Low Dimensional Topology: May 20-24 2013

Organized by Peter Ozsvath, Olga Plamenevskaya, and Mohammed Abouzaid

The conference will explore the connections between low-dimensional topology and symplectic geometry.

This workshop is a part of the Spring 2013 program Low Dimensional Topology Organized by Peter Ozsvath






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Low Dimensional Topology Workshop Schedule

Time Title Presenters  Video
 9:30am Cornered Floer homology Robert Lipshitz video
10:45am Naturality in sutured monopole homology John Baldwin video
11:45am Lunch Simons Center Cafe
 1:15pm TBA Tom Mrowka video
 2:30pm Schur-Weyl duality and sutured Khovanov homology Elisenda Grigsby video
 3:30pm Tea Time SCGP 515
 4:15pm Embedded contact homology as a field theory Michael Hutchings video

Time Title Presenters  Video
 9:30am Positive bases for skein algebras Dylan Thurston video
10:45am Embeddings of non-orientable surfaces in M x I Saso Strle video
11:45am Lunch Simons Center Cafe
 1:15pm The augmentation polynomial and topological strings Lenny Ng video
 2:30pm When is a Stein structure merely symplectic? Chris Wendl video
 3:30pm Tea Time SCGP 515
 4:15pm Knots and Mirror Symmetry Mina Aganagic video
 6:00pm Workshop Banquet Simons Center Cafe

Time Title Presenters  Video
 9:30am Naturality of Heegaard Floer homology Andras Juhasz video
10:45am  A link splitting spectral sequence in Khovanov Homology Joshua Batson video
11:45am Lunch Simons Center Cafe
 1:15pm From seen to unseen Lagrangians via algebraic geometry Timothy Perutz video
 3:30pm Tea Time SCGP 515

Time Title Presenters  Video
 9:30am Finite Energy Instantons on $\Sigma \times \mathbb{C}$ Max Lipyanskiy video
10:45am Localization and the link Floer homology of doubly-periodic knots Kristen Hendricks video
11:45am Lunch Simons Center Cafe
 1:15pm A type D structure in Khovanov homology Lawrence Roberts video
 2:30pm Higher dimensional contact manifolds Andras Stipsicz video
 3:30pm Tea Time SCGP 515
 4:15pm Lagrangian Floer homology of the diagonal and Quatum cohomology Kenji Fukaya video


Time Title Presenters  Video
 9:30am Non-simple genus minimizers in lens spaces Josh Greene video
10:45am On homological invariants of torus knots Eugene Gorsky video
11:45am Lunch Simons Center Cafe
 1:15pm Floer homology and the triangulation conjecture Ciprian Manolescu video
 3:30pm Tea Time SCGP 515