SCGP Seeks Research Assistant Professors (Postdocs) for Fall 2014

Stony Brook University, home to many highly ranked graduate research programs, is located 60 miles from New York City on Long Island’s scenic North Shore. Our 1,100-acre campus is home to 24,000 undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students and more than 13,500 faculty and staff. The University is a member of the prestigious Association of American Universities and co-manager of nearby Brookhaven National Laboratory, a multidisciplinary research laboratory supporting world class scientific programs utilizing state-of-the-art facilities. Stony Brook University Medical Center is Suffolk County’s only academic medical center and tertiary care provider. Many opportunities exist for collaborative research, and in some cases, joint appointments with BNL or with Medical School departments.

Stony Brook University’s Simons Center for Geometry and Physics is an endowed research think-tank devoted to furthering fundamental knowledge in geometry and theoretical physics, especially knowledge at the interface of these two disciplines.

The SCGP has openings for several Research Assistant Professors (Postdocs) in the coming academic year in both mathematics and physics. The position is for a fixed term of three years with an expected start date of September 1, 2014.

The full position posting for MATHEMATICS candidates can be viewed on position RAP #5269.

The full position posting for THEORETICAL PHYSICS candidates can be viewed on position RAP #3404

Candidates are required to have:
i. A Ph.D. in Mathematics (Geometry, broadly construed) or Theoretical Physics.
ii. A proven research record.

Preference will be given to candidates earning a Ph.D. within the last three years.

To apply, applicants should complete the application process online at (Physics) or (Mathematics).

The deadlines for candidates are as follows:
Physics – preference will be given to candidates who apply before November 30, 2013 however the positions will remain open until filled.
Mathematics – preference will be given to candidates who apply before December 31, 2013 however the positions will remain open until filled.

The application process consists of: 1) standard cover sheet, 2) cover letter, 3) curriculum vita
4) publication list, 5) research statement, and 6) three reference letters. Electronic references are
preferred, but the SCGP will accept letters via postal mail.

The SCGP and Stony Brook University are Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employers. Women, people of color, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are especially encouraged to apply.