SBU),
George Sterman (CN Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics)
At high energies in quantum chromodynamics, particle jets provide an experimentally accessible manifestation of a change in degrees of freedom with time. The relationship between asymptotically short and long times in scattering systems is a recurring theme in quantum field theory.
With a new generation of collider experiments pending, and the potential for data of unprecedented variety and precision, this is an ideal time to reexamine what particle jets can tell us about gauge theories and gravity. This workshop aims for a broad discussion of these issues, including what we can hope to measure, what can be calculated with existing or future methods, and whether new ways can be found to organize and interpret the information embedded in particle jets and related radiation.
The workshop will include discussions of experimental status and prospects, developments in perturbation theory and multi-scale resummation, modern jet and event-shape observables, the time development of QCD jets, the relationship between soft radiation in QCD, QED and gravity, the status of hadronization models and event generation, and the dynamics of jets traversing cold and hot QCD matter. We hope to highlight, and perhaps inspire, new perspectives in the analysis of the quantum mechanical and classical scattering states of gauge theories and gravity.
This event is by invitation only.
Talk Schedule
Time | Title | Speaker | Location |
8:45am | Opening remark | N/A | SCGP 102 |
9:00am | Jet substructure experiment overview: new ideas and measurements | Ben Nachman | ZOOM/SCGP 102 |
9:45am | coffee break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
10:15am | Optimal transport for jets | Jesse Thaler | SCGP 102 |
11:00am | Accuracy of parton branching algorithms and subleading colour correction | Simon Plätzer | ZOOM/SCGP 102 |
11:45am | lunch and discussion | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
12:30pm | lunch | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
1:30pm | QCD methods applied to gravitational waves | Zvi Bern | ZOOM/SCGP 102 |
2:15pm | Finite S-matrix and constraints on analytic structure of scattering amplitudes | Hofie Hannesdottir | SCGP 102 |
3:00pm | coffee break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
3:30pm | Resummation beyond leading power in soft-collinear effective theory | Bianka Mecaj | SCGP 102 |
4:15pm | Differential distributions at N3LO and beyond | Gherardo Vita | SCGP 102 |
Time | Title | Speaker | Location |
9:00am | Energy flow correlations | Gregory Korchemsky | ZOOM/SCGP 102 |
9:45am | coffee break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
10:15am | Conformal colliders meet the LHC | Ian Moult | SCGP 102 |
11:00am | Theory of parton showers | Dave Soper | SCGP 102 |
11:45am | lunch | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
1:00pm | SCGP Weekly talk: Imaging fundamental processes: the story and stories of particle jets at accelerators | George Sterman | SCGP 102 |
2:15pm | Jet evolution in a medium via parton showers | Edmond Iancu | SCGP 102 |
3:00pm | coffee break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
3:30pm | Universality aspects of quantum corrections to jet transverse momentum broadening | Yacine Mehtar-Tani | SCGP 102 |
4:15pm | 3D structure of jet induced medium response in an expanding quark-gluon plasma | Xin-nian Wang | ZOOM/SCGP 102 |
Time | Title | Speaker | Location |
9:00am | Next-to-leading log resummation of non-global logarithms | Andrea Banfi | ZOOM/SCGP 102 |
9:45am | Resummation of non-global logarithms in hadron collisions | Yoshitaka Hatta | SCGP 102 |
10:30am | coffee break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
11:00am | Resummation of super-leading and non-global logarithms | Thomas Becher | SCGP 102 |
11:45am | Jet physics in the Lund plane | Gregory Soyez | SCGP 102 |
12:30pm | lunch and discussion | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
1:30pm | lunch | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
2:15pm | Light and heavy jet production and substructure in e+A collisions at the EIC | Ivan Vitev | ZOOM/SCGP 102 |
3:00pm | coffee break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
3:30pm | Studying hadronization in jets at LHCb | Christine Aidala | SCGP 102 |
4:15pm | Heavy ion jet measurements | Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli | SCGP 102 |
6:00pm | Workshop dinner at Simons Center | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
Time | Title | Speaker | Location |
9:00am | Electroweak jets at high energy | Bryan Webber | ZOOM/SCGP 102 |
9:45am | Local Unitarity: substituting brass for brains | Valentin Hirschi | SCGP 102 |
10:30am | coffee break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
11:00am | Infrared factorization: a practical method for computing two-loop QCD amplitudes | Babis Anastasiou | SCGP 102 |
11:45am | Resummation beyond leading power in soft-collinear effective theory | Bianka Mecaj | SCGP 102 |
12:30pm | lunch | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
1:30pm | Fragmentation and small-z resummation | Duff Neill | ZOOM/SCGP 102 |
2:15pm | Non-abelian infrared divergences on the celestial sphere | Lorenzo Magnea | ZOOM/SCGP 102 |
3:00pm | coffee break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
3:30pm | A Fragmentation Approach to Jet Flavor | Andrew Larkoski | SCGP 102 |
Time | Title | Speaker | Location |
9:00am | Predictions for the LHC at N3LO in QCD | Bernhard Mistelberger | SCGP 102 |
9:45am | Mixed QCD-Electroweak contributions to Higgs production | Vittorio Del Duca | ZOOM/SCGP 102 |
10:30am | coffee break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
11:00am | Di-jet production at small x to NLO in the Color-Glass-Condensate effective field theory | Raju Venugopalan | SCGP 102 |
11:45am | Infrared safety in coordinate space | Ozan Erdogan | SCGP 102 |
12:30pm | lunch and discussion | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
1:30pm | lunch | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
2:15pm | Jets, saturation and unitarity in high energy coherent reactions | Al Mueller | SCGP 102 |
3:00pm | closing remark | N/A | N/A |