Geometry, Topology, and Symmetry in Soft and Living Matter: May 9-13 2022

ScheduleAttendee ListView Videos

Organized by:

Oleg Gang (Chem. Eng. and APAM, Columbia University & CFN, Brookhaven National Lab),

Miranda Holmes-Cerfon (Courant Institute, NYU),

Karen Kasza (Mech. Eng., Columbia University),

Alexei Tkachenko (CFN, Brookhaven National Lab)

Soft Condensed Matter Physics is a rapidly changing field that interfaces with multiple disciplines, such as Chemistry, Biology, Nanomaterials, and even Social Sciences. Many of the interdisciplinary problems in this field are also closely connected to geometry and topology, and this connection is increasingly prominent and multifaceted. Some well-known examples are: topological defects in liquid crystals, the role of curvature in lipid membranes, or the problem of close packing in colloidal self-assembly. SCGP workshop “Geometry, Topology, and Symmetry in Soft and Living Matter” brings together scientists from various branches of Soft Condensed Matter and Biophysics, with a special interest in this aspect of the field. The scientific program of the workshop is organized around the major themes:

• Packing and self-assembly: from the geometry of building blocks to the morphology of their assemblies (molecules, colloids, designer particles, viruses, protein complexes, crystals, and mesostructures).
• Folding across the scales: from natural to programmable folding (origami/kirigami, proteins, RNA/DNA, chromosomes).
• Morphogenesis, topological transformations and spatiotemporal organization: from the living world to self-organized systems and active matter (shaping tissues and organs, active swimmers, driven system).

Talk Schedule

Time Title Speaker Location
8:30am Breakfast N/A Simons Center Cafe
9:00am Welcome from the organizers N/A SCGP 102
9:15am Programming branches in folding and mechanisms Christian Santangelo SCGP 102
10:00am Coffee Break N/A Simons Center Cafe
10:30am Folding made easy Jasna Brujic SCGP 102
11:15am Dynamic Measure of Hyperuniformity and Nonhyperuniformity in Heterogeneous Media via the Diffusion Spreadability Salvatore Torquato SCGP 102
12:00pm Lunch N/A Simons Center Cafe
1:30pm Soft materials animated by molecular programs Rebecca Schulman SCGP 102
2:15pm Polymer-tethered nanoparticles: from surface engineering to self-assembly Eugenia Kumacheva SCGP 102
3:00pm Tea Time N/A Simons Center Cafe
3:30pm Pattern Recognition through nucleation Arvind Murugan SCGP 102
4:15pm Complexity in material world and where it comes from Alexei Tkachenko SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
8:30am Breakfast N/A Simons Center Cafe
9:00am Designing the Morphology of Separated Phases in Multicomponent Liquid Mixtures Andrej Kosmrlj SCGP 102
9:45am Coffee Break N/A Simons Center Cafe
10:15am Random Close Packing as a Dynamical Phase Transition: Jamming, Hyperuniformity and Photonics Paul Chaikin SCGP 102
11:00am Programming nanoscale architectures and transformation Oleg Gang SCGP 102
11:45am Lunch N/A Simons Center Cafe
1:00pm A New Classification of Topological Defects in Ordered Material: Applied Measured Foliations Randall Kamien N/A
2:15pm Structuring Matter over Multiple Length Scales:  Crystals of Crystals of Nanocrystals Marjolein Dijkstra SCGP 102
3:00pm Do DNA-coated colloids actually roll? Some thoughts on the geometry of stochastically rolling particles. Miranda Holmes-Cerfon SCGP 102
4:00pm Poster Session/Reception N/A SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
8:45am Breakfast N/A S240
9:15am Controlling active matter with confinement and light Michael Hagan S240
10:00am Coffee Break N/A S240
10:30am Quincke oscillators: Dynamics, synchronization, and assembly of self-oscillating colloids Kyle Bishop S240
11:15am Geometry and Topology of Lipid Bilayers in Reflectin-Protein Based Squid Photonics Alison Sweeney S240
12:00pm Lunch N/A Simons Center Cafe
1:30pm Shear-driven solidification and nonlinear elasticity in epithelial tissues Dapeng Max Bi SCGP 102
2:15pm Breaking embryonic symmetry in an in vitro model of the human embryo Mijo Simunovic SCGP 102
3:00pm Tea Time N/A Simons Center Cafe
3:30pm Cell packings and tissue flows in developing embryos /span> Karen E. Kasza SCGP 102
4:15pm Physics of Living Matter: From Molecule to Embryo Sebastian Streichan SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
8:45am Breakfast N/A Simons Center Cafe
9:15am Fractional defect charges for liquid crystals on cones David Nelson SCGP 102
10:00am Coffee Break N/A Simons Center Cafe
10:30am From water to colloidal water…. a topological nature of the liquid-liquid transition? Francesco Sciortino SCGP 102
11:15am Geometric frustration, self-assembly, mechanics, and pathways to complexity Xiaoming Mao SCGP 102
12:00pm Lunch N/A Simons Center Cafe
1:30pm Understanding and engineering self-limitation in geometrically frustrated assembly Gregory Grason SCGP 102
2:15pm Crescent crease cuts cost of cone Tom Witten SCGP 102
3:00pm Tea Time N/A Simons Center Cafe
3:30pm Synthetic Structural Biology: Exploiting viral assembly principles as an anti-viral strategy Seth Fraden SCGP 102
6:00pm Banquet N/A Simons Center Cafe