Dynamics of SCFTs and Special Functions: April 18-22, 2022

Attendee ListWorkshop ScheduleView Videos

Organized by:

Shlomo Sergei Razamat (Technion),

Masahito Yamazaki (Kavli IPMU, Tokyo)

Recent years have seen significant progress in understanding the dynamics of supersymmetric quantum field theories in various space-time dimensions. This progress was partly due to the development of various localization techniques leading to exact computations of certain partition functions. Such computations can be expressed in terms of (integrals of) various types of special functions. Often the non-trivial dynamics of the QFTs gives rise to non-trivial properties of these special functions (such as the quantum dilogarithm function and the elliptic gamma function). Conversely, identities of special functions inspire new dualities and ideas in QFTs. The study of the interplay between the dynamics of the physical systems and the mathematical properties of these functions has proven very fruitful in both areas. The workshop intends to bring together physicists and mathematicians working on the subject to discuss these exciting developments and to find new ways of combining the expertise of the two communities to make further discoveries, both in mathematics and physics.

Talk Schedule

Time Title Speaker Location
10:00am Kernel functions, duality walls and mirror symmetries Sara Pasquetti SCGP 102
11:00am Break N/A Simons Center Cafe
11:30am A Lassalle-Nekrasov correspondence between rational and trigonometric deformed Calogero-Moser-Sutherland systems Martin Hallnas SCGP 102
12:30pm Lunch N/A Simons Center Cafe
2:30pm Modularity of supersymmetric partition functions Abhijit Gadde SCGP 102
3:30pm Break N/A Simons Center Cafe
4:00pm M2-branes and plane partitions Tadashi Okazaki SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
10:00am Deformed Ruijsenaars operators and elliptic hypergeometric functions Hjalmar Rosengren SCGP 102
11:00am Unitary matrix models, free fermion ensembles, and the giant graviton expansion Sameer Murthy Zoom
12:00pm Lunch N/A Simons Center Cafe
1:00pm Elliptic Hypergeometric Integrals in Mathematics and Physics Masahito Yamazaki SCGP 102
3:30pm Break N/A Simons Center Cafe
4:00pm Elliptic Ruijsenaars operators and WZW fusion rings Jan Felipe van Diejen Zoom/SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
10:00am Special functions from instanton counting Nikita Nekrasov SCGP 102
11:00am Break N/A Simons Center cafe
11:30am TBD Oleg Chalykh SCGP 102
12:30pm Lunch N/A Simons Center Cafe
1:30pm Exact QFT duals of AdS black holes  Saebyeok Jeong SCGP 102
3:30pm Break N/A Simons Center Cafe
4:00pm Line defects in T[M] and Chern-Simons thimbles Fei Yan SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
10:00am Integrable Systems and Special Functions Vyacheslav Spiridonov Zoom/SCGP 102
11:00am Break N/A Simons Center cafe
11:30am Fermionic forms and BPS quivers Sergei Gukov SCGP 102
12:30pm Lunch N/A Simons Center Cafe
2:30pm Integrable models on lattices and dualities of supersymmetric indices Andrew Kels Zoom/SCGP 102
3:30pm Break N/A Simons Center Cafe
4:00pm Dualities from deconfinement Sergio Benvenuti SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
10:00am The index of M-theory and equivariant volumes Maxim Zabzine SCGP 102
11:00am Break N/A Simons Center cafe
11:30am Compactifying 5d superconformal field theories to 3d Gabi Zafrir SCGP 102
12:30pm Lunch N/A Simons Center Cafe