New perspectives on Higgs bundles, branes and quantization: June 13 – 17, 2016

Organized by: Lara B. Anderson, David Baraglia, Laura P. Schaposnik, and Vivek Shende

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Dates: June 13 – 17, 2016

The aim of this workshop is to connect recent developments and open questions in the study of branes in the moduli space of Higgs bundles with other areas of mathematics and theoretical physics: differential and algebraic geometry, compact and non compact Calabi-Yau integrable systems, curve and brane quantization, and string vacuum spaces. In particular, one of the goals of the workshop is to bring to wider attention some of the problems in other parts of mathematics and physics that have arisen recently and which can be tackled from the perspective of Higgs bundles and spectral data.

Talk Schedule

Time Title Speaker Location
 9:00am Geometric Quantisation of Higgs Moduli Spaces Jorgen Ellegaard Andersen SCGP 102
 10:00am  Coffee N/A SCGP Cafe
 10:30am  Finite group actions on moduli spaces of vector bundles Florent Schaffhauser SCGP 102
 11:30am Short Break N/A SCGP 102
 11:45am Minimal Surface for Hitchin Representations Qiongling Li SCGP 102
 12:45pm  Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
 2:15pm Equivariant Minimal Surfaces in the Complex Hyperbolic Plane and Their Higgs Bundles John Loftin SCGP 102
 3:30pm  Tea Time N/A SCGP Lobby
 4:00pm Hyperpolygons and Parabolic Higgs Bundles Alessia Mandini SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
 9:00am Pushforwards of Parabolic Higgs bundles Tony Pantev SCGP 102
 10:100am  Coffee N/A SCGP Cafe
 10:30am A circle action on wild Hitchin moduli spaces Laura Fredrickson SCGP 102
 11:30am  Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
 1:00pm Higgs bundles, flat connections, and higher Teichmueller theory Richard Wentworth SCGP 102
 2:15pm New BPS state counts in Hitchin systems Andy Neitzke SCGP 102
 3:30pm  Tea Time N/A SCGP Lobby
 4:00pm Moduli spaces and Categorification of WRT Invariants of 3-manifolds Sergei Gukov SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
9:00am Higgs Bundles, Real Forms and Mirror Symmetry Lucas Branco SCGP 102
 10:00am  Coffee N/A SCGP Cafe
 10:30am Higgs Spectral Data for Isogenous Lie Groups, and Fiber Products. Steven Bradlow SCGP 102
 11:30am Short Break N/A SCGP 102
 11:45am Character Varieties and the Hodge Monodromy Representation Marina Logares SCGP 102
 12:45pm  Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
 2:15pm Real G-bundles on a Curve Jacques Hurtubise SCGP 102
 3:30pm  Tea Time N/A SCGP Lobby
 4:00pm Spectral representation of irregular parabolic Higgs bundles on curves Szilard Szabo SCGP 102

9:00am Deligne Pairings and Flat Connections Richard Wentworth SCGP 102
 10:00am  Coffee N/A SCGP Cafe
 10:30am Deformation Theory for Higher Genus CMC Surfaces Sebastian Heller SCGP 102
 11:30am Short Break N/A SCGP 102
 11:45am Recent Results on the Betti Moduli Space Sean Lawton SCGP 102
 12:45pm  Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
 2:15pm The Yang-Mills-Higgs Flow in the Neighbourhood of a Critical Point Graeme Wilkin SCGP 102
 3:30pm  Tea Time N/A SCGP Lobby
 4:00pm On the Voevodsky Motive of Moduli Spaces of Vector Bundles and Higgs Bundles Vicky Hoskins SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
 9:00am Higgs bundles and Donaldson-Thomas invariants Duiliu Emanuel Diaconescu SCGP Lobby
10:00am  Coffee N/A SCGP Cafe
10:30am Mapping Class Group Actions on Character Varieties Sara Maloni SCGP 102
11:30am Short Break TBA SCGP 102
11:45am Algebraic Geometry of Gaiotto Correspondence and Quantization of Higgs Bundles Motohico Mulase SCGP 102
12:45pm  Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
 3:30pm  Tea Time N/A SCGP Lobby
