Quiver Varieties: October 14 – 18, 2013

Organized by Alexander Kirillov, Jr., Ljudmila Kamenova, Hiraku Nakajima, and Olivier Schiffmann.

Dates: October 14 – 18, 2013

Attendee ListDownload Talk ScheduleView Videos
Quivers and quiver varieties, introduced and studied in a series of papers of Nakajima, Lusztig, Ringel, and others in 1990s, have since appeared in many areas of mathematics and mathematical physics, including gauge theory, string theory, noncommutative geometry, geometric representation theory, and geometry. They were instrumental in the geometric constructions of Lie algebras, their representations, and categorification.

This workshop will be focused on the recent developments in the theory of quiver varieties, both in mathematics and in  relation to physics such as BPS/CFT correspondence.

This workshop is a part of the Fall 2013 program, Quiver Varieties, which is organized by  Ljudmila Kamenova, Alexander Kirillov, Nikita Nekrasov, and Olivier Schiffmann. This program takes place from September 30 – November 8, 2013.











*All workshop talks will be held in the Simons Center Lecture Hall (Room 102)
*Algebraic Geometry Seminar on Wednesday will be in the Math Tower P-131
*More information on the Della Pietra Lecture Series by Dr. Stephen Quake: https://scgp.stonybrook.edu/archives/8499

Quiver Varieties Workshop Schedule

Time Title Presenters  Video
 8:00am Registration/Breakfast begins (8:00am-9:00am) SCGP Lobby and Cafe
 9:00am Counting finite dimensional irreducible representations of quantized quiver varieties Ivan Loseu video
10:00am Coffee Break SCGP Cafe
10:30am Semi-derived Hall algebras Mikhail Gorsky video
11:30am Short Break
11:45am Some examples of wall-crossing in representation theory Roman Bezrukavnikov video
12:45pm Lunch SCGP Cafe
 2:15pm Loop Grassmannians and quivers Ivan Mirkovic video
 3:30pm Tea Time SCGP 515
 4:00pm On the number of points of Lusztig nilpotent varieties over finite fields Olivier Schiffmann video

Time Title Presenters  Video
 8:00am Breakfast begins SCGP Cafe
 9:00am Homological knot invariants and quiver varieties Sabin Cautis video
10:00am Coffee Break SCGP Cafe
10:30am Whittaker vector of deformed Virasoro algebra Shintarou Yanagida video
11:30am Short Break
11:45am Instantons in N=2 quiver gauge theories and quantum groups Vasily Pestun video
12:45pm Lunch SCGP Cafe
 2:15pm Algebra of the infrared: string field theoretic structures in massive N=(2,2) quantum field theory in two dimensions Greg Moore video
 3:30pm Tea Time SCGP 515
 4:00pm From Yangians to quantum loop algebras via abelian difference equations Valerio Toledano Laredo video
 6:00pm Workshop Banquet SCGP Cafe

Time Title Presenters  Video
 8:00am Breakfast begins SCGP Cafe
 9:00am Compact moduli spaces for slope-semistable sheaves on higher-dimensional projective manifolds Daniel Greb video
10:00am Coffee Break SCGP Cafe
10:30am Symplectic eightfolds from cubic fourfolds Christian Lehn video
11:30am Short Break
11:45am Isotrivial and non-isotrivial Lagrangian fibrations, and their dual fibrations Justin Sawon video
12:45pm Lunch SCGP Cafe
 2:15pm Braid group actions and Khovanov homology from Hilbert schemes Tony Licata video
 3:30pm Tea Time SCGP 515
 4:00pm Algebraic Geometry Seminar (Math Tower P-131): Humbert surfaces and Heegner divisors Igor Dolgachev

Time Title Presenters  Video
 8:00am Breakfast begins SCGP Cafe
 9:00am Category O for a quiver variety Ben Webster video
10:00am Coffee Break SCGP Cafe
10:30am Categorical g-actions using coherent sheaves on quiver varieties and their quantizations. Joel Kamnitzer video
11:30am Short Break
11:45am Cyclotomic Cherednik algebras and categorification Eric Vasserot video
12:45pm Lunch SCGP Cafe
 2:15pm Categorification at prime roots of unity Mikhail Khovanov video
 3:30pm Tea Time SCGP 515
 4:00pm Instantons moduli spaces and W-algebras Hiraku Nakajima video
 5:30pm Optional Della Pietra Lecture: Precision Measurement in Biology (SCGP 103) Dr. Stephen Quake video

Time Title Presenters  Video
 9:00am Breakfast begins SCGP Cafe
10:00am Technical Della Pietra Lecture: TBA (SCGP 102) Dr. Stephen Quake video
11:30am A microlocal approach to Lusztig’s symmetries Michael Finkelberg video
12:30pm Lunch SCGP Cafe
 2:00pm Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture via quasi-maps and Uhlenbeck spaces Alexander Braverman video
 3:30pm Tea Time SCGP 515
 4:00pm Deligne-Simpson Problem, Quivers and Galois action on rigid DAHA-modules in rank one Ivan Cherednik video