Supersymmetric Black Holes, Holography and Microstate Counting: October 31-November 4, 2022

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Organized by:

Cyril Closset (University of Birmingham),

Leopoldo Pando Zayas (Michigan U.),

Luigi Tizzano (Université Libre de Bruxelles),

Chiara Toldo (Harvard University),

Alberto Zaffaroni (Milano Bicocca U.)

These activities will be dedicated to the study of supersymmetric black holes in holography from both sides of the AdS/CFT correspondence. Holography provides a powerful framework which allows us to tackle fundamental questions in quantum gravity, such as the statistical interpretation of black-hole entropy, by means of field-theoretic methods. The interplay between AdS/CFT and recent developments in supersymmetric localization is bringing us closer to a satisfactory answer to a key question: How does the dual CFT capture the finite entropy of supersymmetric AdS black holes? While there has been impressive recent progress, many important puzzles still remain.

This question is closely related to exciting technical advances both in supergravity and in the study of supersymmetric QFT by exact non-perturbative methods. This program will bring together researchers at the forefront of all of these developments, in order to discuss
the progress achieved so far, and in the hope of bringing about a needed synthesis between the current competing approaches.

The contributed talks will revolve around three main themes:
(1) Characterization of supersymmetric black holes in Anti-de-Sitter spacetime;
(2) Microstates, indices and supersymmetric partition functions;
(3) Half-BPS partition functions on Euclidean manifolds and their applications.

Talk Schedule

Time Title Speaker Location
9:00am Breakfast N/A SCGP Cafe
9:30am A story of 1 charge and 2 rotations at 4 derivatives in 5 dimensions
Davide Cassani
SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A SCGP Cafe
11:00am The joy of factorization at large N
Seyed Morteza Hosseini
12:00pm Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
2:30pm Branes wrapped on orbifolds and their gravitational blocks
Dario Martelli
SCGP 102
3:30pm Tea Time N/A SCGP Cafe
4:00pm Partition functions of 5d supersymmetric gauge theories on 5-manifolds
Heeyeon Kim
SCGP 102
Time Title Speaker Location
9:00am Breakfast N/A SCGP Cafe
9:30am Factorization and global symmetries in holography
Francesco Benini
SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A SCGP Cafe
11:00am Three views on the black hole microstates Seok Kim SCGP 102
12:00pm Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
1:15pm Quantum black holes: a macroscopic window into quantum gravity
Sameer Murthy (Colloquium)
SCGP 102
2:15pm Break N/A SCGP Cafe
2:30pm Microstate counting in (2,2) AdS_3/CFT_2
Arash Ardehali
SCGP 102
3:30pm Tea Time N/A SCGP Cafe
Time Title Speaker Location
9:00am Breakfast N/A SCGP Cafe
9:30am The Attractor Mechanism in Gauged Supergravity Finn Larsen SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A SCGP Cafe
11:00am Revisiting the Logarithmic Corrections to the Black Hole Entropy
Gustavo Turiaci
SCGP 102
12:00pm Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
2:30pm Black hole microstate counting from the gravitational path integral Luca Iliesiu SCGP 102
3:30pm Tea Time N/A SCGP Cafe
4:00pm Near-AdS_2 Spectroscopy: non-universal dynamics of black holes in 4D N=2 SUGRA Evita Verheijden SCGP 102
Time Title Speaker Location
9:00am Breakfast N/A SCGP Cafe
9:30am Complex saddles and black holes in AdS_4
Pietro Benetti Genolini
SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A SCGP Cafe
11:00am Large N observables, holography, and black holes Valentin Reys SCGP 102
12:00pm Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
2:30pm Exact stringy microstates from gauge theories
Ji Hoon Lee
SCGP 102
3:30pm Tea Time N/A SCGP Cafe
4:00pm Partition functions from localization methods
Alejandro Cabo Bizet
Time Title Speaker Location
9:00am Breakfast N/A SCGP Cafe
9:30am Analytic continuation for giant gravitons Yosuke Imamura SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A SCGP Cafe
11:00am Holographic thermal correlators from supersymmetric instantons Alba Grassi SCGP 102/Zoom
12:00pm Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe