Flat Holography: April 4 – 8, 2016

Organized by Arjun Bagchi, Glenn Barnich, Stephane Detournay, Daniel Grumiller, and Joan Simon

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Dates: April 4 – 8, 2016

Over the last fifteen years our understanding of quantum gravity in string theory has been transformed by the discovery and exploitation of D-branes and the AdS/CFT correspondence in string theory. The holographic principle, positing massive reduction of the degrees of freedom in quantum gravity, has been understood in spacetimes with a negative cosmological constant via a duality between gravity and gauge theory. This program of research has been so successful that it is now being used as a tool to shed light on otherwise intractable problems involving strongly coupled systems in other fields of physics.

Yet the understanding of how general holography works remains a fundamental open problem. The goal in our workshop is to discuss the different ideas and hints pointing to a precise mathematical formulation of holography in flat spacetimes, as well as applications thereof.

The Workshop application is now closed. Applicants will be notified shortly of their status.

Talk Schedule

Time Title Speaker Location
 9:30 am Applied Newton-Cartan geometry Eric Bergshoeff SCGP 102
 10:30 am Coffee Break N/A SCGP Lobby
 11:00 am TBA Ricardo Troncoso SCGP 102
 12:00 pm Lunch N/A SCGP Café
 2:30 pm Area, Entanglement Entropy and Supertranslations at Null Infinity Andy Strominger SCGP 102
 3:30 pm Tea Time N/A SCGP Lobby
 4:00 pm Holographic Space-time and Gravitational Scattering in Minkowski Space Tom Banks SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
 9:30 am Higher Spin Black Holes Alejandra Castro SCGP 102
 10:30 am Coffee Break N/A SCGP Lobby
 11:00 am Asymptotically flat spaces in D spacetime dimensions:
a review of the Hamiltonian approach
Marc Henneaux SCGP 102
 12:00 pm Lunch N/A SCGP Café
 1:45 pm Flat Holography from Large-R AdS/CFT? Steve Giddings SCGP 102
 2:45 pm The S-matrix Bootstrap and the Leading Regge Trajectory Alexander Zhiboedov SCGP 102
 3:45 pm Tea Time N/A SCGP Lobby
 4:15 pm The Black Hole Information Paradox, Revisited Andy Strominger SCGP 103

Time Title Speaker Location
 9:30 am Entropy, back-reaction and bulk reconstruction Herman Verlinde SCGP 102
10:30 am Coffee Break N/A SCGP Lobby
 11:00 am Geometry and Quantum Information: New Conjectures and Theorems Raphael Bousso SCGP 102
 12:00 pm Lunch N/A SCGP Café
 2:15 pm Entanglement Holography Jan De Boer SCGP 102
 3:15 pm Tea Time N/A SCGP Lobby
 3:45 pm Landau Singularities and Cluster Structure in Scattering Amplitudes Anastasia Volovich SCGP 102
 5:00 pm Workshop Reception N/A SCGP Lobby

Time Title Speaker Location
 9:30 am Perturbative Amplitudes at Null Infinity David Skinner SCGP 102
10:30 am Coffee Break N/A SCGP Lobby
 11:00 am Properties of asymptotic BMS charges Eanna Flanagan SCGP 102
 12:00 pm Lunch N/A SCGP Café
 2:30 pm Non-relativistic geometry in non-AdS holographic dualities Niels Obers SCGP 102
 3:30 pm Tea Time N/A SCGP Lobby

Time Title Speaker Location
 9:30 am Black Hole Collapse in the 1/c Expansion Thomas Hartman SCGP 102
10:30 am Coffee Break N/A SCGP Lobby
 11:00 am Effective field theory for dissipative fluids Hong Liu SCGP 102
 12:00 pm Lunch N/A SCGP Café
 2:00 pm BMS invariance and the membrane paradigm Robert Penna SCGP 102
 3:30 pm Tea Time N/A SCGP Lobby

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