Special Closing Talk for Controlled Evidence Exhibit – VIDEO NOW AVAILABLE

Simons Center Auditorium, February 19th at 5:30PM 5:30 PM – Reception 6:00 PM – Introduction, by Melissa F. Clarke 6:05 PM – First Presentation, by Melissa F. Clarke and Genevieve Hoffman 6:30 PM – Second Presentation, by Frank O. Nitsche 6:50 PM – Third Presentation, Adam Harvey 7:10 PM – Fourth Presentation, Shimpei Takeda Materializing Information … Read more

Valentine’s Day Lunch at the SCGP Cafe! – 2013

    Join us at the SCGP Café for an extra special lunch, bring your coworker, colleague, a loved one, or come and meet a friend and share our “anything cuisine”:  the magic that happens when you combine fresh, high quality ingredients, prepared with skill and served with LOVE!   Extended Lunch Hours:  11:30 – … Read more

NOWHERE DIFFERENTIABLE: February 12-28, 2013

February 12, 2013 – 6 pm pre-lecture reception in gallery 5:30 pm Lecture by Ethno-Mathematician and Author of African Fractals Ron Eglash, Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute February 20, 2013 – 6 pm pre-lecture reception in gallery 5:30 pm Artist-in-Residence: Saya Woolfalk will give a talk about her work and residency. She will be working on campus  … Read more

Umbilic Torus Dedication and Presentation Videos Now Available

  Please join us for the dedication of UMBILIC TORUS BY HELAMAN FERGUSON Thursday October 25, 2012 6 pm Math/Physics Plaza Stony Brook University A reception and lecture by Helaman and Claire Ferguson will follow in the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics   The “Umbilic Torus SC” as it will be for the next … Read more

Controlled Evidence Exhibition

The exhibition runs from November 5th – December 21st and can usually be viewed Monday-Friday, 10 am – 5 pm. Please call ahead to check gallery hours. 631-632-2800

Della Pietra Lecture Series Presents Dr. Robert Kirshner, October 2-3 2012

Dr. Robert Kirshner, Photo credit: Lynn Barry Hetherington Lecture 1 ‘A Nobel Surprise: The Accelerating Universe’ (This lecture is geared for high school and undergraduate students) Title: “A Nobel Surprise: The Accelerating Universe” by Dr. Robert Kirshner Time: Tuesday October 2nd at 11:00 am Place: Simons Center for Geometry and Physics room 103 [box, type=”download”]Watch … Read more

Michael Assis Video – The Complexity of Origami

Michael Assis is a research Assistant in the department of Physics at Stony Brook university pursuing a Phd in physics under Professor Barry McCoy; he earned a bachelors degree in both physics and mathematics from Taylor university and spent a year performing atmospheric physics research at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland studying noctilucent … Read more

Erik Demaine Video – Folding Paper: Visual Art Meets Mathematics

Origami and Paper Folding Bridging Perspectives of Visual Arts and Sciences Dr. Erik Demaine is a Professor of Computer Science at MIT and was the youngest professor in the history of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology when he joined their faculty in 2001 at the age of 20. In 2003 he was awarded a MacArthur Fellowship as a “computational … Read more