Building Inauguration Conference

Simons Center for Geometry and Physics

Building Inauguration Conference

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Attendee ListView Videos

9:00 am    Sir Michael Atiyah, University of Edinburgh

From Algebraic Geometry to Physics – a Personal Perspective [video]

10:00 am  Coffee Break, Atrium, 1st Floor

10:45 am  Alexander Polyakov, Princeton University [video]

11:45 am  Lunch

2:00 pm   Andrei Okounkov, Princeton University and Columbia University

Geometry and Physics of Symplectic Resolutions [video]

3:00 pm   Break

3:15 pm   Edward Witten, Institute for Advanced Study

A New Look At Khovanov Homology [video]

4:15 pm   Afternoon Tea, Common Room, 5th Floor

5:00 pm   Cumrun Vafa, Harvad University

Wall Crossing Old and New [video]

**Seating is limited; please send an email to to reserve your space.**