Summer Seminar Series: Applications of gauge topology, holography and string models to QCD: June 7- August 2021

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Organizers: Massimo D’Elia, Jeff Greensite, Elias Kiritsis, Zohar Komargodski, Edward Shuryak, Jacob Sonnenschein, Ismail Zahed

A workshop on these topics was supposed to start in June 2020 and then again in June 2021 at the Simons Center of Stony Brook University, but this in-person meeting is now canceled. This will mean a roughly three-year gap since the last meeting concerned with these issues, and, in order to fill that gap, the organizers have decided to run another series of summer seminars via Zoom.

We plan to have ZOOM MEETINGS twice a week, MONDAYS and THURSDAYS:
US West coast 9-10:00; US East coast 12:00-13:00; Western Europe 18:00-19:00 ; Greece/Israel 19:00-20:00;

In order to get zoom meeting parameters and to get weekly mailing on current seminar titles, one needs to register with Simons Center. If you have not received a formal invitation please apply to the event here: Application.

By “gauge topology” we mean phenomena induced by instantons, instanton-dyons, magnetic monopoles, and center vortices. The topic also comprises the physics of sphalerons and their explosions, in the QCD phase transition and the electroweak cosmological phase transition.

Holographic models describe the strong-coupling limit of QCD, and they have been used for description of hadronic spectroscopy and wave functions, finite temperature QCD, as well as near- and out-of equilibrium kinetics. String models of hadrons were originally introduced to describe the spectra and scatterings of hadrons. Inspired by holography, they have been recently improved and their connection to QCD deepened. Perhaps some other problems of nonperturbative QCD will also be discussed. We will try to start with some general reviews of subfields, before proceeding to original works.

Talks will be recorded and hosted on our video portal here:


Date Title Speaker Abstract
6/7 Chiral magnetic effect: from quarks to quantum computers Dmitri Kharzeev Abstract
6/10 A simple description of holographic domain walls in confining theories-extended hydrodynamics  Romuald Janik Abstract
6/14 Confinement in the SU(3) Instanton-dyon Ensemble Dallas DeMartini Abstract
6/17 Electro-production of heavy vector mesons: probing the spin-2 (gravitational) and resummed spin-j (Pomeron) of the proton Kiminad Mamo Abstract
6/21 Stochastic gravity and turbulence Amos Yarom TBD
6/24 Hydrodynamics of spin currents Umut Gursoy Abstract
6/28 The mixed 0-form/1-form anomaly in Hilbert space: pouring the new wine into old bottles Erich Poppitz Abstract
7/1 S-matrix Bootstrap for effective field theories Andrea Guerrieri Abstract
7/5 Thermal monopoles and color confinement in full QCD Massimo D’Elia Abstract
7/8 Many phases of generalized 3D instanton crystals Matti Jarvinen and Jacob Sonnenschein Abstract
7/12 Graded Hilbert spaces and quantum distillation in QFT Mithat Unsal Abstract
7/15 Canceled Canceled Canceled
7/19 Instanton vacuum, chiral symmetry breaking, and the gluonic structure of hadrons Christian Weiss Abstract
7/22 Real-Time Dynamics of Plasma Balls (and Cosmological Bubbles) from Holography David Mateos Abstract
7/26 Quark free energies and electric fluxes Lorenz von Smekal Abstract
7/29 Regge theory in holographic QCD Miguel Costa Abstract
8/2 SU(N) gauge theories in 3+1 dimensions:  glueball spectra, running couplings, $k$-strings, topology. Micheal Teper Abstract
8/5 Holographic theories at finite θ\theta-angle, glueball spectra and instanton condensation Francesco Nitti Abstract
8/9 Stable field excitations around static fermions in gauge Higgs theories Jeff Greensite Abstract
8/12 “Holographic pentaquarks” Yizhuang Liu Abstract
8/16 Instanton effects in hadronic structure Edward Shuryak Abstract