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Rodrigo Barbosa (SCGP)
Simon Donaldson (SCGP)
Michael R. Douglas (CMSA and SCGP)
Burt Ovrut (U Penn)
The workshop “Computational Differential Geometry and its Applications in Physics” grows out of recent work using machine learning techniques to solve geometric PDEs such as those determining Ricci-flat Kähler metrics in four and higher dimensions.
The mathematical focus will be on computational methods for Riemannian geometry: methods to represent and compare metrics, to find structures such as geodesics or minimal cycles, and to obtain explicit Einstein metrics, metrics of G2 and special holonomy and complex structures. The physics focus will be on using these explicit expressions for metrics, gauge connections, moduli potentials and so on to solve for physically relevant quantities in supergravity and string theory compactifications, such as Yukawa couplings and matter Kähler potentials in realistic superstring vacua. We also hope to stimulate discussion on the foundations of such work and the use of verified numerical results in rigorous proof.
Talk Schedule
Time | Title | Speaker | Location |
8:30am | Breakfast | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
9:30am | Review of some numerical approaches to Kahler-Einstein metrics and other special metrics on complex projective varieties | Simon Donaldson | SCGP 102/ZOOM |
10:30am | Coffee Break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
11:00am | Calabi-Yau metrics with neural networks | Sven Krippendorf | SCGP 102 |
12:00pm | Lunch | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
1:15pm | Relations between numerical geometry and machine learning | Michael Douglas | SCGP 102 |
2:15pm | Break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
2:30pm | Non-commutative optimization – geodesic 1st and 2nd order methods for moment maps and polytopes | Rafael Oliveira | SCGP 102 |
3:30pm | Tea Time | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
4:00pm | Computational Riemannian geometry applied to the physics of the AdS-CFT correspondence | Toby Wiseman | SCGP 102 |
Time | Title | Speaker | Location |
8:30am | Breakfast | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
9:30am | Ricci Flow and Neural Network Gradient Descent | James Halverson | SCGP 102 |
10:30am | Coffee Break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
11:00am | New upper bounds on the spectral gap of hyperbolic manifolds | Dalimil Mazac | SCGP 102 |
12:00pm | Lunch | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
1:15pm | Distances Conjectures and Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter | Dieter Luest | SCGP 102 |
2:15pm | Break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
2:30pm | An application of numerical techniques to rigorous proof in special holonomy | Daniel Platt | SCGP 102 |
3:30pm | Tea Time | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
4:00pm | Numerical solution of systolic minimal-area problems | Matthew Headrick | SCGP 102 |
6:00pmBanquet DinnerN/ASCGP Cafe
Time | Title | Speaker | Location |
8:30am | Breakfast | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
9:30am | A working differential geometer’s experiences with computational differential geometry | Mark Haskins | SCGP 102 |
10:30am | Coffee Break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
11:00am | The geometry of molecular surfaces | Tommy Murphy | SCGP 102 |
12:00pm | Lunch | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
1:15pm | Yukawa Couplings from String Theory | Andre Lukas | SCGP 102 |
2:15pm | Break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
2:30pm | Numerical metrics for Calabi-Yau and other reduced holonomy manifolds | Fabian Ruehle | SCGP 102 |
3:30pm | Tea Time | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
4:00pm | Critical Volumes of Toric Sasaki-Einstein Manifolds and Neural Networks Explainability | Maksymilian Manko | SCGP 102 |
Time | Title | Speaker | Location |
8:30am | Breakfast | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
9:30am | Weil-Petersson curves, knot energies, traveling salesman theorems, and minimal surfaces | Christopher Bishop | SCGP 102 |
10:30am | Coffee Break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
11:00am | Self-similar blow up profiles for fluids via physics-informed neural networks | Javier Gomez Serrano | SCGP 102 |
12:00pm | Lunch | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
1:15pm | Line bundle cohomology formulae on complex projective varieties | Andrei Constantin | SCGP102/ZOOM |
2:15pm | Break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
2:30pm | Realistic Heterotic M-Theory Vacua and Stabilizing Kahler Moduli | Burt Ovrut | SCGP 102 |
3:30pm | Insights into classical and quantum gravity from Regge Calculus | Warner Miller | SCGP 102 |
Time | Title | Speaker | Location |
8:30am | Breakfast | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
9:30am | Generalising G2 geometry: involutivity and moment maps | Daniel Waldram | SCGP 102 |
10:30am | Coffee Break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
11:00am | Machine-Learning Mathematical Structures | Yang-Hui He | SCGP 102/ZOOM |
12:00pm | Lunch | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
3:30pm | Tea Time | N/A | SCGP Cafe |